When You Play Golf With Your Boss Do You Deliberately Lose

Why do teachers give so much homework over Holidays?

They are preparing you for college and real life. When you are in AP, you will earn college credit, so it will be equal with collegiate level course load (which is HEAVY). Also, bosses tend to do this too. "Oh, do this for me.. it will only take half an hour..." and 12 hours and a whole weekend later... well you get the picture...

Work hard and it will pay off! If you are feeling absolutely overwhelmed, talk to your teachers. Show them what you have already accomplished and ask for an exention (even just for you). You might be surprised what a teacher will do for a student who actually asks them for help instead of complaining outside of class!

Why does everyone seem to HATE Pete Rose?

This is an honest question, really.

Pete Rose was arguably one of the best "players" in MLB history. He always tried hard, he always gave it everything he had. As a player, he was a great example.

As a manager, he bet on baseball. He bet on his own team to "win", not to lose.

We as fans seem to forgive everything:

Cheating on your wife (Tiger)
Using PEDs and lying about it and even trying to ruin those who testify against you (Roger Clemens and Lance Armstrong)
Murder (OJ)
Assaulting your competition (Tonya Harding)
Pay for injuring your competition (N.O. Saints)
Taking money to intentionally throw a game (1918 Chicago Black Sox)
Driving drunk and killing someone (Leonard Little)

So, honestly, why is Rose's offense bigger than the rest and unforgivable?

Do most football fans have low intelligence?

I just don't understand all the seemingly idiotic things that football fans do, such as.

1. Getting overly excited. Yelling at their TV's. Yelling at the top of their lungs at stadiums, intentionally trying to be as loud and rowdy as possible, etc. Don't get me wrong, I can enjoy watching a game of football, and appreciate the game in an intelligent fashion. I've never once felt the need to go crazy and scream my head off and act like a retarded wild animal. Other sports fans such as golf fans can also intelligently watch their game in a well behaved manner. Are football fans mostly just of low intelligence, and that's why they act like wild baboons? Or is there some other explanation?
2. So many football fans seem like idiots the way they support their team. Most of them do not make an intelligent choice as to who is their favorite, they just automatically default to whoever their local team is. They paint and even tattoo their bodies with their team logo, they throw big parties just to get drunk and yell about how good their default favorite team is, and how bad whatever the other team is. They talk about their team all season long, like their life revolves around their default favorite. Myself, I can enjoy the qualities of any team, and it doesn't matter who wins, I can intelligently enjoy the game which takes place, without even the need for favorites. So why do most go absolutely wild like maniacs when their team wins, and practically riot and get so angry when their team looses. Is it simply a matter of low intelligence on average? Or something else?