Whats That Movie About The Teacher With Cancer

What's the title of this movie?

I watched this movie a while back and I LOVED it, but the thing is, I can't remember the name.
What I can remember their was a new teacher at a school who had a weird way of teaching and all the kids loved him, but one of the teachers didn't, and he tried following him one time and he found out that the teacher has lung cancer, or something. In the end, the teacher dies, but it was a really good movie. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Oh and their was something about moon pies. xD
This one kid always wanted the teacher with cancer to heat up his moon pie. :P



I really don't know, but check out his movies to see if one of them rings a bell.

edit - It actually sounds like School of Life, but Robin Williams isn't in that. Check it out just in case.
I also found this quote from this movie on imdb:
Michael D'Angelo: How much time do we have?
Dylan Warner: Not a lot.

Change one letter in the name of a movie or TV show. What's the premise of the new TV show or movie?

DOCTOR WHY? A medical advice programmeSTIR TREK chefs seek out the best places for a great STIR fry.THE GINS OF NAVERONE how the best gins in the Mediterranean are madeSILENCE OF THE LAMPS what happens in New York in a power cutSUETS a cooking showTAY STORY the life of the River TAY in Scotland

I just found out that my favorite teacher has cancer what do i do?

Cancer is not a death sentence. Your teacher has a challenge ahead, but do not assume it's fatal. I've been both a teacher and a cancer patient so I think I have some insight here. Writing your teacher a note is the best thing you can do for him/her and you right now. Tell your teacher one nice thing you remember that he/she did for you. Talk about how much that meant to you. Then say something like, "I know your are strong enough to make it through this."

Why is the movie *a walk to remember* sad?

my teacher put it on at school but we didnt get to finish it we only got up to when they put a picture of the girl with her face and a naked body on a paper then she runs outside but the boy comes in then they start a fight, if you dont get what i just said then dont say anything about it but still

why is it sad ?? i searched it on the internet and it said its one of the saddest movies?? why

Why do some enlightened masters still get diseases or cancer?

You have this question.. because you have an idea of perfection. Perfect mind, perfect body, perfect consciousness. Something that lasts forever, undying, permanent.You also have an idea of separation... this and that... my body, inside body... outside of the body... a clear separation within and out. Me here and the master there. Master... enlightened and me... not.A good soup has many ingredients. Drink by the bowl.


i watched it the other day and i cant remember the title and it is seriously bothering me!!
It's about this science teacher and the kids don't really like him because he is boring. the teacher is the protagonists father. the kid goes to the school with his dad which i think is a bad idea. Then this new teacher comes and i think his name is Mr. D He is really cool. He is the new history teacher. He has a leather chair that swivels. I remember he would "nuke your moon pie" and was really cool as i said before. I remember the art teacher has a crush on Mr. D. Everybody loves Mr. D except for the science teacher (the one i mentioned before) Oh yeah, Mr. D would ask "how much time do we have?" and the kids would answer "not enough!" I get why he asked that now. He had cancer. The science teacher wanted to be cool like Mr. D. He brought in a lung and showed it to the class. then when Mr. D asked for chalk he saw the lung and got scared. So the science teacher wanted to find out Mr. D's secret and followed him for the whole day. The science teacher finds out that he has leukemia. Then the science teacher follows Mr. D home and some gang writes "b*tch boy" on his car. in the end i remember a basket ball game and the team was a bunch of losers. Mr D comes in through the back door and takes his picture with the team.

So here are my questions:
what was the movie called? and
did Mr. D die because i never got that.

thank you so much!!

What would a teacher think orchid student?

Like there was this kid who had a terrible life . Life is whole family died at 7 years old . He has cancer 4 times .hes had two abusive care takers . He has 4 jobs . Been kicked out of 3 orpanigizes for his disability (ADHD ,Dsylexic, Amnesia ). He is 16 and now on a professinail soccer team and comiendian and singer and jungles school at the same time he went to the army 4 one year .and is a valenter fireman