When Will It Cool To White And Beautiful Again Politically Speaking Of Course.

When is being politically correct wrong?

When a deferred political correctness demand is used to avoid someone’s own responsibilityWe have quite a lot of this in the Netherlands at this moment where groups of dark skinned people use a children’s saga (Black Pete or ‘Zwarte Piet’) to project their own failure to forge ahead in society. Under the misguided label “racism”, they have created a line of thought that Black Pete is some kind of black face that has a deeper sense to imprint the message that anyone who has a dark complexion is a servant and stupid. It is historically completely incorrect (Black Pete is modelled on a Moorish page and has a acrobat like role to entertain children and bestow gifts on them). But this line of thought serves as a public relations model and a potential value proposition (somehow, the Dutch should reimburse all current black people for their 17-th century slavery ancestors). This discussion is widely perceived in the Netherlands as a way to avoid their own responsibility for attending school, applying for a job and turning up in time to fulfill the requirements.Another example (just in this week) is perceived racial profiling by the police. In the Netherlands, Moroccan young man are overrepresented in all the wrong statistics in the police. From traffic violation to harassing women, from school drop-outs to gang violence, they are (percentual) leaders. This week, the police stopped a Moroccan young male rapper in a very expensive car for a check-up. Although he was the legal owner of the car, and duly send on his way, they cried foul claiming racism. When the police would be looking for tax fraud suspects, they would probably raid the country club. When the police investigates Ajax football hooligans, they would start in Amsterdam. And when a 23-year old Moroccan makes an ostentatious display of himself in an expensive BMW, he shouldn’t be surprised the police asks for credentials. the root cause is their overrepresentation in crime statics.

Do black South Africans want white South Africans to leave the country?

Yes. Many do. There is a growing and disconcerting number of Black South Africans who believe that a nationalist point of view means  their country belongs to "them". They believe in paying injustice with justice. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Mercy for no one. However, I have noticed that there is a new age of "conservatism" that is sweeping many countries across the world. Disillusioned people are very easy to manipulate and work into frenzies. Not to make excuses for the German, but the psyche of the common German after the first world war is what made it very easy for Hitler's regime to become widespread and indoctrinated in Germany at the time. They were very disillusioned. I've seen it today with Greek friends, French friends, and now with my South African friends as well. There is a rise of conservatism in Europe that has outrightly racist, islamophobic, anti-Roma, anti-immigration views etc. It brands itself "nationalism", and it feeds off of fears, disappointments and disillusionment. In South Africa now, there is a compounding of disillusionment with the economic progress of the country, the leadership of the country, the distribution of power in the country. A lot of the hope that was There in the struggle has turned into disappointment. There is also fear spread widely about immigration into the country. The country is ripe for racist propaganda being fronted as "nationalist agenda". So unfortunately, yes. Many South Africans want whites to leave. And these ideas are propagated even further by leaders who constantly ingrained them in the people. Leaders who are preying on the psyche of disillusioned South Africans. South African history is very complicated. I don't think I will ever be able to understand the nuances of it all. I live in South Africa right now, and I understand a little better due to immersion. However, even when I make observations, I am unable to visualise what a viable solution would be. Similar to how it's incomprehensible to try and solve the Israel-Palestine conflict. I sadly don't know what the possible solution would be.

What political and social issues from the Civil War era do you think are still issues today?

i think it's hillarious that many schools are teaching our kids that Lincoln was NOT a racist.

“I will say that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters of jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they can not so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” (Abraham Lincoln in his fourth debate with Stephen Douglas in 1858). There’s much more if you count all of his votes against anti-slavery legislation while a Congressman from IL.

Why are white men the biggest consumers of ebony porn?

'Cause we love the chocolate booty!

What is the politically correct word for love?

TRIGGER WARNING. THE FOLLOWING POST WILL OFFEND SOME PERSONS.What is the politically correct word for love?I hope you can forgive me for speaking to you without your express permission, and I want to first apologize for my white male privilege, and my rape culture, and if you happen to be any minority whatsoever I apologize for any cultural appropriation I may have committed, and my unconscious bias and microaggressions against you or any other way I might have triggered you.I just want to tell you, and again forgive me oppressing you by doing what I want and not considering your needs first, but your beauty, not that I’m saying you are beautiful; you are, but I’d never say that or objectify your body in any way, which I haven’t looked at it — your body I mean, so I don’t know if you are fat, you aren’t, but I don’t that and even if you are you are beautiful because it doesn’t matter.It is just because of who you are, though Of course I don’t claim to know you, anything about you, your beliefs or gender identity, or your level of oppression, or — did I apologize for my privilege; yes? okay — so yeah, no, I don’t know you of course, or anything about you or your lived experience or anything, it’s just my white male privilege feeling that I’m entitled to speak to you, and entitled to your time and your body. So I know what I want to say is obviously just a lie to cover my true, base, rapist impulses but…I love you.Okay Quora, I’m ready to go.

Why do so many Asian guys seem obsessed with dating a white American girl?

The sad aspect of being an Asian American male is that you get to see all of your fellow Asian American females get snatched up by white American guys and then tell you that they aren't all that interested in dating Asian men.That's ok, that I can deal with. Of course we care a lot (see How do Asian guys feel about Asian women dating white guys?) but really, it's not exclusively their fault.BUT if I tried to date some white American girl: IT'S NOT HAPPENING. How can an Asian man get together with a Caucasian woman? Are Caucasian women into Asian men? If they are, what's the best way to approach one?What do white girls think of Asian guys? Is there any possibility of a relationship or getting married?Why don't white girls seriously consider dating Asian guys?Do white girls in the US find Asian guys attractive enough to date them? Why or why not?I've tried to set up my friends in the past. Here is an actual conversation:Me: I know someone who I can setup your friend with on a date. He is tall, smart, and handsome.Female friend: Is he Asian?Me: Ummm, yes?Female friend: No Asians.Me: ...Statistically speaking Asian Males (and Black females) got screwed overAt time point, neither Asians girls or White girls are at all interested in dating you and rule you out the moment you walk up to them. That's a pretty sucky scenario and since relationships are a rather important thing that defines humanity, it's not all that great to be sitting on the sidelines while your Asian female friends get their emotional fix.Why wouldn't I think about this?

Women voters, arn't you tired of Obama Anti-Palin Ads?

Hillary Clinton supporters and Women for McCain leadership are slamming Barack Obama’s new ad, titled “His Choice,” as sexist and demeaning to women for its depiction of running mate Sarah Palin.

The ad features a McCain quote about relying on his vice president for economic advice — and then shows an unrelated clip of Palin winking mischievously at the camera.

The implication: She’s less than a person to be taken seriously.

“It’s a sexist example of reducing a woman to an object — a wink — and denying her a voice. Her lips are actually moving, but she’s not allowed to be heard,” says Stephanie Bressler, a Hillary Clinton supporter and women and politics professor at the University of Scranton.

Bressler is not alone in her umbrage over the ad.

Christine Toretti, co-chair of Pennsylvania Women for McCain, said, “God forbid a leader is not only competent, but beautiful and wears a skirt!”

And Judy Singleton, co-chair of Indiana Women for McCain, said: “To imply that Governor Palin doesn’t understand economics because she’s pretty and winks is ridiculous.”

Such objections are echoing throughout the country, so much so that the McCain-Palin campaign released the following statements Friday from former Clinton supporters and Women for McCain leaders reacting to the ad: