When Civil War 2 Breaks Out How Will Liberal Men Defend Themselves And Or Fight For Their Beliefs

Liberalism? Conservative? What do these really mean?

Wow...good job! Pretty much sums it up and yeah...prepare to be attacked with namecalling. I'm sure they are on their way!

Is there a difference between liberals and rebels?

One that I can think of, A Rebel will defend their borders.

If there was a civil war against liberals and conservatives, who would win?

This may sound surprising - but I think liberals would win, in weeks if not days - with a massive and resounding victory.Firstly: liberals have the numbers, they liberal cities hold 66% or so of the USA’s population. So it would be two thirds against one third.Secondly: liberals have plenty of people willing to fight for their believes - they’ve not used guns as a rule, but they will if it’s a war situation.Thirdly: it’s most likely the majority of the armed forces would side with the liberals - not only because, being a majority, that’s where most of their family would be - but because the US armed forces have always claimed to defend liberal ideas. As somebody once said: the difference between a soldier and a militia is that a militiaman thinks he’s a hero because he’s willing to kill for his freedom, but a soldier is a hero because he’s willing to die for somebody else’s freedom (and make no mistake - it’s the liberals who would be fighting for freedom). Most of the military infrastructure is also located near or in the big liberal cities, as are the harbors for the navy.Fourthly: Liberals would have major advantages in strategy and planning, because all the most educated people are among them. Those Ivy-league professors that conservatives love to sneer at - they know stuff, including history and how the greatest battles of all time were won and lost. They know how the greatest generals thought. They know how Leonidas managed to beat a force reported at 2 million (most scholars today estimate it was more like half a million but that’s no less impressive) with just 300 men. They can apply this knowledge practically if a war comes. The TV series Dark Skies depicts this wonderfully - and that part is pretty realistic. The best generals have always been history buffs.And finally: such a war, today, would include a major cyberwar aspect. That’s how you could disrupt supply lines, cut powerlines and do other major damage easily, and the greatest skills at this task are, again, concentrated in the liberal cities.

Can a Conservative please explain the "Liberal Agenda" to me?

I'm a liberal. I understand my own beliefs. But I would like to know what Conservatives believe is so wrong with the Liberal point of view. Points will be awarded to the person whose comments is the most eloquent, not whether I agree with you or not.

Why Do Liberals Wear Communist Clothing While Denouncing All War?

Liberals wearing communist shirts. (Shirts have a picture of mass murderer Mao. Mao killed 70 million Chinese):

Man wearing Chinese communist hat.

Liberal at anti-war rally on March 18, 2007 wearing a "Viva Chavez" t-shirt ( Chavez is communist leader of Venezuela

Liberal with a Che tattoo at anti-war rally on March 18, 2007 with a Che tatoo.

Liberals dressed as terrorists, at the Bus 19 anti-terror rally in Berkeley on January 16, 2005.

Photos of liberals that are happy about the 9/11 attacks.