When Will The Kittens Be Here

When will my long-haired kitten's fur stop growing?!?

It will always grow but should reach it's maximum length by the time she's 2 years old. Make sure grooming is part of her daily routine. Long haired cat require lots of upkeep on their fur to keep it from matting and to prevent hairballs. Use a cat comb instead of a brush. Combs remove more loose hair than brushes do. She's an angel!

When do my five kittens start walking ?

the kittens are 13 days old and have there eyes open and some of there ears are opening but i want to know when they will start walking . If you have any idea please share with me.

Will my outdoor cat bring her kittens home?

I live at a cat rehabilitation place and have had numerous litters of kittens here. they all have gave birth out in the woods and as they get older, the mother ALWAYS brings them back to the house. the mother cat wants her baby's to be safe and if she thinks you re house and you re family are nice, then she would of course bring them back.
If she trusts you, she will trust you with her kittens.

*** Oh! and dont follow her too much, if she thinks youre trying to find her babys, she will keep relocating them to different spots
Let nature takes its course, and everything will be okkay.

What do stray kittens eat?

Stray kittens drink their mothers milk until around 8 weeks old when they no longer need it. Until then they eat whatever other stray cats eat or whatever it's mother gives it.Cats are opportunists and will eat rats, rabbits, lizards, things in garbage cans, left over junk food, cat food stolen off housecats and basically anything edible. Hungry people do desperate things and cats are no different.My cat was a stray runt that had been abandoned by his mother in the bushes of our local oval. Mother cats give birth to big litters. In the wild, not all of these kittens are meant to survive and the mother will leave some to starve. When we found him he was malnourished and couldn't open his eyes. Having no cat food with us we gave him boiled carrots with rice and he ate it.

When kittens start to walk and leave there nest?

Here's the first fact, Kittens and cats, then don't have nests.. -.-

When can kittens begin eating wet food?

Around 4–5 weeks, they’ll get interested and may try to eat it. Their actual food however is still their mother’s milk.Around 6 weeks, they CAN survive without milk, but it’s still the healthier option. After 2 months, milk gets increasingly less important and they shift to solid food, both wet and dry. At 3 months, milk is basically comfort food: they love cuddling up to their mom for a snack, but that’s all it is. Usually mom wil have started weaning them at this point, ie refusing to lie down so they can suckle, perhaps even making irritated noises to shoo them off.If you have a kitten of less than 8 weeks, buy cat formula from the vet.

How to tell if my newborn kittens will be long haired?

The mom is a marble bengal .. about medium hair .. here she is:

and the dad is a long hair (straight).. here he is:

2 of the kittens are marble spots .. and their hair is very fine, soft and slicked back like the dad.
The other 2 kittens hair is a little thicker, not AS soft and it's puffy around the head, not slicked back.

Is there anyway to tell which ones will be long haired? I'm keeping 2 of them and i LOVE long haired cats =)

p.s. the male is now fixed. it was sort of an accident, a good accident though =) .. the female will be fixed after shes done nursing for a few months. all my cats are inside only.

My cat just had a contraction. How soon will the kittens be here?

My cat just had a contraction (Yes we are getting her fixed soon after she has her kittens) Usually, when cats have a contraction, how long is it until the kittens are born? Thank you so much for all your help! :-)