When You Use Google Do You Ever

Do you ever google yourself or friends?

There's a crappy youtube video of a girl with my name that's had all of... 9 views, where she says nothing, does nothing, and basically just has her brother or someone trying to pick her nose occasionally :/

That aside, we have an author on with my name, a charity athlete, some tramp on Facebook getting groped in her main photo,and an Aussie girl on Myspace with the frightening tag line "looks like a fresh axe wound on a bears back" o.O

High prospects for my name.

Do people actually use Google +?

Forget about others, let's check when did the 2 founders of Google updated their status last time. In social media it's all about how active you are on network and how you engage with people.Larry Page = 9.9 Million followers and last update was August 21 2015Segrey Brin = 6.2 Million FollowersLast update is same as aboveNow look at Mark’s Facebook pageMy opinion is when the head of the company don’t use their own social networks why would people use their networks.Edit: I am a digital marketing professional and I can tell you that most of companies post updates on Google+ for seo benefits. Most of the top brands in India have completely stopped their postings on Google+. Check FlipKart or Amazon Google plus pages.

Do you like Google or Yahoo seatch engine ?


Spell check
Easy to navigate
Images load well

Do you ever google yourself just to make sure that nothing comes up?

Yes, I googled my name and apparently I am a porn star (well, I'm not of course but someone with the same name is).LOL

Why should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?

DuckDuckGo (DDG)'s main selling point is they don't track you. From their website:We don't store your personal infoWe don't follow you around with adsWe don't track you. Ever.Google on the other hand tracks you a lot. Considering they own Gmail, YouTube and many other big platforms they can collate a lot of information about you by your browsing habits.For them, this is a good thing - they can give you more of what you want and less of what you don't.For users, this can be a good thing too. Google knows I like (say) Arsenal FC so they surface more content like that to me.On the other hand, you get:Targeted ads following you around, based on your online behaviour(ever looked at new shoes online then had ads for those same shoes (and similar) showing to you for days? This is that in action.)You can get an 'echo chamber' effect - if you have political views of one strand, you're more likely to see things you agree with, rather than jave your views challenged. Could be seen a good - I think this is bad.The machines haven't got this quite right - yet. If your wife/husband/kids use your device you get shown ads for the things they looked at.But they're getting better at this.At the end of the day you have to decide how comfortable you are exchanging your data for things/services.Lots of surveys show people are, generally, happy to share their data if it means they get a better, more personalised service.Some aren't. Those people probably use DuckDuckGo.The irony is, a lot of them probably use it via the Chrome browser. And guess who owns that? ☺And no, going “incognito” doesn't have the same effect.