When It Comes To Your Mouth Area Or Lips Smile Is Enhanced. Due Lines Around Your Mouth

What does it mean when he looks into my eyes and down at my lips?

I have a hunch that he's been reading books about interpreting body language, or I could be way off, but whatever. I'll tell you what it means because I'm a Jedi Consular and I know everything about anything. I have a knack for reading people's minds as well, even when I don't know a whole lot about them. So here's what's going on:

1. Yes, he absolutely does like you, and from the sound of it, a lot.

2. Yes, he's also sexually attracted to you, however, I've a very good feeling that he's mature enough and won't make any sexual advances on you after having a mature conversation about it. After all, he hasn't done anything sexual around you yet has he? Didn't think so. (This is assuming that you or he grows a backbone and tells the other how you feel about them. Yes, we all know you like him too.)

3. The increased eye contact means he has become increasingly more interested in you over time. (Perhaps you're in that stage of adolescence where the boys are starting to take notice of your "features.") He's paying close attention to your actions for a reason. I believe without a doubt that he's infatuated with you.

4. You can't blame a guy for admiring your body. We're humans. We're built to be attracted to these things. Get over it if you have a problem with.

5. Guys don't just "like" you as a friend when they pay that much attention to you. Don't believe me? Ask him.

Having said all that and ruining all the magic for you, the bottom line is: Just tell him you like him and get it over with kid. Yeesh, you women (and girls too) spend so much time analyzing everything. It's a wonder you ever have time to actually have a relationship.

Can you make your lips bigger by stretching them?

can you permantly make your mouth wider/ lips bigger by stretching them with your hands? i hate my mouth and my smiles so small and ugly. dont tell me to be happy with what i have or surgery or lip enhancing lipgloss. i want to know if stretching them will work as a fast, PERMANANT solution if i do it often enough. thanks.x

What can I do to avoid to create wrinkles due to giving oral sex ?

It's doubtful that the lines around your mouth and nose are due to oral sex. You don't mention your age, but such lines are common as we grow older, whether or not we engage in oral sex. If you feel your skin is unhealthy, try talking to your physician and/or pharmacist for suggestions on how to reduce these lines. Also, drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. Consider using moisturizer as well. And, be aware that unprotected oral sex can make you vulnerable to give and/or get STDs.