When Do You Start To Feel Better About Yourself

Do you ever lie to make yourself feel better about yourself, and then you have to keep track of all your lies?

and then you get confused on what you said to this person, and to that person, and finally your whole life is a lie, and you don't even know what you are about or what you stand for, so you hide away in your closet, trying to find your old baseball cards when you were younger because you heard that they might be worth something, and then your mom tells you that she got rid of them when you moved, so then you decided to go outside and smoke a bowl in the cabanna?

How do you make yourself feel better when you feel worthless and can't snap out of it?

I scanned the answers and I up voted them all coz’ they deserved it. Depression is really hard to overcome. Although we commonly hear it is only in the mind, training or guiding our mind out of that crest falling situation must be very hard.When a stage of our journey in life is in doldrums,it could be like being trapped in a quagmire and getting out is a tough job. We need to discard some extra ‘baggage’ off so as to get out of the mess inch by inch. In depression, that emotional baggage are all the NEGATIVES in our mind. Based on what I had gone thru, I also lost interest in everything exciting to me for more than a year and I thank heavens ,I have survived.We may differ in beliefs but as a believer,I never lost heart and faith to the creator and constantly ‘talked to him in times of meditation and reflections. Slowly but surely I let go all fault findings be it on me or on others and kept myself focused in learning humanities,read a volume of encyclopedia , read basic electronics ,mingled with people of some sort( very poor,depressed,happy ones, easy go lucky, busy bodies, etc).First and very essential is your health. Maintain healthy diets ,physical and mind fitness and NEVER LOSE FAITH. The best that can help you is yourself thru training your mind to the positive side. Next are your friends ,relatives, therapists, and Quora cyberminds . You may click all the answers , it helps.When god closes a door, somewhere he opens a window of hope ,better opportunities and destiny. In our lives we encounter temporary setbacks ,and treating these as really ‘temporary’ is best. Protracted sadness can be likened to an overstretched rubber band that can’t be reverted to its initial characteristics. We may sometimes be Loveless,Penniless ,Zestless, Senseless , BUT NEVER,,,,,,,, WORTHLESS………Get out of that mess friend, live life to the fullest HAPPILY. . I wish you good luck. Thanx..

In recovery, how and when can I start to feel better about myself and all the mistakes I've made or the time I've wasted?

In life, we all make mistakes.There are times when we feel as though our mistakes are worse than every other person’s own. And this can lead us to sadness, anxiety, and even depression.But it’s important to realize that no matter how many mistakes you’ve made in life, you can always bounce back. The only true mistake you can make is to give up on yourself.If you give up, then it means that you didn’t take anything away from the mistakes you made. But if you take time to analyze those mistakes and learn the lessons from them, it will no longer be a waste. Instead, those same mistakes can lead you to fulfill your true potential.There are some mistakes that can be corrected, while there are those that cannot be changed. Your role is to identify those ones you can do something about and then take action to correct them. For those other mistakes that you cannot change, just ensure that you’ve learnt all the lessons so that they don’t happen again.Same thing goes for wasted time. Yes, lost time is lost forever. But as long as you are alive, no matter your age, you still have your entire life ahead of you. This means that you still have the opportunity to change things in your life and redeem the times you have in front of you by spending them well.Coming back to your question about how and when you’ll start feeling better, it completely depends on what you do from now onward.When you start taking the correct actions, you’ll start achieving so much and this will make you fell better about yourself. If you do this over time, you’ll discover that you’re no longer wasting time and things will start falling into place.One final word: I don’t know what exactly you’re recovering from but it’s always easier to recover when you have the support of someone that loves you (or people that understand you).They are able to support you, encourage you, and stand by you even if you make another mistake.With time, you’ll be alright.I wish you all the best.

How can I feel better about myself?

Stop thinking about your weight. Start thinking about your health. Focus on taking the best care of you that you can. You need to feed your body what it needs. Give it the best fuel. Give it plenty of exercise so it will last you a long time. Doing that will probably result in your losing a little weight, but that's not what's important. Being healthy is what's important. one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt.

Oh, and I always read a Sophie Kinsella or Janet Evanovich novel to get myself out of a funk like that.

How can i make myself feel better after what i've just done?

for the past few years i've been struggling with a binge eating disorder (emotional eating) and only recently i've come to term with it and started to deal with it. i saw my weight balloon up and for the past 2 months i've had everything under control and i've started losing the weight slowly by eating right and exercising. this has obviously improved my mood dramatically.

now all of a sudden i had a major binge episode and it feels like everything i've worked for has been shot to hell. i feel completely useless and i'm really down. i know it's not the end of the world but still i can't help but feel so depressed after working so hard against something that has had me depressed for about 2 years. i don't know how i'm going to feel tomorrow either - but right now i'm so freaking down.
what do i do

How can I start to feel better if I lost myself and I don’t know how to get it back?

Feeling lost means something and that is being on a journey where you took a wrong turn.Think of it like taking a wrong direction to your destination and you might as well find your way back home.Now, there are times we all feel lost either emotionally or academically or with the choices that we makes and that is acceptable for we are humans who are prone to fail yet learn from the same.If you’re feeling so lost have you self analysed why you feel like that? What are the factors that make you feel like that? Maybe identifying those thoughts itself might help you.In order to feel better you do things which you love and brings happiness, peace and put you in ease. And analyzing and accepting the problem itself is one step to figuring out the answer. :)

How do I feel better about myself during my weight loss journey?

The best thing you can do i think is do your weight loss really well. If you do it well, you’ll see the results and this will help you being motivated in the long run. Don’t weight yourself too much, don’t obsess about it, once a week is enough.If you see improvement it will be a motivator to keep it for one more week,and then one more week,one more week…Also, you’ll notice somehow that through eating well, your tastes will just change. Somehow when you stop eating sugars and bad fats, and start eating green, whole grain healthy food, your tongue just starts to like it more and more eating healthy and dislike eating processed, unwholesome food. You’ll notice this over time, don’t worry you’ll see it. This will happen without any effort on your part, your palet receptors will just adapt as you go through your diet.Also, each time you eat something clean , remember that the pleasure isn’t to be found in the plate, it is to be found in front of your mirror, a smile on your face as you see how much you have changed and how better in your body you feel.And that my friend, is worth all the pizzas in the world.Eating well doesn’t mean you should cut ALL the little pleasures found in food all at once and once for all. You can still have cheat meals, once a week let’s say, where you eat what you want to it ( but stay reasonable, don’t eat 5 hamburgers all at once, one will do). This will help you stay motivated, see that moment of the week, usually the week end, as a reward of all the efforts you’ve accomplished during the week.Last but not least, i think that coupling your weight loss journey with a sport journey can be a great thing. Maybe you do it already, but even if you’ll lose most of your calories through the food you eat and not through the cardio you do, going to the gym or playing some sport will help you stay focused and enjoy the healthy life style you’re dreaming of. Your brain will start getting addicted to the hormones that flow through your body after you’ve exercised and you won’t be able to stop after starting. You will NEED it and feel uncomfortable if you don’t have your dose of exercice in the day/week. You’ll start enjoying losing weight.You just set yourself in a great journey to improve yourself and the life you’re living, I congratulate you, and wish you all the best and success in it.Good luck !