When Are The Times That Most People Feel Like Crying

Why do I feel like crying when people talk to me?

I have an answer to this question that may sound a bit strange, but it really worked for me. I used to have this problem a while ago. It never resonated to me when parents told me that I was nervous or sensitive until one day I took some training. I don't even remember what it was about, some life balance or life calling, but I did talk to the trainer about this tears thing. And he said something completely unpredictable “ that if you feel often like crying it is because you have too much love locked inside of you that you never expressed, try to let it out in a safe, comfortable way, through letting your tears out while being alone, through laughing alone, through saying kind things you think but don't say and see what will happen.”It did help me. I realized that I did have many locked emotions and I learned ways to let them out and tears problem went completely away. I don't know if it is your case or not, but it could be worth considering.Good luck!

Why do I feel like crying/tearful around people?

let me ask you a question, are you going through some type of depression, or some stressful time right now?.....How do you feel about yourself and ur sense of worth'?...How long have you been feeling this way, and why?.....These are some of the questions i would sit down and ask myself and be truthful in answering them...then i would come up with a game plan to combat this maybe spending a certain amount of time per day outside the home around people,like...movies, shopping malls, restaurant, getting ice-cream,groc store, etc..until u develop a comfort level with urself and being around others....take a mental note of ur feelings each day....also do something important or constructive to ur well-being at least once a day, like helping others,volunteering,donating food and clothes to homeless shelters, buying a bag of dog food/supplies and donate to animal shelter, hold the door open for someone,let a driver get over in traffic..ect....
U will begin to notice a change....

Why do I feel like crying all the time? Depression?

Yes, yes, yes! You fit all of the categories of depression and you should definitely see a doctor ASAP. They can refer you to a mental health professional where you can begin the long and arduous task of recovery - but remember this - there IS hope! Also, reach out to your friends and your family! Tell them about your feelings - feelings are nothing to be ashamed of! Repressing them is the worst thing you can do in this situation. You need to unload! Harnessing your painful feelings into alcohol instead of simply expressing them and calling friends to talk to when you feel unhappy is a bad plan.

Write down / Take this depression quiz and bring it with you when you talk to your doctor - it will speed things up. Also I recommend a mix of both therapy and medication - studies have shown it's the most effective strategy.

Rate how much you have felt the following symptoms in the past week on a scale from 0-4
0-Not at all
3-A lot

1. Feeling sad or down in the dumps
2. Feeling unhappy or blue
3. Crying spells or tearfulness
4. Feeling discouraged
5. Feeling hopeless
6. Low self-esteem
7. Feeling worthless or inadequate
8. Guilt or shame
9. Criticizing yourself or blaming yourself
10. Difficulty making decisions
11. Lost of interest in family, friends, or colleagues
12. Loneliness
13. Spending less time with family or friends
14. Loss of motivation
15. Loss of interest in work or other activities
16. Avoiding work and other activities
17. Loss of pleasure or satisfaction in life
18. Feeling tired
19. Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
20. Decreased or increased appetite
21. Loss of interest in sex
22. Worrying about ur health
23. Any suicidal thoughts****
24. Would you like to end ur life****
25. Plan for harming urself****

****Anybody with suicidal urges should seek immediate help from a mental health professional! ****

Add up your points and use the score scale

Score scale
0-5: no depression
6-10: normal but unhappy
11-25: mild depression
26-50: moderate depression
51-75: severe depression
76-100: extreme depression

Good luck! :)

Do you feel like crying when you see old people?

I'm really scared of dying, and when I get old and gray, I know that it's only a matter of a few years and I will be facing my own end. I always wonder if old people fear death but know that they are about to face it soon; how do they deal with it? I'm turning 29 this year, and next year I will be 30... I'm really scared that one day I'll wake up old and wrinkly and just waiting for my own death...

Why do we feel better after crying? I sometimes feel like crying, and cry when nobody is around. Surprisingly, I feel a lot better afterwards. Things just start to make sense again, and I become a lot more productive. Any explanations for this?

