Where Can I Find Professional Web Design

What software do professional web designers use?

Photoshop is the most widely used program for creating wireframes and designing websites. While there are other options available for creating your design layouts for a website Photoshop tops them all.Illustrator is used by professional designers to create graphics / illustrations for web projects.DevelopmentNotepad++ is a lightweight text editor for Windows which has extension support for developers. While great for hand programming small static website it lacks in features for advanced programming.Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor with many more features than Notepad++. A great program for hand coding small and large website, and available for Windows, Linux and OS X.Testing / DebuggingBrowserstack web based software used for cross-browser testing. There is a monthly fee for the service, but very much worth the cost for developing cross-browser friendly websites.Here moreTop 9 SEO Friendly Website Design TipsWordPress Theme Is Easy For Web DesignTop 8 SEO Opportunity in 2018

WebEasy Professional and Xara Web Designer Premium. which one is the best?Reasons?is there a better designer?

Go for WebEasy Pro.