Whats Wrong With My Ear

Is it wrong if i have poop in my ear?

Well, you know, I don't think it's normal to have dog poop in your ear, so I GUESS it's 'wrong'. I can't stop laughing... Sorry... Try getting it out with your nail or something... Or cotton buds.


Whats wrong with my rats ear?

your rat definitely has an infection that is draining into the ear canal. Does it smell bad?
The thing you have to realize is that if you have an infection that near the brain and you haven't been treating it is only going to get worse and possibly spread. It could also be a tumor in the ear passage that has ruptured and you are getting old blood draining.
The RatGuide has several articles on ear problems, you will see them in the left column to click on.

That rat needs to go to a vet, pronto. First thing in the morning, be at their door.

Whats wrong with my ear!? =[ scared help plzzz?

And that is EXACTLY why you shouldn't use q-tips. You scratched your ear canal by rubbing too hard on the very thin skin in the canal. And honestly, q-tips really do nothing good. If you look at them, the end of the q-tip, it's bigger than your ear canal, so how do you actually get the wax OUT? You don't... all you do is shove it down the ear canal. And most people end up causing bruising and scratches instead of getting any wax out. Also realize the itchy feeling you get is from the little scratches in your ear... so you scratch them with the q-tip, which causes more scratches, and so on.

Your ear is self-cleaning. It moves wax out when you chew or move your jaw. Throw away the q-tips and let your ear heal. If you feel like you're producing excess wax, you should have it removed professionally, not with a q-tip. Your ear will heal on its own for now.

What does it sound like could be wrong with my ear and what could cause it?

For the past week, I hear my ear drum flutter/crackle to the beat of sounds like loud voices, talking, when my dog barks, etc.
I also hear it when I'm eating crunchy foods or when I rub my cheekbone next to that ear or rub my eye on that side. I also feel it occasionally when if I move my head fast.

But today ever since I took a shower I keep feeling like something in my ear needs to pop but won't like the feeling you feel on an airplane. Also every time I look up and then down again my ear makes a popping noise.

I saw a doctor today and he only saw a little bit of wax but he also said he saw fluid in the middle ear. I will be seeing an ENT asap but I'm scared and until then was wondering what causes this. He called it middle ear effusion but he did not see an infection.

What happens when you have fluid in the middle ear? Will it affect my equilibrium?

My left ear is KILLING me! What's wrong?

you might be coming down with the flu.....or it might be an infection. could be a vacuum in your ear canal created by a buildup of earwax......could be affecting your balence......put a few drops of sweet oil in it. and cotton in it and if you don't start feeling better. i would suggest you go to the emergency room. or go see your doctor. it could be something different or more serious than what i've mentioned here. good luck. hope you feel better.........

My ear hurts when I wake up...whats going on?

Ok, if you know what your tragus is, its the little piece in the middle of the outside of your ear shaped like a little triangle pointing towards the back of your ear. Well my problem is, I often wake up in the middle of the nigt because it is in pain! It feels like when I am sleeping, my tragus is getting smashed or something. It changes depending what side I am sleeping on. The most painful part is when I lift my head from my pillow, it hurts REALLY bad, but will then feel better after a few minutes. Does anyone else have this or know what it is? In case you were wondering, I dont have a large head and my ears arent mishapen in any way.

My right ear feels blocked, whats wrong?

DON'T PANIC!! i know how you feel. try really fast opening your mouth wide, then closeing it, if that doesn't work try plugging your nose and mouth and blow (through your nose, but keep it plugged) and hope fully it will go away. If not it does go away eventully. Music has nothing to do with it.

Ear problem. What's wrong and can I go to CareNow?

My left ear has been clogged up for about a week or two now. I hear ringing and that's about it. When close or lay down on my right ear it sounds/feels like my I'm holding my left ear down too. I've tried many times to clean it out and I'm pretty sure it's not ear wax. It won't go away and it is making it hard to work and do my daily activities.
What's going on with my ear?
Can I go to CareNow and get it fixed?

I'm 18 years old if that matters.