When Do You Think The Government Will Resume

Will the government shutdown resume after February 15, 2019? And if it does, will it last until Trump gets his wall?

Trump will undoubtedly shut the government down AGAIN in Feb, 2019.Outcomes will be:1..Day for day decreases in likelihood of him being reelected, as he sits in the White House with an empty daily event calendar, too cold to go outside to play (golf).2. Pelosi will give him another Nationally-aired political spanking.3. Trump will ignore reality, and call the existing 715 miles of barriers a “wall” and declare that he won the victory.If it happens that he threatens to shut down the government a 3rd time, or “declare himself as a National Emergency”, both House & Senate will issue a veto-proof majority on the budget, telling him, “no”, because we are talking to them and they are listening to us. Trump is not listening to us, and he is losing Republican support!A surprising number of Republicans want Trump off the ticket in 2020

When do you think China will resume ICO/BTC trading?

I believe they will resume after elections & they’ve settled their regulations with cryptocurrencies. At the moment, ICOs are being regulated by Chinese Government. They’re creating licensing for these businesses to create control and the economic punch.Majority of heavy investors moved to Japan & Taiwan where they’ve been able to continue trading.-A

Why does the Indian government want to resume talk with Pakistan beside terrorism?

If you stop talks then you are letting your (actual) enemies to win the situation. India (should and) is continuing its talk with Pakistan so as to have a fair political and economical stability in the disputed region. The issue of PoK is very complex now. It can neither be solved by war nor by avoiding talks. Indian diplomacy was considered to be failed after 1965 & 1971; but now it is on its peak.  I am quite optimistic that - "Diplomacy" will surely work out a peaceful and permanent solution to the problem in the near future.

What does it mean to 'prorogue' the government?

as per the current case with the Canadian government. what's going on with that anyways? if the coalition goes through then who is the prime minister...or do the 3 leaders share it?

Why is government shutdown made a big deal in media, after all it is just temporary and things will resume as usual once funding is agreed upon?

In the interim, it can represent real hardship for everyone from citizens who had made vacation plans to go to national parks (closed) to businesses needing some regulatory agency approval. If it goes more than just a small handful of days it also can mean financial hardship for government workers - they still need to buy groceries and pay bills. And symbolically it’s a big deal - a sign of dysfunction so bad that even day-to-day government operations grind to a halt.

What do you think the international reaction will be to Japan withdrawing from the IWC and openly resuming commercial whaling?

The international community can do nothing because the western countries dare not offend Japan. BBC CNN will continue to accuse the Chinese of eating dog meat to divert public attention. Although South Korea and Vietnam eat dog meat, they are only interested in eating dog meat in China, so they can stand on the moral high ground and accuse others.

What are the chances of the government shutting down again on February 15, 2019?

I think Trump will allow the government to be funded without appropriations for the wall. He will then sign an executive order declaring an emergency at the border.He will sit back happy until Pelosi forces a congressional vote that will easily pass the House. The sanction will force Republicans in the Senate to go on record on whether they support diverting billions to the wall.If the sanction passes, and it probably will, Pelosi will sue the president. The case will take six to nine months to be HEARD and it won’t be DECIDED until the 2020 campaign is in full swing.None of Trump’s wall will be built. He will handily lose the 2020 election. Both China and Europe hates Trump and the Russians showed the world how to meddle in our elections. They won’t pass up the chance.The Republicans in Congress have blocked every attempt to close the gaping holes in our system. For some reason they think the rich people of the rest of the world are all on their side.

What do you think of this resume i did for Benito Mussolini?

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini
Predappio, Italy

Objectives: Fascist Dictator seeking to be “il Duce” of Italy. Eagar to make fascism be the leader political party in Italy and introduce it to the world as the government of the twentieth century.


1929- Abolished the parliament, rewrote laws, had total control of the press and had all organizations and corporations were under control

1923-Bombarded Corfu
-Formed puppet regime in Albania and reconquered Lybia
-planned/ dreamed in making the Mediterranean Sea (our sea)

1922- Was invited by the king of Italy to plan a new government during a time when Italy was slipping into political chaos and black shirts marched in Rome.

1921- Entered parliament and created Fasciti which was an armed squad to terrorize former socialist colleagues.

1919- Founded Fasci de Combatimento which was an organized political group.

1914- Founded newspaper called il Popolo d’Italia, and a pro-war group called Fasci d’ Arione Rivoluzionaria.

1911- Became official editor of the socialist newspaper Avanti and spread the belief that he was the most forceful of all the labor leaders of Italian socialism and that the proletariat should unite in a fascio preparatory to seizing power.

1908- Wrote a book and became editor of the socialist newspaper called Lotta di Classe(The Class Struggle).

-Salesian Fathers Boarding School (Expelled for Being rebellious and for various incidents that included throwing stones at the congregation after mass, stabbing other students and throwing an inkpot at a teacher).
-After joining another school, got good grades and later became a qualified elementary school teacher.

-Leader/Creator of the fascist party.
-Great at influencing people when it comes to the use of propaganda, during time in power had little opposition.
-Extreme passion for power and good at getting what wants.