Most people are trained from childhood to fight the discomfort related to an emotional response.When an emotional response is triggered, it interferes with the programs which regulate your breathing, heart-rate and blood pressure. This causes muscle tension. This is why an emotional response appears to be so uncomfortable.When experiencing an emotion such as anxiety, we don’t want to feel worse (we want to feel better) however, it appears that this emotion is definitely making us feel worse. So we try to ignore it or block it, hoping it will go away. This causes us to switch to the thoughts about why we think we are experiencing that emotion and this often triggers further emotional responses. The resistance we have toward this endless mental/emotional loop then leads to a sense of feeling scattered and disconnected.The reason why you feel better after crying is because you stopped fighting the emotional response and therefore entered a resistance-free state. This feels REALLY good. It feels calm. It feels relaxed, it feels satisfied. You feel connected. When you allow the physical discomfort of the emotional response to happen, you enable your body and mind to relax and naturally come back into sync.Insights from the book, “Doing This ONE Thing Will Change Your Life Forever! The Self Help Guide to Personal Growth & Healthy Relationships”

I'm always sad, I feel like crying all the time?

I have so much on my mind and I get jealous of female celebrities, girls I see and talk, everything makes me angry and sad. I feel that I'm ugly and that I'm not good enough for my boyfriend. I always feel like crying. I don't eat as much and sleep 5 hours the weekdays. I always hold the mistakes I do and I feel like I'm the worst person ever. I think suicidal once in a while. IDK what to do. I'm always sad and mad. I feel like crying all the time.

Why do I feel like crying out of sadness when I’m happy?

The body does not encompass only one emotion or one feeling. Like a computer is, your body is designed to handle more than one process at a time. Going with a computer being a metaphor for your body, while happiness can be what is the window you have open on your computer, sadness can be running as an application in the background. You can experience more than one emotion even while happiness is what is most apparent. As you sit and get quiet with yourself, you can actually tune into different unprocessed feelings. You can choose which feelings to feel more by paying more attention to them, in other words.For example,An individual could have experienced a traumatic experience when they were 7 years old, then forgotten about the experience until they were 27, when someone did something to them that triggered the painful memory of the experience that happened to them when they were 7. The bottled up emotion that’s been inside of that body can definitely ‘come back out’ at 27, and the 27 year old can also choose to re-bottle it up.Bodies hold on to emotion and pain until the body is allowed to process the emotion and pain. So, in this example of the 7/27 year old, the memory was stored away until the 27 year old could better handle the trauma.Just because you don’t feel an emotion doesn’t mean it’s not there. Most of us are carrying feelings and emotions locked away somewhere in our body. Massage can help with this, so can yoga, and so can just talking to someone or writing out your current process with feelings.Let all your feelings exist! Even the perceived as ‘ugly’ feelings are worth feeling.Side note: Crying is often a form of processing a feeling or emotion.

Why do I feel like laughing and crying at the same time?

Why do I feel like laughing and crying at the same time for no apparent reason?
There is nothing physically wrong with me, I just went to the doctor and got my blood work and physical done.
I have been in between semesters in college, and do not leave my house for days or weeks at a time, could it be that I am lonely? I took a semester of accelerated classes- which are half a semester, so for about 2 months it has been like that.

This is a strange thing happening: I normally watch a tv show and nothing can happen but I still feel like either laughing or crying, or both- one after the other.

19 y/o Male

Thank you

I feel like crying, why is that?

When you are hungry, that's your physical body in need of food and nutrition -- is it healthy to ignore that?: No.

When thoughts are gnawing at you for that something needing done, and you dare not address them -- is it healthy to ignore what you and others are dependent upon what only you can do?: No.

When your dreams are given vent in order to allow your subconscious mind to keep itself clear and lucid -- is it healthy to avert and prevent the import of your dreams?: No.

When your emotional body needs to let loose and dispose of all the baggage disposed of by all the others so listed above -- is it healthy not to dump all that baggage and rubbish -- or -- if a sudden flood of the high light and sound and vitality are flowing strongly into you -- is it healthy to deny these life building atoms?: Absolutely not.

Everything you are depends on an inflow and outflow, an exchange going on within and without you. Your mission is to ensure that this exchange and flow continues without obstruction -- it's called freedom, true freedom -- no matter whether you understand it or not -- because not all of it has to do with your mind understanding or not understanding: it just is, it is just Life. And Life lives. And nothing should be thought wrong or "unhealthy" about this...


Why do I always feel like crying?

I would guess because you're feeling somethingThat you would prefer not tooIts bringing up some feelings from your past or something not present in your life that you have a yearning forMaybe just to a longing or something sad in your lifeYou put a great value on itAnd now you feel you haven't got it anymoreIts a transition you are passing through a stage of emotions, subconscious feelings of all the times you have felt like this over your life are bubbling up all together to prepare you for self protection and to move past it, in your own way and time, a letting goCrying is the way forwardTime will heal