When I Try To Load Pictures To An Out Going Email They Start Deleting Themselves. Why

Police tracking ip address from email?

IP address from your ex is probably same of fall into same IP ranges. So deleting email account after sending email to you will not change anything.

Try for yourself. Take email from your ex and try to track his location with email trackers:

If IP address is not hidden email tools above will show you all information;s about sender.
Then take one older email, repeat process and see of they match.

Good luck!

Why is my computer sending emails by itself?

This is often caused by a malware infection on your computer. It's a common problem - Yahoo Help has a whole page about it

Do all of the following and it should stop
1 - run a full virus scan and delete all infected files
2 - run a full malware scan. Your virus scan won't detect malware. If you don't have one, download the free version of Malwarebytes and run a full scan then delete any infected files
3 - after running both scans, change your email password
4 - delete your browsing history and cookies and empty your cache
5 - restart your computer

This normally stops it

Why can't I get yahoo mail to forward images or pictures?

In the last 2 weeks or so, I have not had success forwarding emails with embedded pictures. They look fine when I send them. What the recipient gets is just the frames for the pictures and text showing the location on the webmail server, presumably where Yahoo had the images when they were in my inbox. Obviously since they don't have access to my account they wouldn't be able to see the pics.

In the past I have had problems but had been able to work around them by either:
- switching from the new mail to Mail Classic
- copying the email and pasting it all into Word and sending the Word document

But neither works now. Mail Classic has the same problem and Word thinks for a long time adds say 6 pages to the blank document, but only text shows up. I can't see anything and nothing highlights when I go over the area.

The only thing I can think of doing now is taking screen shots of the pictures, then individually pasting those screen shots in Word and then sending the Word document. I will switch emails before I do that! And I have had this same email address for 15 years!

Can anyone help me?

Why can't I delete some pictures from my messenger shared content?

you cant delete a shared file because you may had deleted your copy but the other side may have not.just same holds true with sent emails....or messages...they stay there forever.

"" How to stop them sending messages to those in my mail box?

I too have received invitations from fortunately for me it came from an email address I did not know. I deleted it. Over the next few days I received several more. This made me suspicious and I did some checking. From what I've found out, when someone signs up on Shtyle they have to give them the password to their email account. This should be a red flag warning that something isn't right. One should NEVER give out passwords. Any place that demands it cannot be 100% legitimate and should not be trusted. I know that many people like it and see no problem with handing over their information, I suspect they will live to regret it. As you surmised, they used your password to access your online email addresses and are sending out invites. At best this is plain rude, They will probably continue to do this for as ling as they can, First; change your email password so they can't get anymore addresses. This may invalidate your account with them but I'd call that a small loss considering their behaviour. Second; if you really want to join places like that. Create an online email at "" or "Hotmail" but DO NOT create an online address file with it. As for what has happened already, I'm afraid all your friends may have to change their email addresses to stop it completely. In the interim they can set up a rule in their email to send anything from directly to the deleted items file and make sure that it is set to empty it upon exiting. If they are work addresses then hopefully their company has a good IT person that can stop the spam in its tracks. Third; get yourself the best anti-virus/anti-spam/anti-spyware software you can afford. If you are not sure, ask a professional tech. Someone like a Geek Squad person. For the future, be suspicious. NEVER give out any passwords or personal information on a social network site. Treat your web browsing as a walk through a mine field. Or the same way you would a phone call asking for a credit card number. That may sound paranoid but sadly that is what the net has become. There is no way for you, the user, to know what is going on or who is on the other end.

My boyfriend keeps asking me for naked pictures. What should i do?

Never ever give a bf or husband a naked picture of yourself. You can not trust guys with this kind of personal information. Go into his email and delete it. Tell him it had an expiration date to where it would delete itself. Even though some of the women I have had relationships with have given me pics like that, I wouldn't even trust me. He should respect you more than that.

When i permanently deleat my spam email, it keeps coming back, even throw i don't open any spam email ?

When you go into different websites you leave behind cookies. The sites are able to track you and start sending you all kinds of junk. Always delete your cookies, temp folders and history. Never open spam it confirms your email address and you will get a lot more . Always click on them and click on the spam button. Sometimes that stops you from getting so many. Hope this helps!!!

My WhatsApp is sending random messages to people. They're not just random, they're actual messages. I think my account is hacked. How do I stop it?

Absolutely yes. If you just need to feel better, get everything that might makes you more sad or depressed AWAY, and everyone who puts your issues on the spot as well! listening to sad music, talking to the wrong people about what makes you feel really sad, going to places that are related to bad memories, all of that can make your depression worse. Talk it out man! Write down everything. Whatever are your feelings ACCEPT them, see and understand what is their purpose and why do you feel this way! find a way out of it. Help yourself. Talk to new, fresh people. Go to new places. Try new clothes with new colours. Discover yourself again. Put your hand on heart, feel that heartbeat, and be grateful for it. Believe me if you give up to depression it will eat your soul. Whatever your age, you have a great life, you just can't see that well. And it's just a decision, remember that. You're the one who decides whether to be sad and let depression mess with you or to change something and get your life in a good, bright direction.What are you trying to clone.Cloning a lot of plants is very easy, you can take a cutting, place it in some compost an the cutting will develop roots. you now have two genetically identical plants.With some plants like most berries or vines it is even easier, just peg a part of the plant onto the ground and it will develop roots. Once it is rooted you can simply cut the vine connecting the new plant to the old.With mammals things are more difficult, you need some basic lab equipment. Basically you have to remove the nucleus (all the genetic material) from an egg cell and replace it with a cell nucleus taken from the animal you wish to clone, fuse the two together with a electric shock and then implant the clone embryo into the womb of a female animal so that it can develop to maturity.If you are trying to clone a hard disk, use a linux boot disk and a program called gparted