When I Will Get Marry According To My Horoscope

When will I get married, can you read my horoscope?

I am not an astrologer.You are just about to 26. Even girls will get marry at 30 and now a days it's even more for some girls.I belive you are rush to get marry for some reason. You have plenty of time. Don't be in rush when you look for your life-partner. This will happen automatically at right time.If an astrologer can say when you will get marry then that astroger should be a God like.

» When does Guru Paarvai start according to my horoscope and when will I get married?

Thursday, September 27, 2013. Bring along an extra suit on your wedding day. Someone will accidentally spill something on you. Also, don't get into that drunk dude's sports car to get a ride home at 3:00 am. Call a cab instead and you'll get home safe - make sure to ask the cabbie what he thinks the final result for the 2015 Cricket World Cup is going to be. Don't bet on the info he gives you.

Can you predict through horoscope matching that if you marry the husband will die?

Once a father approached an astrologer to see the chart of his young unmarried daughter ! Astrologer exclaimed that his daughter had yoga for widowhood ! Father got worried so he consulted another astrologer and he also said the same but added that it will happen at the age of 70 years when the dasha comes !   The day astrologers become so sure of death of someone just by doing marriage with someone , then they will run our  world  . Fortunately , astrologers are not God and only our  blind belief can make them God , like an idol is made by its devotees . Problem is that once some crap thing is inserted into one's mind , it takes so much time and effort in getting rid of that . It is easier to create a destruction but very difficult to repair it . I always advise in such cases to ask for written forecast from astrologer , giving the astrological principle for that , so that it can be shown to other astrologers for confirmation as given in above example  . I personally never make such predictions about death , which is prohibited in astrology as 8th house at most creates Mrityu Tulya Kashta ( Death like experience) not Mrityu ( Death) in 90% cases.Sh. Amitabh Bachchan and Osho's charts have plenty of planets in 8th house and any ordinary astrologer would say the death prediction for them but Osho died at 60 years and Amitabh is  now over 73 years old .

According to my horoscope, I should expect an unfortunate marriage??!?!?!?

I'm not an astrologer, but I've studied many charts to form my opinion of astrology. I know many persons with Saturn on or in the 7th and they haven't experienced bad marriages. In fact, they were more serious than their peers about finding a person they could love for the rest of their lives. Saturn is said to indicate delays and limits, so it could be interpreted that the person is less anxious to jump into either a long term relationship or a marriage contract. It may take the person longer to settle down. Or longer to find the right person than it has friends and relatives of their own age. You do have Sun trine Saturn, so that works in your favor. Your goals and interests are more mature than most persons your same age.

You have planets in your 3rd house which are said to denote skills with writing, languages and teaching. You'll likely be able to support yourself comfortably with what is shown in the 2nd and 3rd houses. Venus rules the 1st (self) and 8th (joint finances), Neptune rules the 5th (creativity), and Sun rules the 10th (career and reputation), with Pluto ruling the 2nd. Mercury sextile Uranus is considered fortunate in relation to studies, writing and communication.

On the details, there can be some problems with emotional insecurities with Pluto square Moon. You are intense and sensitive. This aspect gives the ability to transform yourself into any lifestyle or goal that suits you. You aren't going to let anyone or anything stand in your way for long. With this, you have an ability to see through other people, their motivations and emotions.

You have Venus square Mars, which is said to denote many conflicts in personal relationships, especially when it comes to romance and passion. In this sense, Saturn placed as it is may save you from jumping into marriage too soon, while ignoring severe problems which could develop between you and the other person.

I don't mean for any of this to sound ominous or discouraging. We all go through difficulties with relationships at some point in our lives. I don't see squares and oppositions as harshly as some astrology books do. I think these are simply energy, which a person needs to learn and manage in a better way than the trines and sextiles.

Whats wrong with my horoscope ?

You have a great career, money and everything. Yet any marriage proposal is not fructifying. You must be aware that there are other considerations also which are taken into account in a marriage proposal. Horoscopes actually do not indicate anything. Horoscope shows the position of planets and stars in the sky as seen from the earth. But what we see from the earth is not the truth. We see that the sun, moon, planets and stars revolve around the earth from east to the west and so on. But that is not the truth. It is on the basis of such an erroneous thing, predictions are made. Obviously, such predictions are mere guesses only and have no logical or scientific basis.

When will I get married as per astrology?

Marriage is a beautiful association that brings two souls together for a lifetime. It is the most awaited time for the people in love. With the start of the new year, the expectations have already hopped with questions like- When will I get married Is a wedding on the cards for me this year?All the answers are hidden in your daily singles love horoscope. The year 2019 has come with a lot of surprises in terms of love, romance, and relationships. Positions of Stars is predicting wedding bells for many zodiacs this year.Here, are the five zodiacs that will surely find the love of their life this year and might take the plunge. Take a look over these five lucky zodiac signs and their marriage predictions:AriesLeoScorpioSagittariusAquariusThese five zodiac signs are lucky for this year. If you have one of the lukcy signs then this year you will get married as per horoscope and astrology.But first of all you want to read in details how to five zodiacs that will surely find the love of their life this year and might take the plunge.Take a look over these five lucky zodiac signs and their marriage predictions here: Will You Get Married This Year? Your Zodiac Has the Answer | Wiki Gramas