Who Are Others To Limit What People Do

Why do some people push others to their limits?

To push them to aim higher in life.

I believe when people push others to their limit it's because "god" doesn't want you to be where you're at, wants you to aim higher in life.

Trust me!! Everything happens for a reason.

I remember when I was living in north dakota I was having health issues, found out I had an ovarian cyst. I got harassed through those jobs, harassed through more jobs until I was pushed by people and it drove me back to minnesota.

I came back to minnesota, I almost died!! I got my medical care, it was God's divine timing. I got help, it happen right at the last minute.

Sometimes.. in life we will never go anywhere if we're to stubborn and stay in one spot, that means.. when people push you to their limits. It means you're not ment for this job, that if people are harassing you or doing nasty things.

it's just one way to push you to the next level!!

I get so much crap for my face, so.. I'm moving out of state. People are pushing me to move out of state!! Now.. when I leave state I will become stable, do the things I need to do. :)

I think god is pushing you to live on your own!!

When you're an adult you should find some way to have a foundation of a home!!

Why do people like helping others?

Well there are some people who help others so they can mainly feel good about themselves but then there are alot of good-hearted people who help others in need because they know it's the right thing to do and it's their concern to help other people feel better not themselves.

How do people limit themselves?

How do people limit themselves?I am doing an art project on boundaries and need inspiration so how do you think we create boundaries within our minds? How do we limit ourselves? It can be in a biological, scientific, philosophic, or psychologic way, I just want to know your opinionsPeople limit themselves in so many ways, most of them psychological. Not feeling worthy; not believing they have the adequate skill set; fear of failure, and also of success; laziness; morals and ethics; belief systems. I can't think of any more right now. I hope this helps with your art project.Ece V, thanks for the A2A.

Why do people try and limit my opinions when I say nothing different to others?

I need more information -By ‘people’ do you mean one particular person, a few people or everyone you know?What is the timescale? Have the opinions of others already been expressed in one conversation or do you mean you have heard the opinions of others, agree with them and are expressing the opinion later?There are so many possibilities - if you are saying the same thing as others to ‘that one particular person’ then you’re really asking about them rather than you and maybe it is their opinion that is being limited rather than yours.If you're saying you feel limited in a conversation where that opnion is already expressed then 'people' may understand that you agree but feel no need to hear exactly every detail of your agreement. No-one (with the exception of a few bosses I have known) likes an echo chamber.Or maybe you are expressing an opinion that all the people have heard you express many times before or they have heard it expressed by others many times before and they really want to talk about a new or changed/evolved opinion.Perhaps the 'people’ are not of the same belief system as the 'others' and they are not interested in that type of opinion. If that is true, you may need to adjust the people you spend time with.

Do people get mad at you for driving under the speed limit?

People do it for whatever their reason is with no consideration of others who need to get past them. I can speak for myself, that I do not like when a pair or drivers hold back the whole road because they want everybody to go slow. It is stupid AND it is illegal. It can be dangerous when there is a hazard and the unnecessary congestion prevents drivers from having an escape. I don't have much problem with a slow driver who stays out of the way of others. I will even pull over where it's safe and allow faster traffic to pass, when I can't safely drive faster. I would like for all the drivers who believe in driving slow to start taking the bus instead of driving. So much for wishing.

Why do people self-limit their opportunities?

People like putting themselves down, some because they won't go out and learn how to do these things and others in the hope that somebody will tell them otherwise. Either way they usually don't do anything about trying to get better at stuff.

Why do so many people fail? Why do so many individuals limit their ability when there are a lot of ways to improve?

everyone has a dream but not everyone willing to do what it takes in order to achieve it Some of the reasons why people fail areFear : alot of people are just afraid to stand out among the crowd.. They are just afraid from being different than others or taking another ways than what others take .  People are also afraid of failure simply "what if things don't work out?" ... Other are afraid of success "what if it works out I can't handle it ?!" Lack of persistence: achieving a dream has never been easy ... Yes , it's hard to wake up at 5 am in the morning to work on your dream ... It's hard to skip lunch to end a project... Your mind starts looking for excuses...  If achieving dreams was easy everyone would be riding  ferrari and running for miles easily... But it's not Low self esteem: others just believe that they don't deserve it... The just think they're so bad to reach a dream like that ... They don't believe in themselves ... One of the quotes said " those who say they can and those who say they can't are both usually right "... Procrastination: tomorrow.. Tomorrow.. Tomorrow ... I'm tired today, busy , sleepy..... Etc . Your mind just gives you that excuse "start tomorrow " .... But if you don't choose to start now tomorrow will never ever come...Coming to why do so many individuals limit their ability when there are a lot of ways to improve?! Mostly that happens because simply They don't know that they don't know .. They just think they had enough ability and knowledge... Coming to the three steps of knowledge : 1- you learn little but you think you know alot .. 2- you learn little bit more so you realize that there are things you don't know .. 3- you learn little bit more so you realize that you don't know anything at all .... They argue against advice instead of just taking it ... Some individuals think that they can do anything they want without listening to others advice they just believe they can handle everything... But that's not true you must listen to advice to improve your ability and skills They're too distracted  .. The social media is distracting them from developing their abilities.. They just care about how to take the best photo to share it on Facebook .... They don't even see their skills to improve them .. That's why the successful are so small fraction from the whole population ...

Why do people want to limit other people's freedom, i.e. banning birth control? What is it in for them?

I've read that nothing in the human motivational psyche is more powerful than the need to be consistent with identity and beliefs.  Even fear of harm or death are overridden consistently.  (Pretty scary and fascinating when you think deeply about the applications of this human phenomenon.)Someone that was trained through family or religion to believe and highly value unmarred, innocent, virgin life is likely to choose the protection of new life over respect of someone else's older life that is full of sin and mistakes.What's in it for them?  They get to remain consistent with their beliefs.

If people are driving over the speed limit around me, should I match their speed?

Yes.Both from a safety and traffic flow view, the best thing is to match the speed of the traffic around you.The only exception I can think of is when the traffic is going obviously too fast for conditions.You wouldn't think that happens a lot, but I see it all the time during heavy snowfall. People used to driving on dry roads don't slow down enough, especially early in winter, when they don't have recent experience with snow. Even then, try to split the difference between what is reasonable for conditions and what the other traffic is doing. You don't want to get rear ended, or cause others to lose control trying to get around you.Don't worry about getting a speeding ticket. If you're moving with the traffic and not in the passing lane, you won't.