What Would You Do And Why

If you woke up as a dog in my bedroom what would you do and why?

i would urge you to pet my private parts and drool a lot

What would you do/appropriate answer for interview? And why?

After having worked in a senior position in the legal sector, I have conducted a few interviews myself when looking for new potential employees. Therefore, I hope i can be of some help, as I have a bit of inside experience.

When answering this question, you need to bear in mind that the employer is most likely looking for someone who helps his colleagues and takes appropriate action. Because of this, there is a slight dilemma between two of the options.

Firstly, let's rule two of them out. Option one and option four are the worst things you want to do. The company is looking for someone who can help the company, and potentially increase profits and/or help expansion of the franchise/company. Therefore, if you answered this question with 'I would join in the jokes', you are claiming that you would insult customers, which could potentially maim business - it could result in a loss of punters, should one of them hear or find out. Meanwhile, option four could prove to the employer that you are unable to take action, because you are either lazy or afraid. So don't do option one or four.

Option 2 is possibly the answer you want to go for, because it shows that you are prepared to take matters into your own hands. It is also a sign that you are capable of evaluating the situation - telling the supervisor about the offensive behaviour may seem a bit of an overreaction. However, telling your supervisor could show that you are not afraid to do what it takes.

In evaluation, Option 2 seems your best answer. It shows that you can take authority into your own hands, and seems the most appropriate response to the problem.

It's a harsh world, job seeking, so I wish the best luck.

Is ABC New's show "What Would You Do?" real or fake?

I am addicted to this show and watch it on YouTube, but when I read this, I wasn't sure if some of the people who responded were actually actors or not:

What do you think?