Whe Did The Roman Empire Fall

Why did the Roman Empire Fall?

Multiple cause answer. The Barbarians - which invaded the Roman empire. The split of the Roman empire in two, then in four, then back into two. Weak Emperors - what could a teenage child-emperor do to protect the Empire? Then the inefficency of the law system - the laws/decisions were passed, but not carried out. Immense corruption. Slef-indulgence and laziness of the ruling class - the aristocracy, no interest in the external politics.

Why did the Roman Empire fall?

A slave based society can not pass through the next stage of economic development which is industrialization. No need to make a work saving device, just get more slaves. - ( I put this before barbarian invasion because if the Roman empire was able to grow economically it could make up for so many failures on the battlefield. )A slave based society amplifies the difference between the haves and have nots. Not just between slaves and freemen, but between rich slave holders and poor unemployed freemen. This greatly reduced the amount of stake holders within the Empire. Why should you fight to defend a society you have no stake in?The Emperor system neither produced good Emperors on a regular basis or allowed for a peaceful line of succession. Civil War is the most wasteful and dangerous of enterprises when faced with an outside enemy.The Emperor system also needlessly added to the states bureaucracy. Just one example is Governor-ships. With each new Emperor political favors need to be payed back and new Govern-ships where created until the ranks of Governors swelled beyond what would of been recognizable in the 1st century.In the 3rd century AD, for reasons not completely understood today central Asian horsemen poured out to of the Russian steppe pushing Germanic tribes in front of them, pressing them up against the Empire.Extended conflict along the Rhine/Danube, and the extensive use of Germanic mercenaries allowed a technology transfer to such a degree that by the 4th century it was difficult to tell the difference from a German in the Roman army and one that was fighting the Roman army.The reopening of the Silk Route allowed the freer movement of goods and ideas, but also plague. Plague ravaged the Empire who’s densely populated cities where highly vulnerable.These pressures and mismanagement pushed the Roman tax system beyond the Laffer curve optimum. Taxes where pushed higher, revenues fell and then taxes where pushed higher again. The currency depreciated and the amount of silver used in the coinage was reduced by dilution.

What exact day did the Roman empire fall?

What happened that day?
How was life different for an ordinary Roman the following day?
I do not claim to be at all knowledgeable about history and I am 20 years out of school so I am not looking for a homework question.

How exactly did the Roman Empire fall?

The Byzantine Empire is the Roman Empire, that is not disputable. The Byzantines did not call themselves Byzantines, just Romans. Neighboring civilizations from the Persians and Muslims to the Bulgarians and Armenians referred to them as the Roman Empire, because that is the truth. The Byzantine Empire fell to the Turks in 1453 when Constantinople fall, that is how the Roman Empire truly fell. The Western Roman Empire fell because slowly their armies were taken over by Barbarians known as Foederati (Barbarians fighting for the Roman Empire). Eventually, Roman generals were the real powers in the West, and the Western Emperors were simply puppets, until Romulus Augustus was deposed in 476. However, even then, most Barbarians claimed that they were governors of the Roman Empire and that the Eastern Emperor was the true leader, that was just in name, not reality. So there is no one thing that made Rome fall, it was just overrun by Barbarians from the inside out, and slowly faded into history, that is, in the west....