Where Do You Go In Armageddon

Why did Armageddon get some many bad reviews?

I hated it.
I hated it because i could predict every kiss, every "kick ***' and every OH yeah before it happened.
At the end of the movie i discovered nothing new, i had not seen anything that i hadn't seen before.Did not learn anything.
The script was stereo type, thoughtless drivel.
It was just another bad American Hero Saves World form certain destruction by natural disaster movie.
That i have seen tonnes of times before.
Critics watch movie after movie, so they must get sick of seeing the same movie all the time.
But that's OK, the movies target audience would be under 25's.
I think anyone over that age who really loves the movie is as bland as the film itself.
Again if you are under 25 that's fine, that's like a 4 year old liking care bears, its normal.

At the end of the movie "Armageddon", why did Harry have to sacrifice himself instead of Rockhound?

Rockhound either was too crazy to start off, or as they said in the film, had space dementia.What is space dementia?Plus, it made for a more dramatic ending, the father sacrificing his life for the man who loved his daughter.It’s a corny Michael Bay film, they needed a martyr, so why not have Bruce Willis save the world, hugging a flag?

What is the name of the (Strip) Club in the movie Armageddon Movie ?

Hey, I`ve always wondering, whats the name of the club in the armageddon movie ?
Right before they need to leave earth, all of them take a day off and go to a club where they start a fight..

Thanks in advance!,

Scene question from the movie "Armageddon"....?

In response to Morgan's answer - I am not getting all excited about it. I vaguely saw it in the movie when I was watching it on tv. I was just curious to see if it was written the exact same way I have it. I also thought it was a pretty cool remembrance wall and wanted to see a better shot of it. It's not worth spending money to rent the movie again. I was just seeing if anyone had a pic of it. Thanks again.

Do Catholics believe in Armageddon?

I'm Catholic, and whenever the subject of Armageddon and the end of days comes up, the message I've heard is not to fear what *may* happen. We as Christians should be walking in the light and grace of Christ, trusting God for the future.

Since no one can truly be said to understand the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse), it's futile to worry about a possible Armageddon. We know that our lives are in God's control, and whether there is a great battle or not, He will take care of His own. That's as much knowledge as we have about the future, and that's all we need to know.

I'm sorry that I can't be more specific, but that's my take on the homilies I've heard and the books I've that deal with the subject from a Catholic perspective.


Yes, Catholics can fight in wars. If there is no government draft in effect, it's up to the conscience of the individual Catholic to join the military or not.

On a side note, you might want to take a look at this book about Catholic chaplains during WWII:

Battlefield Chaplains: Catholic Priests in World War II, by Donald F. Crosby.

There were many quiet heroes among the ranks of Catholic chaplains during combat, and I really enjoyed the book.

Why do people hate the movie "Armageddon"?

I don’t know that I exactly hate the movie, but it is definitely a bad movie. The question you have to ask is if it is so bad that it becomes good.It has a lot going for it. It’s a high budget film which has a lot of great actors giving (within the limits of the screenwriting) actually pretty good performances.But it ultimately just terrible because the events simply defy belief.I mean, I get it. It’s a movie about a bunch of oil drillers who get co-opted to fly a mission to an incoming asteroid and save the earth. That itself is a pretty ridiculous plot. My suspension of disbelief isn’t tested by the basic premise.But it’s just so ridiculous.If even one of the complications that occur during the movie happened during such a space flight, both crews would be dead, and the earth would be extinguished by an asteroid.Things that grate on me:Ridiculous new “shuttles” that are supposed to be super-armored, developed in secret by NASA, which is a civilian agency and not generally secret.Shuttles refuel at Russian space station, which somehow actually has a surplus of fuel, and is manned by a single crazy cosmonaut. Space station explodes spontaneously.Shuttles sling shot around the moon. Ridiculous.Collision with debris. Relative velocity makes almost anything fatal.Stupid nuclear weapons. Absurd subplot.Stupid, groanworthy “AJ is right and redeems himself at the end.”There are dozens of other issues that just make me groan.But again and again, complication after complication, something absurdly unusual happens and people survive. And the movie is not short.Phil Plait did a good job of saying just how bad the astronomy is:--SPOILERS!-- Review: ArmageddonIf you want some funnier criticism of it, Cinemasins had this to say..

Were all the guys oil drillers, (Armageddon 1998), who were picked to go on the asteroid?

“Have you even seen Star Wars?” Or more to the point, “Have you even seen Armageddon?”Each shuttle carried two NASA pilots and one munitions specialist… the rest of the crews were all Harry’s rig workers (well technically, A.J. wasn’t, because Harry had fired him).