Whats Going On With Bamboozle

What would be a good sentence using the word bamboozle?

Don't try to bamboozle me, I know what I want!

you can easily bamboozle someone into parting with their money.

What is the etymology of " bamboozle"?

From earliest meaning of bamboozle was “to deceive by trickery, hoodwink,” which is why some believe that it arose among the criminals of the underworld. One colorful, but unlikely, theory has it that bamboozle comes from bombazine, a kind of fabric that, dyed black, used to be worn for mourning. One has to imagine black-bombazine-wearing widows in the mid- to late 17th century bilking young gentlemen out of their purses.By 1712, it had acquired the sense “to perplex; mystify.” It is not known for certain, but this sense might have emerged under the influence of the Scottish word bumbaze (or bombaze), meaning “to confuse,” similar in both sound and meaning. Given the befuddling qualities of alcohol, it's not too surprising to find that, in the 1800's, bamboozle showed up on college campuses as a slang term for “drunk.”  Far from slinking into obscurity, bamboozle today has left its lowly roots behind and found a secure place in the lexicon of standard English. Its very longevity stands as a reminder that you can't predict or enforce the fate of a word.

How do you bamboozle someone? Why?

So, I guess that by “bamboozle", you mean to manipulate someone.In that case, read the '48 Laws of Power' by Robert Greene and look up Machiavelli, you'll find lots of information.However, BE WARNED, if you manipulate someone, they Will hate you with a PASSION.I know from personal experience. There was one time my tutor tried to do this to me, she asked if I would like to stay after class to do a “Тотальный диктант”, which basically means, she calls out words in Russian, starting simple, and progressively getting harder, and I have to write them down to test my spelling.I asked her, what is a “Тотальный диктант” to which she said its just a 'диктант'( at the time I had no idea what it was), then, without my permission, she proceeds by calling my mother and telling her “Nikita will stay after school, to do a Тотальный диктант”Mother: did you ask him? Did he give permission?Tutor: Yes! Of course!Me: * insert- WTF faceMother: Are you sure that it's my boy you're talking about?Tutor: …Mother: Im sorry, but we had plans for today, he can't stay.Me: * insert- relieved faceI never set foot into that school again, this “Тотальный диктант” was infact so trivial, that if she explained and ASKED for my permission to stay after class, I probably would.But since she just HAD to be a manipulative c***, she has one less student.I hope this helped.Peace.

What are some interesting facts about the Bamboozle episode of Friends?

This is an interesting one. Joey asks Ross and Chandler to fake introduce them for his probable TV show Bamboozled. While Ross goes with his usual introduction of being a paleontologist, Chandler introduces himself as a headhunter who works with Soviet scientists. His exact lines being:"I am a head-hunter. I hook up out of work Soviet scientists with Rogue Third World nations. Hi Rasputin!" *waves*Now interesting part is in the way he waves to Rasputin. See yourself.Chandler waving to RasputinOriginal image of Rasputin found on the internet.See the detail? Got one more reason to love F. R. I. E. N. D. S. :)

What does the word "bamboozle" mean?

Yes, yes it does. It can mean any of the alternatives you listed.

How many people went to Bamboozle, in NJ?

I'm not sure what attendance was this year. Past years have been around 75-80,000.However they cut 15,000 tickets this year due to construction at the meadowlands so figure around 60-65,000 people. (that number isn't confirmed I'm just guessing based on past attendance)

What is the best way to bamboozle someone?

cheater -.-'

Use bamboozle in a sentence?

I will not bamboozle Yahoo! users into doing my homework. (x50)

Would you watch the real Bamboozled game like that in Friends?

Bamboozled game !!!The name itself is funny, how did the writers come up with such name ? ;)Thanks for A2A Satinder Singh. I will definitely watch the game. I know the game is not like the usual reality game shows but it has some unique rules.It sounds fun :PThe level of excitement it evokes among the contestants is a bonus point for me.Also, it has a round of general knowledge questions, it would not hurt to get your GK revisited.I just have one concern it should have all FRIENDS cast in the real Bamboozled game, it will be a treat to watch how they react to various situations ;)#OnceAFan #AlwaysAFan #Bamboozled

What does the word “bamboozled” mean?

The other responders have accurately defined “bamboozled” for you, Jessa Michaelis, but the really interesting thing about this word is not its meaning — fooled or conned — but where it comes from.The word was probably an extension of bam, a 17th-century slang word for deceiving someone. In 1710, the satirist Jonathan Swift condemned bamboozle in a letter published in No. 230 of The Tatler. He despised the “pretty fellows” who came up with these flashy new words, but Francis Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue listed bamboozle in 1811, and wanted to eliminate it along with many other words connected to the jargon or “cant” of the criminal underworld.Thieve’s cant is a “cryptolect” — it is designed to conceal meaning from general society as well as conveying it to the initiated. And bamboozle was used by the same kind of people that used cant as they went around their hidden lives. Bamboozle is not just a word, Jessa Michaelis. It’s a picture of how our language developed.