Which Dog Is Best To Keep Rottweiler Boxer Or German Shepherd

Doberman vs German Shepherd vs Rottweiler?

(from greatest to least) which is the best guard dog? for property, for owner? which is ready to bite first? i heard dobermans cant fight because they're too slim and because of their head size, is this true? i like the size of the doberman i felt like rottweilers are a bit small for my preference but I'm really looking for protection and would like to know facts by educated dog owners.

Which is a better guard dog: German Shepherd or Rottweiler?

I've owned both dogs during my lifetime. I'll try to summarize!!GSD: Imagine a hamster on a squeaky hamster wheel. You know they are in the room the moment you walk in. They just keep running and running in order to burn off all of their energy except the hamster is your GSD and the wheel is your fence line. GSD are highly active and will constantly run your fence line while barking at any motion, person, sound or animal that may surround your yard/premise. This is great because potential intruders are well aware of their presence far before considering committing any crime in or near your home.Rottweilers: Picture a very loving and lazy housecat whose only desire is to be scratched, fed and to lounge. They too will FIERCELY protect you but unfortunately (for potential intruders) they may allow the person to get very close before they hear the infamous Rottie growl. Even worse, the person is already in the yard or the vicinity before realizing that they are being “stalked” by the Rottweiler. This is never a good sign. My neighbors didn't realize that I had a Rottweiler until they physically saw him because they never hear him. I have a friend who has several and they rarely bark and you don't know they are there until 7 Rotties walk in the room. This would never happen with a German shepherd because they are always heard before seen.Rottweilers are fiercely obsessed with guarding their owners and family. GSD are better herders and are obsessed with guarding their property. So you have to decide how close or far you want your dog to guard.I believe that the GSD is better at warding off potential threats whereas Rottweilers are better at “handling” the threat when it’s present. Neither dog will back down.

Rottweiler vs doberman vs pitbull vs german shepherd vs boxer? What's a better pet?

Breaking it down a little:

Let's cross pitbulls off your list, because while they are generally the most affectionate of the four breeds, they are also the least protective. While their genetic tendency for dog aggression/fighting is famous, a good pit is quite docile with humans.

Same with boxers, other than the dog aggression, they're most often too bubbly/ friendly to be taken seriously as protection dogs.
Next, let's cross off Dobies. While they are as alert and almost as good at being watchdogs/deterrents as German Shepherds, it's become increasingly difficult to find a good, confident, courageous example of the breed. Most these days are soft temperamented & thin-nerved...all bark no bite, so to speak. Its a shame, because a good dobe is an awesome thing, but they're just too few and far between.

That leaves Rotties and GSDs. While the shepherd is clearly more athletic and versatile, and generally more alert/watchful, both are well-suited for the purposes of companion/home guardian. Most homes need nothing more than to properly raise, obedience train, and socialize these dogs in order to have loyal companions whose natural protective, territorial instincts are a great deterrent to would-be ''bad guys".

If you're looking for more than that, you need to confine your search to proven, working line dogs from breeders who can not only help you in selecting the right dog/pup, but guide you in proper training. Keep in mind that the pursuit of a dog capable of this 'next level' will most likely mean sacrificing a bit of the 'affection' element, but both breeds are extremely well-rounded, loyal, and loving even if they may not want, or give, hugs and kisses like there's no tomorrow. :)

German shepherd vs boxer?

hey guys i will never make my dog fight but sometimes i wonder cause i have a german shepherd and my friend has a boxer and every time we walk around their fence he barks growls and almost every day jumps the fence if he did would my german shepherd protect me and himself my dog barks back sometimes but i stop him i would really cry if my dog got bit so friend please help i never thought about this before please don't write mean comments thanks and please tell me if he dose jump the fence who would win the fight

Boxer or German shepherd? Who makes better pet/guard dog?

In my personal experience, boxers are happy go lucky goofballs that aren't very good at protecting. "Hey, there's a friend I haven't met yet!!" German Shepherds, while I have never known an aggressive one and they are intelligent dogs, they "look" meaner to me, probably because of the black on their face around their eyes. Really, either one will probably be a fine deterrent because they're bigger, and most of the time, it never comes to the point where the dog needs to act...just seeing one laying in the living room would be enough for me to retreat if I were to rob you. :)

But I just think Shepherds LOOK more "guard dog like"...

BOXER vs ROTTWEILER which is a better pet?

Don't get one because "Cesar Millan said so". That is NOT a legitimate reason to get one.

I want an APBT because I love the breed and I know alot about the breed and they fit my lifestyle. I would only get a Rottweiler because I love the breed and knew alot about them and if they fitted my lifestyle. I don't go with what one person said, I base it on personal experience and handling. That is how people get themselves in trouble. Don't go by what other people say because what they say may not be true. It depends on the individual dog itself not an entire breed.

I do agree that the Rottweiler is a wonderful family dog, but they certainly aren't for everyone. But if it came down to it, I would reccomend you get another Boxer.

It is nothing againist you, but I am worried about the fact that you know probably little about the breed and aren't fully aware of the breed itself.

Which dog breed is better, Boxer or Rottweiler?

Which one these dogs would you prefer to have?
I've had experience with a rottweiler, well actually, its the first dog I've ever had experience with! and he was soooo dominant! that's all he'd ever want to do was dominate you and try to show he was boss. I hated that! so what about boxers, are they at least better and are they a little less domineering? would they also protect you as rottweilers do?