Which Sentence Contains A Subordinating Conjunction

Which sentence contains a subordinating conjunction?

Which sentence contains a subordinating conjunction?

A. Sentence 3- Although he was embarrassed, Jack called his mother.
B. Sentence 1- Jack had been without a car since Monday.
C. Sentence 4- He felt he had no choice.
D. Sentence 2- The car needed a new battery, and Jack was broke

Which sentence contains a subordinating conjunction?

A.the car needed a new battery, and Jack was broke.
B.Although he was embarrassed, Jack called his mother.
C.He felt he had no choice.
D.Jack had been without a car since Monday.

Which sentence contains a subordinating conjunction?

She said she had the money and could lend Jack $65.00 until Jack's next payday.

A subordinating conjunction is always followed by a clause. Many subordinating conjunctions can be other parts of speech.

Adverb:Jill came tumbling after.
Preposition: Jill came tumbling after Jack.

Subordinating Conjunction: Jill came tumbling after Jack had fallen.

Hope this helps...

Which sentence contains a subordinating conjunction?

1. Jack had been without a car since Monday. 2. The car needed a new battery, and Jack was broke. 3. Although he was embarrassed, Jack called his mother. 4. He felt he had no choice. 5. Fortunately, his mom was happy to help out. 6. She said she had the money and could lend Jack $100 until his next payday.

A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 4
C. Sentence 2
D. Sentence 3

Can a subordinating conjunction be used in a compound sentence?

These guys make it all sound so hard. It isn’t. Look hereThe man who was wearing the red hat and the man who was wearing the green hat bowed solemnly to one another and then they embraced because they were both heads of state and brothers. The man who was wearing the yellow hat walked away.Compound:The man and the man bowed and then they embraced.Subordinate:BECAUSE they were both heads of state and brothers.Relative Clauses (adjective): these are sort of embedded subordinate clausesThe man WHO was wearing the red hatThe man WHO was wearing the green hatCombine these in the pattern above and you’ll get it.The cat wore a red hat.The cat wore a green hat.The cat and the cat sniffed one another and then growled.They growled because they didn’t know what else to do.

.which sentence contain a subordinating conjunction?

This one does:

I took my umbrella because it was raining.

Which sentence contains a conjunction?

a)Save a quarter for the parking meter.
b)She enjoyed both movies.
c)I didn’t know so many people would attend.
d)They hadn’t seen the movie, yet they knew every song.

Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction?

A. Lucille was a kind person, but she hated people who spread rumors.
B. Do you want the shrimp or the crab?
C. Lawson crept silently up the stairs, but couldn't still his heartbeat.
D. Don't imagine you can't do as you wish

Which of the following is a complex sentence that contains a dependent adverbial clause?

D. Mark expects the photo to arrive when the letter arrives.

A dependent adverbial clause describes a verb (the way an adverb does) while also answering a question to do with that verb or a previous one stated.

'D' contains the subordinating conjunction 'when', confirming even more that it is the sentence containing the dependent adverbial clause because a main characteristic of this type of clause is that is does, indeed, begin with a subordinating conjunction.

Therefore, the sentence is split in two, with "Mark expects the photo to arrive" being the main clause and "when the letter arrives" being the dependent adverbial clause.

Many times, in sentences containing a dependent adverbial clause, the main clause and the dependent one can be flipped and still make sense. When it is flipped, the answer to the question is then apparent (which is the purpose of a dependent adverbial clause in the first place).

So, in this example, the sentence can be arranged to be:
When the letter arrives | Mark expects the photo.

Therefore, the answer is D

Does a simple sentence contain more than one clause?

No. A simple sentence = one independent clause. Two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction form a compound sentence. An independent clause connected to a dependent clause by a subordinating conjunction forms a complex sentence.