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Are there any European superheroes in the comic books?

Captain Britain (Brian Braddock, English),his sister Psylocke (Elizabeth Braddock) of the X-Men (For the last 20+ yrs her mind has been inhabiting the body of a Japanese ninja assassin, but she’s still thought of as good ol’ Betsy.. long story.).Her fellow X-Men Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner, German),Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff, from the fictional Eastern European country of Transia), his twin sister Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff),Banshee (Sean Cassidy, Irish) and his daughter Siryn/(the second) Banshee (Theresa Maeve Rourke Cassidy).Not forgetting the one and only John Constantine (English Scouser).(T.b.h I’m not sure if most people consider Constantine a superhero, but he is definitely a magical anti-hero who has worked alongside and assisted many D.C heroes.)Yes I’m aware all but two of these are X-Men (Brian Braddock is part of the team Excalibur which is an off shoot of the X-Men, but I’m unsure if it is technically part of the X-Men. Plus he is not a mutant like his sister and all other X-Men I know of, his powers come from magic.).There are a lot of European super villains in both Marvell and D.C. comics (Dr Doom, Magneto, Manchester Black etc). But these are the only European heroes I could think of.In movies nearly all of these characters have been depicted as American b.t.w.

What do people in other countries think about Donald Trump?

CanadaWe’re concerned for our poor neighbours to the south, while simultaneously amazed at this unbelievable spectacle:UpdateI was astounded and dismayed, but not really surprised, when I read the Calgary Sun (a right-wing and very conservative news daily). They had published a poll taken of their readers to find out which presidential candidate people supported. The poll showed 48% support for Trump, 27% support for Hillary and 25% undecided.These sad numbers should not be surprising because this is an oil-producing province and Trump, a climate change denier, said that he would give his blessing to a huge pipeline project to send Alberta oil (most of it from our Athabasca “tar-sands”, a very polluting and expensive source) to the US Gulf Coast.A presidential endorsement of this “Keystone XL Pipeline” (Barack Obama already said, “No”) is something that Alberta oil barons would dearly love to see and so Trump is their man; environment and world peace be damned I suppose, as long as the oil companies keep making money. :^(Trump’s approval rating will be much lower and Hillary’s much higher in more liberal-minded parts of Canada, such as British Columbia and Ontario (maybe in Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia too). Saskatchewan and Manitoba, prairie-land in the middle of Canada, are a mystery to me.