When I Get Into High School How Should I Change My Personality

Do people change after high school?

Yes. so much.

Have your personality changed since you were younger?

Leo sun/Cap moon/Sag rising

One thing I will always be is a people pleaser. Nothing makes me happier than putting others first and supplying them with anything they need. Becoming a Christian at 18 years old changed my life completely, and then marrying my husband showed me that life is beautiful and that I was just as special as I made everyone else feel. The difference between little me and big me~ more self esteem.

How do I change my personality around girls?

I have been told that girls don't really "like" me because I am too nice. I have friends that are girls but they like me as a friend. I am also a good looking guy. How do I change my personality to be a nice guy but also be the guy that girls will really like? How should I act around girls now? (I am a junior in high school)

Do people change a lot after high school????

Physically, sometimes. Mentally and personality, almost always.

My appearance has pretty much stayed the same, with the exception of my hair cut and I finally found my style. I have grow up SO MUCH since high school. There are things I did and though in HS that would not even cross my mind now. I do things only to please me now, no one else. I dont care what others think of me now. I I no longer do things to be "different" or to "fit in" I have matured a lot. I have found out who I really am.

Occasionally the jocks change from being popular and hot to being a fat loser with a dead end job. The Ugly dork turns into the hot successful person married to someone you though would be totally out of their league. The goth kid turns into a school teaching family person.

Unfortunately, sometimes the prissy, gossip spreading cheerleader stays prissy and still spreads gossip. But only because she is still trying to make herself feel good by putting other people down.