Which Of The Following Factors Does Not Affect Sentencing

Which of the following factors does NOT affect sentencing?

b. offender flight risk

Flight risk is a factor in bail, but once the person is convicted it is no longer a factor.

What is the meaning of the following sentence: Amortization affects the amount of interest expense? How does a?

amotization meaning how close you get to paying something off. the less you owe means the less you pay in interest if you owe 5percent of 1000 its 50 bucks pay that 1000 down to 100 and you will only owe 5 dollars. it means the lower the amount owed the lower the interest will be on the balance. (you dont keep paying the 50 bucks on the thousand in interest)

Which of the following factors affect the vapor pressure of a liquid?

NO amount of liquid
YES temperature
NO atmospheric pressure
NO surface area of liquid
YES type of liquid
YES addition of solute : Addition of solute molecules to a liquid elevates its boiling temperature and reduces its vapor pressure and freezing temperature. These phenomena, as well as osmosis, depend only on the solute concentration and not on its type, and are called colligative properties of solutions.

What are the factors affecting the coefficient of friction?

In one sentence: it is not related at all.If time was related to mew by any means or fashion, we would expect that mew would change after the passage of time. Mew is a constant and it is dependent on the texture/structure of the surface. It is also, to a certain extent, dependent on the texture of the external wall of the object that is placed on the surface. For example, wood on wood has a different mew than steel on wood. But these are experimental considerations not time related at all.Mew may be measured experimentally by the ratio of the force of friction to the force normal. Neither one of these forces are time-dependent. Therefore mew is independent of time.It has also been experimentally verified, when an object is set in motion along a surface with friction, the FF remains constant. This is an added rationale to the assertion that mew is independent of time.Decades ago, I read this brain teaser and I figured the answer because I knew it was a brain teaser. It is an anachronistic teaser, because most modern consumers would not know to what it refers: in a MECHANICAL CLOCK, time is dependent on friction, hence, it’s dependent on mew, because friction SLOWS down the machinery motion and the clock reading of time would be off.

What is evaporation? What are the factors affecting it?

The turning of any liquid into vapour is called Evaporation. The factors affecting the evaporation are:1. Temperature. As the temperature increases, the rate of evaporation also increases.2. Surface Area. As the Surface area increases, the rate of evaporation increases.3. Density. As the density increases, the rate of evaporation decreases.4. Wind Velocity. The velocity of the wind also affects the rate of evaporation. As the velocity of wind increases, the rate of evaporation increases.Reference and further readingsEvaporation - WikipediaWhat are the 6 factors that affect evaporation?

What factors affect the climate of a place?

The climate of any particular place is influenced by a host of interacting factors. These include latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds. The global climate system and any changes that occur within it also influence local climate.LATITUDESurface temperatures vary with latitude.ELEVATIONClimate zones coincide roughly with elevation ranges.NEARBY WATERSea surface temperatures affect land temperatures.OCEAN CURRENTSWater temperatures indicate transfer of heat energy by currents.TOPOGRAPHYLocal variations in elevation can cause local variations in climate.VEGETATIONType of ground cover and seasonal changes affect climate.PREVAILING WINDSWinds deliver air masses with specific properties.Latitude or distance from the equatorTemperatures drop the further an area is from the equator due to the curvature of the earth. In areas closer to the poles, sunlight has a larger area of atmosphere to pass through and the sun is at a lower angle in the sky. As a result, more energy is lost and temperatures are cooler.In addition, the presence of ice and snow nearer the poles causes a higher albedo, meaning that more solar energy is reflected, also contributing to the cold.Altitude or height above sea levelLocations at a higher altitude have colder temperatures. Temperature usually decreases by 1°C for every 100 metres in altitude.Distance from the seaOceans heat up and cool down much more slowly than land. This means that coastal locations tend to be cooler in summer and warmer in winter than places inland at the same latitude and altitude. Glasgow, for example, is at a similar latitude to Moscow, but is much milder in winter because it is nearer to the coast than Moscow..Ocean currentsBritain has a maritime climate. A warm ocean current called the North Atlantic Drift keeps Britain warmer and wetter than places in continental Europe.Prevailing windThe prevailing wind is the most frequent wind direction a location experiences. In Britain the prevailing wind is from the south west, which brings warm, moist air from the Atlantic Ocean. This contributes to the frequent rainfall. When prevailing winds blow over land areas, it can contribute to creating desert climates.source:- Factors affecting climate

On what factors does the economy of a country depend?

Natural resources Geography-especially proximity to the sea and the overall landform with respect to how easy it is to build things, produce crops etc. Existence of an effective criminal justice system, functional political institutions to defend the country from outside threat, to what extent the political institutions recognise individuals' property rights and defend them. The policies undertaken by the political class (henceforth referred to as the government) about the economy. Being the small government proponent austrian-libertarian I am, I will want the government to be small but effective. But I recognise some minimal government measures when an economy is being built from the scratch (e.g. Germany, Japan right after WWII). However, it is also equally important for the government to step aside as soon as some sanity returns. A lot of people will cite things like tradition, or social psychology of the population as whole as another factor. But I believe they will be dependent on the previous factors. In addition, if people are given freedom to decide their individual fates (instead of the government meddling in) then ultimately the whole world will be pretty much homogenised on these aspects, rendering them less and less important.

What are 5 factors that affect reaction rate?

The factors that affect the rate of a reaction are:1) The temperature of the reaction.The higher the temperature the faster particles move. Particles moving faster means more collisions. The collisions are also happening at a higher energy so will have a greater chance of being successful.2) The concentration of the reactants.Again, higher concentrations means more collisions. More collisions means faster reaction.3) Surface area of reactants.Reactants that are powdered have a larger surface area that those that are in lumps. Larger surface areas mean more of the reactants are in contact with each other so more collisions. And well you know what that means by now.4) Pressure (gas reactions only)Gasses at higher pressure have particles that are closer together. Particles that are closer together are more likely to collide.5) Catalysts.These are chemicals that are nearly exclusively transition metals. Unlike all of the others in this list they do not affect the rate of collisions. Catalysts reduce the activation energy needed for a collision to be successful. So reactions can occur at lower energies and will have a faster rate.Also remember. A catalyst is not used up or involved in the reaction in any way, other than speeding it up.Keep Learning, Jonathan

What types of factors affect the rate of evaporation?

Temperature:Water molecules are always moving; at the water's surface, some molecules are bumped by molecules below them and gain enough speed to break free and escape into the air as gas [water vapour]. This escape of surface molecules is called evaporation. it involves a change of state, from liquid to gas. Evaporation takes place all the time and at any temperature.The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of evaporation. When the temperature of water is increased (e.g., shining a powerful spotlight at it), the water molecules gain more energy, move faster and escape at a faster rate.Wind:When evaporation takes place, the water vapour gathers above the water\'s surface. When there is wind, the water vapour is removed as soon as it is formed. This makes space for more water molecules to escape into the air. The stronger the wind, the higher the rate of evaporation.Humidity:If water evaporates in an air-tight container, the space above the water is filled with more and more water vapour. When the air contains a lot of water vapour, humidity is high. Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. When humidity is high, it is more difficult for water to evaporate. It is like the air is and not hungry for more water vapour. Thus the air will less at one time resulting in a slower rate of evaporation If the space above the water becomes completely filled with water vapour, [100% relative humidity] then evaporation is balanced by the opposite process, condensation.This principle is used in working of Mist Cooling Systems. Evaporative cooling uses evaporation to cool the air. In an evaporative cooler, such as a misting fan, a pump circulates water from the reservoir on to a cooling pad, which in turn becomes very wet.