Which Countries Offer An Fdic Like Program Should The Need Exist

Can you help me with understanding FDR's New Deal Program?

The New Deal is a fantastic program led to the way our country has done well for a long time. It started in 1932-33 when the banks collapsed in which he had a bank holiday to close the bad banks and reopen the good banks the next day. From this the FDIC was created to assure people that the banks are safe and sound. FDR created about 15 different entities which were used from 1932-1940 and some are still around til today. The TVA helped people in the Tennessee Valley to build dams and bridges for energy. AAA or the Agricultural Agency act was to help farmers but was found unconstituaional by the Supreme Court in 1935.

The main point of these agencies is that they helped to end a crisis like today that we are facing in which back in the 1930's was far worst than what we are seeing now. The New Deal Plan helped our country to create jobs, protect banks, establish easier ways to get a house( Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac) established conservation of national parks, tons of public works was established in which buildings, bridges, dams like the Hoover Dam, everything but roads for public works. Highways is in Eisenhower presidency. The results of these programs led to tons of jobs being created, the economy rebounded from depression and the country rebuilded itself. As well we got ready for fighting ww2 vs imperial powers and becoming the world power vs communism.

If you want you can compare and contrast Obama vs FDR, many belive his ideals are like FDR's New Deal Plan. We will have to see what happens but I feel great optimism now that he is president,(almost, wait til January) we will become the country we need to be right now.

Encyclopedia Brittanica has great information on the New Deal if you like some information but not from wikipedia. That and the history will give tons of info on the many agencies FDR had. Also check your library at school or in your town or ask people from that time period, they can give u tons of info about FDR and his New Deal.

Which agencies created during the New Deal are still in existence?

A) Civilian Conservation Corps and Home Owners Loan Corporation
B) Tennessee Valley Authority and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
C) Works Progress Administration and the National Drought Mitigation Center
D) Agricultural Adjustment Agency and the National Recovery Administration

What was the FDIC new deal plan in the great depression?

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created in 1933 by Franklin D. Roosevelt, though I am not sure exactly who in his group of advisors (known as the Brain Trust) came up with it. The impetus for this was the numerous bank failures that began in 1929 after the Stock Market Crash, and continued into 1933. FDR first instituted a "bank holiday", closing all banks until they were inspected by the government, and if they were deemed in good financial shape allowed to reopen, if of questionable status given help by the government to stay open, and if irretreviably unsound financially, forced to close. The FDIC was then started, meaning that banks who were part of it were insured by the federal government. If the bank somehow ran out of money, had loans go bad, or even were held up or burnt down, the government would guarantee that peoples' accounts would be honored, up to a certain dollar figure ($100,000 I think). It is still in use today, and indeed is one of the most successful programs the government has ever put forward. It has stabilized our banking system.

How does physical money lost through an accident like fire disaster and the like, is it replaced by the banks?

How does physical money lost through accidental like fire disaster and the like, is it replaced by the banks?If you have cash hoarded in your home and your home burns down, that money is gone. You will have a difficult time convincing any insurance company the money existed and was actually in the home when it burned.Most bank deposits are federally insured through the FDIC. I do not know if a law requires this, but most (all?) banks keep a records copy in a safe location off-site. A record of on deposit funds is available and any loss of insured funds will be returned to you up to the insured limit for that particular account or accounts.Large financial institutions may have distributed databases that cannot be lost in a single point failure. If a branch burns, your funds are still available through another branch.Banks do not keep your money in the bank. They are required to keep a percentage of their total deposits to avoid a run on the bank. The bank invests the remaining “on depost” funds to make money with your money. In a fire the amount of cash lost is relatively small.More and more money is a ledger entry and moved around through wire transfers.

What if gold simply didn't exist?

it would be bad…. it would be the one exception in our known universe elementally and would leave a gap in our periodic table….. it would basically be impossible, and chemistry’s best beard man, mendeleiev, would be none to pleased.but, i have a quarter and i will play…..the exceptional heat and electrical conductivity of Au would require a lot of work-arounds to match these properties in electrical applications, which would increase job security for metallurgists. the malleability is unsurpassed and the absence would affect the art world, as Au leaf is used all over the world, much to our eye’s delight.furthermore, other metals that share the artistic and useful metallurgical properties would probably increase in value, like Ag, Pt, black sabbath, etc.finally, many songs and popular phrases would have to change, like “you have a heart of _________,” “_________ fields of wheat,” or the favorite dog of many people, the “_______ retriever.” riots would happen, cats and dogs would start living together, and madness would ensue….. this is not a world i would ever want to live in….