When I Touch The Middle Of My Neck Theres Like A Bone Sticking Out

Bone in wrist sticking out?

Hi, I'm not sure what this is but theres something right below my hand that kind of looks like a little ball. it doesnt exactly hurt when i touch it, but i definitely feel it.

heres a pic:
anyone have any idea what it could be?

Bone sticking out of kitten's chest?

Yes , this sounds like the manubrium of the sternum -- a part of the breast bone that sticks out high up in the center of the chest. It's more prominent in some cats than others. It does feel sort of hooked.
It is probably normal and nothing to worry about. You can search online for some images of cat manubrium or cat sternum, and you'll probably see that it looks like what you are feeling.

What causes a severe pain below my collar bone on the left side?

I know that our answers may seem repetitive for your question and maybe a little harsh but left-sided, chest pain questions are NOT for Quora. Myocardial infarction…aka…a heart attack can happen to just about anyone, regardless of your health status, age (over 25) or gender. You will not always experience the typical symptoms and you do not have to have all of them to be having an MI. ANY chest pain on the left side or middle of the chest that last more than a few minutes should be treated as an emergency until proven otherwise. Some typical and atypical MI symptoms are: chest pain that can feel like squeezing or pressure and heaviness, pain radiating to the left arm or jaw, pain radiating into the shoulders and back, crushing pain, shortness-of-breath, nausea, vomiting, sweating, sensation of heartburn and lightheadedness. Again, you do not have to experience all of these to be having a heart attack. Every minute of an MI costs you heart muscle and function. It is also important to call 911. They can do an ECG immediately to determine if you are having an MI. Then they can begin life-saving measures on the way to the hospital.

Why can I feel a crack a few millimetres wide, as if the bone below the skin is missing, running down the centre of my forehead? Could it have been caused by an accident, or my skull failing to knit together properly when I was a baby?

In all likelihood what you are feeling is a persistent metopic suture, also known as an incompletely fused frontal bone. In most individuals, the metopic suture, which runs along the mid-sagittal plane from nasion to bregma (bisecting the left and right halves of the frontal bone) fuses between 1 and 2 years of age. However, in a small number of individuals the left and right sides remain unfused or incompletely fused throughout life. Persistent metopic sutures are an anomalous but non-pathological characteristic and are generally not clinically important. However, because they are visible radiographically, it is possible (but unlikely) that they might be mistaken for cranial fractures.

I can feel a little mass protruding out when I touch the back of my skull on both sides of the hemispheres. Is this a tumor?

"Tumor" meaning swelling?  In that sense yes.Tumor meaning a growth, benign (not cancerous) or malign (cancerous)? No.Growths don't grow in a symmetrical way, when examining a patient we give extra attention to whether the same can be felt/seen at the other side, if so mostly normal.They are the normal eminences/protuberances on your skull.This is the view from the back of your skull: in the middle you feel the External occipital protuberance also known as the external occipital eminence, with the superior occipital ridge also called superior nuchal line going to both sides, ending in an elevation at around where the occipital bone joins the parietal bone and the mastoid part of the temporal bone, the place where the three bone sutures meet we call the Asterion (anatomy)Higher up we have the Parietal eminences - in the picture above located where the line marked parietal bone ends - where the ossification of the parietal bone started.Most likely you have felt the elevation at the ends of the superior nuchal lines near the asterion.Brain tumors are located inside the skull, so can't be felt from the outside.

What are some good ideas for when hanging out with your boyfriend?

Im in 8th grade and i need some help. Whenever my boyfriend comes over and its just me and him things are so awkward and neither of us know what to say or do! Usually i have one of my other friends over there with us and she or he makes conversation, but its usually just a long awkward silence. Any ideas would be great(:

It feels like something is stuck in my throat?

Tight neck muscles are pressing into your throat to trap your tongue muscle there. That pressure makes it feel like a lump. To get rid of the problem you have to free up your neck muscles to get the pressure off the tongue muscle and here's how to free them up:
Neck Release:
Place your hands behind your head touching your fingers. Press into the back of your neck with them and hold the pressure on them. After 45 seconds slowly lower your head until your neck is fully extended. Release the pressure but hold your head there for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.