Which Describes The Slope Of This Line

Slope of a line describes the what of the line?

slope or gradient describes how steep or gentle the line is like gradient (m) = 2 is less steep compared to m = 100
negative m will give u a line sloping downwards from left to right
positive m will give u a line sloping upwards from left to right

What word describes the slope of the line passing through points (5, 12) and (5, -13)?

No, it's actually B, undefined. The line is a vertical line. Vertical lines have an undefined slope because the formula for slope is rise over run, and run is 0. You cannot divide by 0 so the answer is undefined.

Which describes the slope of this line?


How do u describe a slope of a line?


-4y = -3x +10
4y = 3x - 10
y= 3/4x - 10/4 this is the standard slope intercept format for a line equation

slope is 3/4
three quarters
for every 3 points of y axis, x axis changes 4 points.


Describe the lines that have a positive slope, a negative slope, slope=0, and an undefined slope.?

No, it would be undefined, If you graph y=1/x, the closer x is equal to zero the closer is y too infinity or minus infinity and it never stops getting closer but will never get there. (this is where limits come in). The graph will never pass through x = 0 therefore it doesn't exist, undefined. A function cannot have a vertical slope, for example, if a function has 2 points on the same vertical axis, that means you get 2 different answers for same equation, which doesn't make sense and is impossible: y=1+1 , y cannot equal 2 or 3 or 4, y is equal to 2 and only 2.

Which of the following describes the slope of a line when every point on the line has a negative y-coordinate?

D. Zero

In order for every point to have a negative y-coordinate the line could not slope; so it must be flat.

Example y = -2
The slope is 0

Which of the following does not describe the slope of a line?

1 , 2 , 3 are correct because :
raise = vertical change = y2-y1( y2 not y power 2 )
run = horizontal change = x2-x1
and slope is said to be differece of y / differnce of x
number 4 is wrong it says diff of x / diff of y
so the wrong answer is sure number 4

Which of the following describes the graph of the line x = -4?

Vertical line with undefined slope.

Slope is defined as: the change in y over the change in x.

This means that if y is 1 and then y is 2, and x is 2 and then x is 4, it would look like this

2-1 over 4-2

That's 1/2.

So the slope would be 1/2.

In this case: x = -4

So x never changes, it's always 0. Which means that the slope has a denominator (the lower number of the fraction) of 0 because it never changes.

But, you can't divide anything by 0. That's called undefined.

So that's why its a vertical line with undefined slope. (If you graphed it you would see that it's vertical.)

Hope that helps!