When I Stretch Out My Leg I Pops Out Then It Pops Back In

Hip pops when i lift my right leg and lower it?

for as long as i can remember my right hip would pop when i lay down on my back and would raise my leg up then lower it down to stretch my muscles .while i lower my leg down my hip pops.. sometimes its not painful and other times it hurts a not sure what it is but now when i walk a lot my hip hurts and i have to sit down.

any advice would help

My leg pops sometimes when I walk?

I don't know about hip popping, but I was told first by an orthopedics person and then by a physical therapist that knee popping (in my case) is reasonably harmless. Kind of tendons/ligaments stretching and shifting.

I'd get into regular stretching exercises. Talking to a doctor first probably isn't a bad idea.

However, it is easy to get preoccupied by a few moments pain and then think something is wrong. I don't know if saying "Life is pain" is really cruel, but you'll encounter pain as a normal part of aging. I hate to say it, but probably not even at an age when you consider old. Late 20's and 30's you start being less able to rebound from overexertion.

Knee popped out of place, then went back.....?

Last night I jumped on my bed, and as i did, somehow i twisted my knee and the knee cap popped out of place, then popped back into place. It was extremely painful, so much to the point where i was screaming(and I never scream when i get hurt). The pain only lasted about a min or two then it was just slightly throbbing. Today it still hurts a little bit, but I am able to walk. Why is my knee still hurting? Did I tear a ligament? I don't think I did because I read that you are still in a lot of pain when you tear a ligament and the pain in my knee today is very little.

Something pops out under my left rib?

That sounds like you have tight muscles in your back that are pulling a rib out of place when you move like that. You can get this to stop happening by freeing up the muscles in your back so they won't be constantly pulling on the ribs and here's how to do that:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

What are the best ways to pop your back by yourself?

Place your hands behind your back, one on top of another. Press on your spine as high up as your hands will reach. Stretch backward, leaving your hands pressing on your spine, and you should get some satisfying pops.Sit in a chair with a short back. Slide your butt toward the edge of the seat until the chair back touches the part of your back you wish to crack. Place your palms on your forehead and exhale slowly. Your head and shoulders will sink down behind the chair and should offer you a few good cracks.Stand up straight with a wall corner in the center of your back. Bring your arms backward by squeezing your shoulder blades. This gentle stretch can help crack your back naturally.Laying on a hard flat surface, bring your knees to your chest. Grab your feet with your hands. Tuck your chin to your chest and use your feet to push against as if you're trying to arch your back to touch the opposite wall. Turn onto other side and repeat.Crack your middle back. Sit on the exercise ball. Slowly walk your feet out and lower yourself onto the exercise ball so that your back is resting over it. Allow yourself to completely relax. Slowly move forward and back, so the ball rests over different parts of your back.Crack your upper back. Kneel in front of the exercise ball. Slowly roll the ball forwards, leaning forward as the ball moves away from you. Once you've fully stretched out, allow your upper and middle back to relax and sag for a bit.If these techniques do not help you then you should take chiropractic care.See more.

My hip pops really loud when I walk and do flutter-kicks. Every once in a while it will pop and hurts really bad. Should I be worried?

Without doing a proper hip exam, and getting a history of your problem and possibly some imaging of your hip, it is impossible to accurately give and answer on this forum. Amongst some of the common hip disorders , you could have something wrong with the cartilage around your hip joint known as the acetabular labrum which if torn can cause your proximal femur to slip in and out of the hip joint which can mimic the popping sound you mention. Another possibility is as one other contributor suggested there are ligaments that are riding over the bony prominence of the hip namely the greater trochanter. You could also have developed avascular necrosis of the femoral head from a traumatic event earlier on, or be caused from excessive alcohol or chronic steroid use. In addition whatever the activity that your doing is increasing your symptoms , simply stop doing this until you get properly examined. By continually doing the activity you describe you just causing more pain and inflammation which could eventually lead to osteoarthritis of the hip joint over time. All in all there is absolutely no way to arrive at a diagnosis by describing symptoms in this forum. I would highly recommend you seek treatment with a orthopedic surgeon who is trained in treating these type of problems. By doing so you will have your answer faster and perhaps a cure, and a reduction of your pain symptoms that you speak of. Good luck.

I've noticed that after stretching and working out, my hips will make a "popping" noise every once in a while when I stand up from sitting, or occasionally when I take a few steps. What causes the popping and is this to be expected often?

It may be bubbles of nitrogen that build in the joint, and are then dispersed (that is what makes knuckles crack or pop).  It is considered safe.The only time to be worried, according to Johns Hopkins, is if there is associated pain.joint cracking Johns Hopkins Orthopaedic SurgeryI get the same thing, and in other joints too.Why knuckle cracking makes a popping sound, and why it might be beneficial I am not a doctor!

My knee pops painfully every time I straighten my leg out?

If you don't want to wreck your knee and still get relief you have to release the muscle to your kneecap for that is tightening up on you which pulls the kneecap up on and into the knee to give it the pain you are feeling. You have to release the muscle for the kneecap for this pain to go away and here's how to do that:
Do while sitting on a chair with no front cross braces between the legs.
While sitting have your leg resting in a stretched position. Place both your thumbs, side by side, about 2 inches behind the kneecap and press down into your leg hard and then redirect the pressure a little towards the kneecap. After one minute slowly slide your foot back and under your chair as far as it will go, release the pressure but hold your foot there for another 30 seconds.
Two important things, keep the thumbs together in the middle and the pressure on the leg, for if there isn't enough pressure this won't take. If you have that happen try it again right away.