Where Were The Jews Before The State Of Israel

Did the Arabs and Jews hate each other before Israel was state?

No there is no verses, Musa or Moses is a prophet in Islam and there is are many verses on it about him and what he went through with his people and their disobedience.

As for Arabs and Jews living together they still do and always have done in Arab/Muslim countries such as Morrocco though Isreael as been recruiting Jews from around the world to live in Isreal, after demolishing Palestians homes to make room for the new arrivals, in the expense of billions of dollars of US tax payers money annually.

During the prophet time and Islamic caliphates Jews and Christians were given full religous freedom even to have their own law courts though they were allowed to use Islamic law courts too. After 800 years of Muslim rule in Spain where Jews and Christians were given full religious freedom and where Spain was the most prosperous, when Chrisitans took over they gave a choice for Jews and Muslims to be expelled or convert then changed to convert or die/Spanish Inquisition, and even the Jews escaped to live under the protection of Islamic caliphate.

When the crusaders invaded Jerusalam they killed almost all the residents and their own historians talk of rivers of blood in the street, they cornered the Jews in the synogouge and burnt them alive. Even the Jews did not return to Jeruslam until the Muslims were ruling Jeruslam. - Jews rabbi against Israel

Jews - where did they live before Israel became a state/nation?

Not to mention all the other variety living there (Armenians, Jews, Christians, Coptics, Samarians, Druze, Bediuon, Bahai etc.). Although Druze & Beduoin are counted as Muslim Arabs. And that Jews were the a majority in Jerusalem. They weren't in Hebron because of pogroms to kill them in '29. Of those only the ones who choose to leave their homes when the Arab armies invaded at the request of Arab leadership so it would make it easier for the armies to "wipe Israel into the sea" their words. Only a very few were forced out by Israel in any way at all. Then 800,000 Jews were kicked out of Arab & Muslim countries mostly without their belongings & absorbed by Israel. That's more than Arabs who left. And those Arabs were forced into refugee camps by their FELLOW ARABS & not given assistance so they'd make a good PR tool to beat up on Israel. They are PROHIBITED from imigrating into all Muslim & Arab countries except Jordan. The whole stolen myth is the lastest propoganda of those who are most violent & hateful & don't want peace. When they use "occupation" they mean Israel's mere existence as occupying their desire. They never owed it before! Rather their vision was of a huge empire from Syria to Eygpt. Hence the resentment at Israel. There are Arabs who want peace, & supporting these myths & actions does nothing to help those Arabs or peace. ========== "The Jews" now more PC sounding called "the Zionists" wanting to expand is strikingly identical to European anti-semitic beliefs. Arabs started the '48 & '67 & every other war. When the lost Israel had more land. She promptly tried to give back the terroritories & got the famous 3 nos "no peace, no israel, no compromise." The entire "settlements" take up less than 5% of the terroritory land. THEY are not the issue. Especially since Arabs have built their own strategic illegal settlements to force the matter.

Jews were stateless in the sense that they had no state of their own politically.There was a cultural but non political connection between the globally-scattered Jewish population and the territory hitherto known by the confusing name of Palestine.Until 1948 Jews were citizens of whichever country the were living in. A Jew born in New York was an American; born in Sydney, an Australian; born in Berlin… a corpse.Throughout the centuries, Jews have been turned upon by their supposed compatriots in more countries than not.In 1948 the Jewish people had had enough. They established the State of Israel, a state as a Jewish homeland, with or without the blessing of the UN and Britain.The UN has been a Jewish State bashing platform ever since.¼% (one quarter of one per cent) of the world’s population has attained the remarkable achievement of uniting the other 99¾%.

Why did we relocate Jews to Israel?

There had been extreme Zionist pressure on the major governments of the world since the 19thC pressuring for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

WW2 gave them the chance to get the USA to submit to their demands and have a section of The British Mandate of Palestine allotted to them.

(To say that the Jews have historical ties to Palestine is rather ambiguous, most Jews are of European stock and there had been no Jewish Kingdom in Palestine for more than 2300 years. Their claim on the land comes from the concept of a covenant with god, seeing as their is no evidence of any legal document that says that or indeed any evidence of a god at all, the claim is at best, spurious or in my book, nonsensical.
That land in the meantime has been Persian, Byzantine, Greek, Roman, Omayyad, Abbasid et al and ultimately British.
Tehran and London both have a more valid claim to that land.
Covenant with god indeed, who did they fool with that one?
Can I have your town? God said it`s mine... honest.)

Edit: @ scaerdrys
I am not racist in any way at all. I live and travel around the world and have great respect for my fellow man.

What does `Ashkenazi` mean?
"...Jews descended from the medieval Jewish communities along the Rhine in Germany from Alsace in the south to the Rhineland in the north..."

DNA results suggest a European or Central Asian descent for the majority of Israelis.

The British stitched the Arabs up during WW1, Lawrence of Arabia promised them a country of their own if they fought with the British against the Ottoman Turks... they never got it of course.

I`m of European stock too, there is nothing wrong with the word stock.

How was the Jewish state of Israel established?

As the British forces pulled out of Palestine and the mandate came to an end, the Executive Committee of the Jewish "Yishuv" (community) in Palestine met to decide whether or not to declare a state, as has been envisioned under UN Resolution 181. The Arab states had declared that if such a state was declared, they would invade it. Nonetheless, the committee decided to declare a state, armed with the promise of US President Harry S. Truman that he would recognize such a state if it was declared. The Israeli Declaration of Independence was read out on Friday, the 14th of May 1948 by David Ben Gurion, who then became the first Prime Minister of the new state. The State was quickly recognized by the United States and the USSR.

