When Is The Right Time To Be Angry

Why is my dad so angry all the time?

It's really hard to live with someone who has this level of anger- you must feel like you are walking on eggshells all the time, and find it hard to relax at home. When people are this tense, then you can't do anything right, because basically it's not you they are mad about- it's something else that has nothing to do with you.

So how to handle it? If you are a child, then I suggest 2 main things- stay out of the way, and get help. Stay out of the way so you don't end up being the person he takes his anger out on.But you can't do this forever, and why should you? This is your home too. Secondly, talk to another adult about this- your mom, an aunt or uncle, family friend, school counselor etc.If you are a child, you can't be expected to handle this on your own.

And of course you're worried about why he's so pissed all the time, and want to know why. Has he always been like this, or is this something that has changed recently? If he always been this way, then you have more of a problem and it's even more important to get help. If he has recently changed, you could try waiting for a quiet moment, when he seems less stressed, and just ask him what's wrong, you've noticed he is very upset at the moment and that you're worried about him. But be careful- it's good to have loving concerns for your Dad, but no child should have to be their dad's counselor.

When was the last time you were really angry and why?

Last night. This might give you a good picture of the situation:;...
That's the abbreviated version, there are some underlying feelings of anger aroung much of the circumstances.
I'm still right ticked off.

Oh!...(*hears phone*).... There a text from the selfish liar right now.....

Time is what I usually need most to calm down.

*LOL, all screwed up: I hear you sister!!!!!!

Is there a time when anger is appropriate?

Hi Jimmy!I don't think so.I base that on my "life experience" and where I am now in my "spiritual growth." Which isn't an indication that I don't still get angry, however, I've learned and continue to learn, to handle situations without angry.Seeing a situation for what it is and saying or doing what "needs" to be done, can be carried out without angry, without violence.  However, people are where they are in their social, emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical development, and act accordingly.  Growing "spiritually" is a process. Human beings are here to live and learn; to grow towards being "beings" that do no harm unto one another. Uncontrolled anger, begets violence, and does harm unto others.Granted souls can be taught from babies how to handle situations in a manner that will bring about a desired result, verses, getting "emotionally" upset and acting out in anger. I believe it's called "reason." Some people act based on emotion.If humans were without "emotion" and functioned solely on reason, I would imagine, most problems would be solved, but we don't. Emotion allows us to learn and grow from our shortcomings. Even though, it can create serious consequences for people.So I would say acting in anger is only justifiable based only on the fact that we are fallible creatures and act and react based on where we are in our stages of growth.  But, doing harm unto others in any fashion is never justifiable. Do I think people should turn the other way when injustice is being done --on any level-- no, I don't. And it takes having "conviction" regarding injustice, to stand up and do something about it. Is having "conviction" anger?  I say no. But it is having a zealousness, to stand up for what is right and do what needs to be done to ensure justice. Of course that doesn't mean harming anyone physically, but wars happen all the time in the name of justice, and change!

Do you think anger in the right time is useful?

Any emotion, including anger, is always right. But as to the usefulness of expressing anger, including all other emotions, depends on the situation.You got to be in a powerful position, or you are considered to be the one in charge, so you can effectively express your anger. But if you're a mere follower, you better contain, teach your anger to behave. Or else, you'll be in a losing situation almost all the time.For example, if you're the boss, you can always be angry to your subordinates if they're doing wrong or bad. But if you're a follower or just a regular employee, you can't be expressing your anger at your boss at any time. In fact, you can't be angry at all. You’ll learn to suck it up. Your only other better choice is to leave.

Does being angry all the time affect your health?

Being in a bad mood all the time is definitely bad for you. If you are simply having A Bad Day, then talking about it and getting it out and getting past it is healthy. But if you are just very pessimistic all the time about most things in life, you should try to change your outlook because over time it is detrimental to your health, and I'm sure to the health of your family.

Why do I become so angry and irratable right before my period?

That time of the month is coming...once again :-( and I'm feeling so irritable. I get so angry so easily, even when I am trying to control. I just snap or give smart remarks when anyone pisses me off...which is often.

My mother is here visiting me from the states... and for some reason she never really got this way. Growing up I can't remember her acting like that. So it makes me feel like if it's just me. But its so hard especially when my mother makes comments your boyfriend is so nice and patient to deal with your attitude.

I am not normally like this but this strong urge to scream and cry, and to not control my emotions only irritates me more. I feel so out of control. Are there any natural remedies or medications for this?

Do I have the right to get angry to the person I love the most?

Most of us lack the capacity to have mental peace all the time under all situations. So, our reaction is usually very bad hurting others and then the hurt coming back to us.So, first and foremost please try this exceptionally powerful meditation technique to remove any unwanted/distracting thought quite easily and effectively: The Highest Thought Meditation. It is infallible in removing negative thoughts - so, doing this meditation will give you the state of equanimity meaning the state of unassailable peace all the time under all situations.Once this state of equanimity is acquired, anger can be used in right dose at the right time in the right manner towards the right target. But, without this state of equanimity, anger always creates more problems than it solves. I hope, you grasp my point and heed my advise on how to acquire the state of equanimity given above.Best of luck!

Can anger make you a "better" fighter?

No. Anger can increase confidence and induce adrenaline, however, it also decreases awareness and complacency is the product. Awareness and composure are vital in any fight situation - you need to see your opponents shots coming and throw your own at the right time and in the right place, anger takes these traits away, or at least dumbs them down significantly.

You may get "lucky" with a punch thrown in anger, but a trained fighter will pick you apart fairly easy, and quickly.