Where Would Be The Best Place To Store Human Meat

Can I try human meat?

Yes you can try human eat through some legal ways and other illegalThe infamous cannibal cafe was a forum on the deep web which you could buy meat learn how to cook and prepare it and even become a meat donor yourself, it was eventually shut down by the CIA but its safe to assume that websites like these still exist but I wouldn't recommended going on these dangerous sites as you yourself can become a vicitimYou can legally eat meat given to you by someone with consent, in Japan this man let people eat his dick, and in England to friends ate each others organs on live televisionHealth and safety warning, human meat is dangerous to eat, consuming it poses a risk of contracting kuru,In all safety and go fun if you want to know more about human meat just look up Michael from VSAUCE video on it, on a story he talked about man who ate it said that human meat was tasty and tender, closest flavor is comparable to Veal “a young baby cows meat

Why did humans start to eat meat?

Our original “natural” diet contained a lot of meat and fish.Hunter gatherers don’t practice farming. And before farming the number of plants available was very low. And these plants lacked a lot of proteins.The Earth was not a kitchen garden!We can’t digest most of the plants, because we can’t digest cellulose. We need very specific plants. And the plants we are eating today are the result of centuries of selection and engineering.Have you seen at what corn looked like before human selection?Wild eggplant looked like that before thousand years of human selection:Primitive versions used to have spines on the place where the plant's stem connects to the flowers. wheat has an abnormally high protein content, result of the selection of several mutations. Same thing for soy and rice. But in the nature, these plants are not enough for living.No primitive human could have survived on a vegan diet.By the way, before the invention of advanced techniques (pottery, housing, fruits drying, fermentation) we were unable to store food for a long time.Fruits are here only for a few months a year. Corn and wheat don’t grow during the winter.There is no known tribe of primitive humans living only with plants without farming techniques.Humans can’t be vegan if they are not able to farm.Today humans can be vegan because they are able to farm and to store food efficiently. Because they have breed super-optimized crops. Because they have advanced knowledge on nutrition. But it is not natural at all, and it was impossible in the past.All primitive pre-farming humans were hunter gatherers (with the vast majority of their food coming from hunt and fishing).For reference, chimpanzee and baboons eat meat.

Human flesh flavored Tofu??

I've heard of Hufu, and think it's hilarious. I do have to wonder how on earth they did their research, (talk to people from countries where cannibalism still periodically happens?) since they seem to disagree on the taste of human fesh from just about every other source I've read- they've made it tase like beef, rather than pork, which is the most common comparison as stated by people who've had the, err, pleasure. I haven't tried the fake people-meat, because my local health food store mysteriously doesn't carry it. I have a policy about trying almost anything once.

Anyway, I don't have a moral problem with it, since I do have a moral problem with eating some animals, but will eat their tofu flesh facsimile. It would be a strange double standard to not eat beef, but eat veggie burgers, and then not eat hufu because of an objection to cannibalism.

Can cats eat human meat/food?

I'm really paranoid about the recent pet food scare and I thought to feed my cat potted meat until the whole thing is long over. Can cats eat human potted meat or meat products? Is there any ingredient in them that might be harmful to him? I also feed him dry food, but he whines and misses his moist food.

Is human flesh a good conductor of heat?

So eh... I've found a source.Human flesh or skin has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.2-0.6 Wm^-1K^-1. For precise values you need to know which kind of flesh you're talking about. Fat has a relative low coefficient (which is why it keeps you warm), while brains conduct heat pretty well, equal to water.(Page on, in the question details, you ask whether you can warm someone if you are warmed up by a fire and the other person is cooled down by a ton of snow.This has nothing to do with thermal conductance. Rather, it has to do with thermal capacity.Suppose I take an iron nail, heat it to 1000°C, and drop it in a small puddle of cold water. The temperature of the water will rise... but only about 1.5 degrees. This is because the thermal capacity of water is far higher than that of steel.Luckily we don't need to know the heat capacities: they are about the same for all humans. So suppose that you're heated to 50°C (which is lethal), and someone else is cooled down to 25°C (which is not as lethal, but still dangerous), and you two hug, then eventually your temperatures will average, so you both will end up at 37,5°C (which is the normal temperature of a person, however you both probably keep being dead - it's irreversible).So cut out the middle man (heh) and just put the cold victim in front of a fire.

Is there a way to tell human flesh from animal meat?

The only field test is DNA analysis. All animal muscle tissues are identical at the cellular level, the colour differs depending on activity. If you ever watch emergency room docos or videos of human dissections like the brilliant series featuring Gunther von Hagens ("Anatomy for beginners" or the two "Autopsy" series) you will see there is no visible difference between human muscle and that of any other mammal. An expert in animal muscle physiology may be able to tell them apart by just looking at them, but a butcher would not be familiar with human meat (well, at least not the small proportion of butchers which aren't serial killers) so unless you said "pick the human meat" I doubt they would be able to identify it.

What does COOKED human meat taste like?

Early traveller in the Caribbean and the Pacific Island who inadvertently ate human flesh with the natives have reported that it tasted like pork.
Many fireman will not eat Pork from the smell they get from charred human remains.
I once severely burned myself and can tell you it does smell like roasted pork


Is it healthy to eat human flesh?

as for the kuru, theres not proof of cannibalism CAUSING, the kuru, plus this only occurred in places like new guinea, plus the victims gain immunity to kuru assuming they survive so this immunity would be passed on to later generations, most likely wiping this disease out completely by today.