Which Of These Girls Have Soft Features

What does soft facial features mean?

Take it as a compliment, people usually say it to me and it's mostly a good thing,
It means your features are not rough, or defined, yet they match each other very well. if you are a female, then you probably have big eyes, small upturned nose and small lips. when a female has soft features it means she looks feminine.

What does it mean if a girl has "strong" and "hard" features?

manly. yes she has a manly face.
(doesn't have to be all manly but it's an extreme)

Why are men who have feminine facial features considered more handsome?

Because estrogen levels are indicative of fertility, even in males, so some degree of feminization is attractive, regardless of sex or gender.

Also, because we are socialized to view women as kinder, more generous, more caring, etc, and therefore we attach those traits to feminine appearances. People who appear more feminine thereby appear more attractive, because they appear kinder, more caring...etc.

Beyond that, though, I object to your premise that because "ALL male models" have them, they must automatically be universal. How many samples do you have of what constitutes an attractive male from 200 years ago? How about from sub-Saharan Africa? Peru? Mongolia? Vietnam? The fact that nearly every model you've seen, when probably nearly every media source you obtain is being sourced out of, if not exactly the same, very similar cultures. British attractiveness, for example, isn't that different from American attractiveness or Australian attractiveness (barring considerations for native/aboriginal populations in former colonial territories), so if you're reading all English-print sources to find these models, you're getting a very skewed look at what defines "universal" attractiveness.

More than that, that someone is not a model does not mean they aren't attractive; models are intended to sell things. You can be rejected as a salesperson without being unattractive, if you don't have the look that advertisers believe will sell things. Consider that you don't want to try to sell bras by putting them on burly, lumberjack-looking men, but sticking them on an androgynous male like Andrej Pejic makes for quite the sales pitch ("Even this man looks like a beautiful woman when he wears this bra!"). If you consider that feminine looks are "softer," in our cultural perspective, male models could be selected out of only the "soft" attractive looks in an attempt to sell products in a "soft" light. Other types of men may be just as attractive to a number of interested parties, but advertisers may ignore these men because they don't suit the purpose of the ad.

Why do white girls have better bodies and soft hairless skin?

GIRL PLEASE. I know plenty of white people ages 18-20 and girl, most of them look like they don't even know what a gym is. I always thought Latin people had the best bodies. Honestly, I envy black women because they always have such confidence. It's like daaaamn, I wish I was that confident. LOL but yeah, don't envy anyone else. Who you are is who you are so if you can't change it then just love it. And just so you know, most white girls are actually insecure with themselves. They're always like "omg why can't I look like her?! she's so skinny and pretty!" and I'm always like JUST SHUT UP.

Why do guys like girls with big lips?

In point of fact, the vast majority of African women, Ghanaians in particular have lips that are marginally fuller than white women, but I don’t see white men making a beeline to Accra to satisfy their lust.It’s like asking men if they prefer women with enormous breasts. If you meet a girl and fall in love with her, you take the whole package, you don’t say ‘well, I quite like you, but do you think you could blow your lips up a bit more, it really turns me on?’‘Sure thing honey, but first of all, get yourself a bigger dick, cos that really turns me on.’

Whats the most attractive feature in a male/female?

his eyes