When Will I Tell Myself Enough Is Enough

If you tell yourself something enough times, will you eventually believe it?

I'm not saying something outrageous along the lines of "Unicorns are totally real!" I mean more along the lines of trying to kill my interest in a guy.

I have a huge crush on this guy, but I don't really want to be interested any more. This is because he's a few years older than me, and there's a chance that he might not have shown interest in me for good reasons. I keep telling myself that he's only interested in me for sex, and he's a creep, but deep down, I don't really believe that. I'm not in denial, I honestly think (although there's a chance that he's not) that he's actually a genuine, good guy (and I'm not the only person who would say that).

Even if, deep down, I don't believe it to be true when I say that he's just some creepy perv, is there a chance that I can sort of make it true for myself, by telling myself that repeatedly?

At what point do you tell yourself "Enough is enough, I need therapy"?

•when you feel that "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is a sign of [madness]" applies to you.•when your pain overwhelms you.•when the pain you realize you're inflicting pain on others in spite of trying not to.•when you feel stuck.•when you Google symptoms and it seems you meet the criteria for a disorder.But pretty much :•When you start asking yourself this type of question.

When was the last time you told yourself “I am enough“?

“I am enough,” I quietly said today, surrounded by smiling college students.Right before this, they were telling me:“You can do this!”“Believe in yourself!”“It’s okay to make mistakes. We do too!”“You did really well on the last song, this one isn’t that much harder. I think you’ll be great!”“We’re here for fun, and having you play would make it funner!”And so on.My school’s band travelled to Purdue University to practice for an upcoming concert we have with them. We played a bit, and then they played us some of their (very hard) songs.We were encouraged to play along, but I wasn’t very confident in my abilities. However, they were dead set on having me play with them, so they gave me some encouragement and advice.My heart was fluttery, my hands were a bit shaky, but I did it. Sure, I missed some notes and key changes, but I was sight reading a college level song!Afterwards, they told me how well I did, even though I’m still in middle school. My nervousness had completely faded by then, and I was smiling like an idiot.I can do this. I did do it.I am enough.

If you tell yourself something enough times, will you start to believe it?

Yes that's very true, our minds work in very mysterious ways. Another example would be like putting your hand up against a fence believing it was electrical...even though it isn't, your mind would tell you it is and you would feel the shock.

But in order for this to work you would truly need to believe what you are saying to yourself, if there is any doubt in your mind then it will not work.

So if you started telling yourself that these things didn't happened to you, or you tell yourself that they happened to someone else you would eventually start to believe it.

If you tell yourself something enough times... will you believe it?


When do you know enough has been said?

Sometimes I don’t, unfortunately. I like to debate and discuss and consider and change views and then try to debate some more, and sometimes this means I probably spend too much time with others who also like to debate and discuss and consider and change views and then try to debate some more. But that’s productive and fun and I can forgive myself for spending too much time on a topic sometimes when I already know the decision. In the context though of someone who does not want to engage in productive way, I generally get it right, by knowing that on many topics I simply don’t need to justify myself at all; knowing this is very powerful.

How do you know enough is enough when you go through on and off with your partner over "minor things" (not calling/texting per preference, easy to anger, not apologize)? Though I tell myself I truly love him.

Separate every once in a while, go on little trips or camping or whatever and get adjusted to yourself again… your partner should also go on Little trips…once a month. Then take a longer vacation….. maybe a week or even two. This allows time to resolve to yourself how much you miss your partner, or, how much you like being away from your partner…. But, don’t get married!!!

Is there any way i can hurt myself enough to go to hospital?

im not emo, i just want to hear different ways you can hurt yourself enough to go to hospital, just curious :) that's all, don't call me crazy thanks