The Palestinians did not declare a state immediately, and though several attempts were made to do so, they were blocked by the Jordanians and then by the Egyptians. The Egyptians later allowed the declaration of such a state in Gaza in September 1948, but it was recognized by no-one and had no resources and no real existence. Arab states had no interest in the formation of a separate state in Palestine, both because each state had territorial ambitions in Palestine, and because they feared the radical influence of Palestinian leadership under Haj Amin El-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

So...They fought for it ;) It wasnt given to them in 1948,dont listen to whoever said that --'

Why do authentic Jews oppose the state of Israel?

Hey bro. I know its wierd but alot of Jews today are not for thier state. I know that they love their land, but when government gets to involved they lose their sight of things. Most Jews are liberals these days, they dont believe in God anymore. I knew a Jew once, and when i tried talking about God with him he claimed he didnt believe in God, and i thought to myself isnt that a contradiction? What they need to do is get back to reading the Scriptures and understand that the land is theirs, and they need to trust in the LORD. Terrorism in the middle-east has been going on for thousands of years. Ever since God kept His promise to give them the land and multiply them, other nations have always hated them. The Bible and the especially the Old Testament give us the most clear history of the Jews. We must understand bro that there is spiritual warfare going on in Israel. They were supposed to be a theocracy, but they wanted government instead. Even their ideas of the Messiah are not according to Scripture either, although the Messiah is going to bring His kingdom on earth soon, He came first to take care of sins, and they wont accept that now, but there is coming a day when "They will look on Him whom they pierced" when He comes back. Right now bro Jesus Christ Gods Son wants to save people from hell, but there is coming a day when Christ will come back to establish His Kingdom here on earth. I believe that possibly America has too much involvement in the middle-east. Places like Iraq and Iran have always hated the Jews, this isnt recent history, its rooted in their history. The reason we support Israel, is because God said, "I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who cruse you." I wouldnt want to be on Gods curse list. And because i believe in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah, i support Israel. Because guess what bro, if God had never chosen Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses, and King David, Jesus Christ would have never come, and we wouldnt even have a Bible.

Who was in Israel before the Jews got there?

It depends on what period of time you are talking about. According to the best historical account and the Bible, Jews, as an established people came to what is now Israel after leaving Egypt and conquered the Land of Canaan. Since that time, there has always been a Jewish presence in Israel. During Roman times, the Roman armies scattered the majority of the population, and after that the land was under the control of various governments and nationalities. In the early 1900's, it was under the control of the Ottoman Empire (aka Turks). The Ottomans or Turks were allied with Germany during World War I, they were defeated by the Western Allies, which included Britain. Many Jewish people from all over Europe fought of the British side. As a reward, the British promised to created a Jewish Homeland in what they called Palestine. This was known as the Balfour Declaration. By the international laws that existed at that time, this was perfectly legal, and in fact, many of the countries that exist in the Middle East today were created by Britain and France from the lands they conquered. Later, the land was partitioned by the United Nations into Israel and Jordan. It was not the Jewish people or the Israeli who reneged on the agreement, and by international law and the laws of war, they should not be required to give up an inch of land.

If you're referring to the modern State of Israel, it was given to the Jews because they were the majority of the population in the area at the time. Keep in mind, Israel as it was in 1948, was much smaller than Israel today. Throughout the late 19th and early 20th century, there was a flux of Jewish immigration to British Palestine, both from Europe and other Middle Eastern countries. Most of these Jews either settled on empty land or bought land from Arab landowners. As the Jewish population expanded and institutions began to form, the Jews began to want their own state. This also coincided with the British and French colonial powers breaking up their Middle Eastern colonies and creating independent nations such as Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Israel was no exception to this rule. As mentioned before, Israel as it is today is much bigger than it was on the dawn of its declaration of independence in 1948. This is a product of Israel's victories in the 1948 Independence and 1967 Six Day wars. As originally envisioned by the UN's partition plan in 1947, the land would be split into two: a Jewish state and an Arab state. This map of the partition plan illustrates it well: File:UN Palestine Partition Versions 1947.jpgThe plan reflects a pretty accurate population assessment at the time. The areas for would-be Israel were predominantly Jewish and the areas for would-be Palestine were predominantly Arab. The Jews accepted this partition plan and declared independence based on its borders. The Arabs rejected it and thus the Israeli-Arab (and what would later become the Israeli-Palestinian conflict) were born.

In 1900 a quarter of Palestine’s population (450,000) was Jewish. This includes the 20,000 pioneers of the First Aliya (Immigration wave) 1880–1900.Between 1904–1948 there were several waves of Jewish immigration (Aliyot), mostly from Germany, and central and eastern Europe. In 1948, when the state was established, there were 600′000 Jews here.Between 1925–1935 a large number of Arabs also immigrated. Economic growth and development generated by the rapidly increasing Jewish community, and the British authorities, who built a major port in Haifa and significantly developed the infrastructure attracted immigration from surrounding Arab countries, so the Arab population grew as well. Had the British not broken the terms of the mandate, which stated Palestine was the Jewish national Homeland, and allowed unlimited Jewish immigration during the 1930s, most of the Holocaust victims would have been saved, and Israel could easily have absorbed all the Palestinian Arabs without endangering its demographic balance. Unfortunately this was not the case, so Israel has to adopt policies that enable it to maintain a viable Jewish majority despite missing at least 15 million Jews (6 million Holocaust victims + next generation that was never born).