Who Are The Most Annoying Types Of People On Your Facebook

Can you name any types of people on Facebook?

I infact made a video about it. I’ll leave a link here and at the bottom if you wish to watch it.Let me list it down, it includes some that are not in the video as well:The BFFs: Alright so these are the people who’s pictures are never of themselves alone. Every picture including the profile picture is with 1 or 2 more people. In this case, sometimes it becomes difficult for us to identify the real person.The tag maniacs: The people who tag you when you are not in the pictureComment Conversationalists: These people will start a conversation on Comments section after you upload a good status or pictures, like “Hey whats up, how are you?”, “Where are you?”, “We should meet”, etc.Inconsiderate people: These are the people who posts a question or a good quote on Facebook, and then being the nice guy you are, you reply to them, you comment with your wisdom and then these people never acknowledges it. No Likes, no replied, no acknowledgment. It just hurts because you took out time for them and they didn’t care.Over-posters: These guys use Facebook like Twitter. They keep posting at every few minutes or hours and sometimes silliest things like I just ate a burger, then new status will be now I am eating fries, etc.Here are some who are not in the video:6. Checking Ins: These guys will check in everywhere they go. A restaurant, checked in. A School, checked in. Office - Checked in. home - Checked in. Maybe Toilet, checked in.7. The piggyback stamper: These guys copy quotes and statuses from others and post them as their own.8. Stalkers: Although I would people who are stalking me, but it might be annoying to some. You meet a friend on the street and the conversation goes:You: Hey whats’ up?Friend: Nothing much, I just came home for a couple days. What about you?You: Oh yeah, I started a new job.Friend: Oh I know, saw it on FB.You: Cool, and I went to Amsterdam for vacation.Friend: Yeah Yeah I saw all the pictures.You: Okay. My mom called me the other day.Friend: Oh Yeah I read the story on FB.*Creepy*9. Privy: Everything they do on Facebook, is private. They do not understand the concept of social media. What’s the point if your picture is not visible, you thoughts are not visible, your work, your education, your friends, your likes are not visible.The list can go on and on… I will make a part 2 of the video too.Here’s part 1:

What are the most annoying posts on Facebook?

I do not like when people end a post with “copy this and share it on your page,” “please write me to prove someone cares,” “If you agree, type Amen.” Basically when people write that an action on my part is needed for me to prove that I care, that I understand, that I support them/the issue or that I am indeed reading what they have written.I will and do make that decision for myself, and don’t like the way people make subtle or not so subtle hints that you are being unkind, non supportive, uncaring, non religious or stupid for not doing exactly what their post asks/requires of you.

What is most annoying thing someone can do on Facebook?

There is a plethora of items from the top of my mind when it comes to annoying things that people can do on Facebook. Here is a list:Hashtags: #People #use #unnecessary #hashtags #on #Facebook #to #get #attention. #Hope #you #know #what #I #mean. #peace #chill #pointOfTheDay #ohYeahAmen Posts: If you have been on Facebook for a while now then you cannot help but notice a group of cynical people would post a picture with awful, awful, content like a girl missing an arm or an eye and a caption saying something like:1 like = 1 prayerType Amen to show supportIf you don’t share this post, you will die of Herpes.#facebookWhores #justSayingTagging anyone and everyone: Have you seen jokes flying around saying stuff like “Pooja Rastogi - going to sleep with Sheikh Dawood and 69 others”? Well, they’re more like what Barney Stinson likes to say all the time- True Story. I have this acquaintance of mine who once posted: Going to honeymoon with Wifey and 10 others to Bangkok. Judged him twice. One for the post. Two for the honeymoon location. I mean, seriously, Bangkok for honeymoon?Facebook stalking: Ever wondered if your ex is stalking you? Well. Facebook just makes it easier.Public Shaming Posts: If you know what I am talking about, you have probably seen people, or dogs for that matter, holding placards or chart paper with something close to “If I get 100000000000000 likes on this post, my mother will let me go to Disney land” written on them. A, that’s annoying. B, if that’s actually true, your mother is a horrible, horrible, person. I mean why does she need a confirmation from a 100000000000000 people to let you go to Disney Land? Unless she’s a very bad word.Sorry, I let my emotions creep in. But I have an emotional attachment to this topic. I recently made a short video about a couple of annoying things people are guilty of on Facebook. And here is the link:If you like the video, share it with your friends and subscribe to the chqnnel to stay tuned to the more awesome stuff I will post in the future! And leave a comment to let me know where I can improve and-slash-or what you think about it. Positive and negative comments- both welcome. #peaceThanks and Regards,Sahil Bawa

What is one of the most annoying thing found on Facebook?

When same person starts to share way tooooo many times in a day,every day.It gets me really annoyed!!! Okay, i got it after 2 or 3 posts but after 10 posts? 15 posts or even more?This kind of attention just for few likes its terrible and im wondering why some people cant see when they become ridiculous!?

Benefits of not having facebook....?

more Benefits of not having facebook

1 – Don’t Have To Worry About Privacy
The first benefit is that you won’t have to worry about privacy concerns. Many people aren’t aware of some of the strange terms of service changes that Facebook has made in the last year or so. Some of these have been changed back because users didn’t like them, but your photos and personal information could potentially be compromised using this system.

2 – Facebook is a Waste of Time
Many get sucked into Facebook and it ends up being a waste of time. Without having an account, you don’t have to worry about this becoming a problem at all and literally can save hell of time to spend with your family and friends.

3 – Control Over Types of Conversation
Without Facebook you can have control over the types of conversations that you want to have with people. Some people just don’t like talking through a computer. You might not be able to type well or might enjoy the phone or talking in person much better.

4 – Avoid Higher Risk of Effecting Your Computer From Malware and Scams
Some people click links in Facebook that lead to malware problems or scams. Without using an account, you won’t have to worry about getting these types of problems through that site. Well you can get malwares and trojans by visiting some sites and through emails but the risk is much higher when you use facebook and other social networking sites.

5 – Reliable Communication
Communication on Facebook is not as reliable as you would like. Some people are on it every day meaning you will reach them but some don’t sign on too often. Using your phone to call or text is a bit more reliable.

6 – Can Keep Things to Yourself
Without having a Facebook account, you can keep more things to yourself. You might not want others to know everything about your life all the time.

What is the most annoying thing that occurs in your Facebook group chats?

The fact that there is some sort of group chat that I am suckered into in the middle of working on something else and everyone is aimlessly talking away like a bad meeting with no leader to control things.Basically, the fact that I am in a chat without my consent. I have a group and I am not going to do that unless it is a planned thing and people give me permission.