When People Talk To Me I Have No Clue What To Say Sometimes.

Why don't people respond to me when I talk?

There are many reasons why people do not always respond to us, and some of these have been included in other writer's responses to this question. For example, not everything we say requires a response; we may have a sensitivity to feeling ignored, and therefore focus our attention on when others do not respond to us (whilst not counting and/or remembering the times when we have been responded to); that the other person may be too tired to response; that the other person may be too preoccupied to notice that they are being spoken to, etc. However, I thought it might be helpful to also consider another angle. Have you noticed how some people say things in such a way that seems to draw people's attention towards them? It is because they believe that what they are saying is interesting, and therefore speak with conviction, both clearly and at a volume that gets noticed (without being too loud). Conversely, other people, because of their life experiences, assume that people are not truly interested in what they have to say, and thus perhaps do not speak with conviction. They may also talk quietly. This is understandable, because if we have experienced being ignored in the past, (especially if this happened a lot when we were growing up), we can end up assuming that no-one is interested in what we have to say. Thus, without realising it, when we talk, we communicate to others that what we have to say is probably not very interesting, and neither requires their attention nor response. If you think this may be true for you (and of course, I don't know if this is the case or not), then it might be worth reminding yourself of the following: when engaging in conversations, truly believe that what you have to say is as valid and interesting as what everyone else has to say, and then say what you want to say with the expectation that you will be heard. Of course, this does not guarantee a response, because the person may be distracted/caught up in their head, not heard you, be too tired to respond, etc. However, if you do not get a response, it may be worth repeating what you have said again. I hope this helps.

Do people care that i mumble sometimes?

sometimes when i talk, i mumble and some people are like, "what?" and think am weird in a way. i met a couple of cute guys but when i talked sometimes they had no clue what i was saying.....SOMETIMES. am worried that they may dislike me because my verbal skills are not that great. Has anyone ever been through such moments or has anyone thought that a person was weird because of their mumbling?

Do you think hitting your kid is sometimes necessary to discipline him or her?

Hit or Spank? I was spanked growing up, fact is I should have gotten more spankings than I did, my parents were spanked as were theirs and so on. I grew up understanding that my actions had consequences, I never felt abused or unloved or worthless in any way because I was spanked. I thought of it merely as a punishment for whatever wrong I had done. My mother was not an abuser, she is a very loving, caring woman that worked herself to the bone to take care of myself and my brothers. I get so sick of hearing people talk trash about other people's parents when they obviously have no clue. As a parent it is fine to decide for yourself if you should spank or not, but don't sling the word abuse around to describe spanking. People need to stop and think how they would like someone talking trash about their parents, which is what you do when you say every spanker is an abuser. It must be nice to sit in front of a little box and anonymously pass judgment on the world.

I'm gonna talk to my crush tomorrow. Any advice?

I go into homeroom everyday and sit there, and he sits there listening to music, and sometimes we'll exchange a glance and I think he sometimes just looks at me. IDK. I'm VERY nervous about tomorrow, and I need a bunch of advice. Please help me, I have no clue what I'm doing and I feel like I might throw up on him if I start talking to him. (lol)

I NEED TO TALK TO HIM. I can't hold back any longer and I'm tired of just waiting for him.(even though its only been a month since he came to my school)