Where Did These Months Get Their Names From

What is the names of the 12 months?

In most cultures that I know their yearly calendar is kind of subjected to the Gregorian calendar which comprises of 12 months. So 12 months make the Gregorian Calendar year.In Gregorian calendar the names of the 12 months are listed below:First Month - JanuarySecond Month - FebruaryThird Month - MarchFourth Month - AprilFifth Month - MaySixth Month - JuneSeventh Month - JulyEighth Month - AugustNinth Month - SeptemberTenth Month - OctoberEleventh Month - NovemberTwelfth Month - DecemberIn my culture’s (Yoruba Culture) calendar, the months are listed thus:Sere - JanuaryErele - FebruaryErena - MarchIgebe - AprilEbibi - MayOkudu - JuneAgemo - JulyOgun - AugustOwewe - SeptemberOwara - OctoberBelu - NovemberOpe -December

Who created the names of the week and months? When were they created?

The names of the months that we use in the Julian and Gregorian calendars are Roman. They are respectively named after:(Roman god) JanusFebrua (a purification festival)(Roman god) Mars(April is uncertain)(Greek goddess ) Maia,(Roman goddess) Juno,Julius Caesar,Augustus Caesar,The (former) seventh month,The (former) eighth month,The (former) ninth month,The (former) tenth (now twelfth) month.The days of the week are named after celestial bodies and gods. They are respectively:Sun dayMoon day(Norse god Týr) Tiw’s day(Norse god Odin) Wotan’s day(Norse god) Thor’s day(Norse goddess) Frigg’s day(Roman god) Saturn’s day.

Where did the months get there name from and why does february have 29 days every 4 years.?

The calendar as we know it (the Gregorian Calendar) is actually a refinement of the Julian Calendar, which was put in place by Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire. Thus, most of the months have either a connection to Roman mythology/religion or leaders of the Romans. July, for example, is derived from "Julius" and August from "Augustus", both names of Roman emperors.

The reason there are leap years (years where February has 29 days) is because the actual time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun is closer to 365.25 days. So, every four years we add a day and thus we end up approximately correct. Note that even the 365.25 is an approximation and they will add seconds here and there to account for the difference.

Who invented the names of the days and months?

Julius Ceasar in the 50 BC's, for instance the Month of July is named after Julius.

I have a baby girl 7 months old and we named her Kaleya. Does anyone know the meaning of the name Kaleya?

Well "Kalea" is hawaiian and means "Bright and Clear" or "joy, happiness" depending on where you look. That is as close to Kaleya as i could find. I also found "Kaliyah" which means "beloved, sweetheart"

The names of the days and months are capitalised but not the names of seasons. Why?

The capitalization of seasons has specific rules in the English language. When the seasons are used generally, they  should not be capitalized; however, when seasons are used in a title,  then the first letter should be capitalized.Seasons, such as winter, spring, summer and fall,  do not require capitalization because they are generic nouns. Some  people may confuse these words as being proper nouns and try to  capitalize them using that rule of capitalization.The winter season allows for many snow related sports.My favorite flowers bloom in the spring.This summer’s heat wave lasted over a month.We often take long drives to look at autumn foliage.When a season is used in a title, the capitalization rule that applies  to titles should be utilized. For example, in this sentence, “The Fall  2014 semester ends in December,” Fall 2014 would be considered a title  and therefore capitalized.One obvious exception to these two rules would be if the season were  being used as the first word in a sentence. For example, “Summer time is  my favorite time of year.” Another exception to the above  rules would be for stylistic purposes in poetry if the season were to  be personified. For example:And Spring arose on the garden fair,Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breastRose from the dreams of its wintry rest.- An excerpt from “The Sensitive Plant” by Percy Bysshe Shelley