Who Controls The Actions Of The President The Elite Bankers And Ceos Or The American People

Is the Presidency a tool of the powers to be to pacify and control the masses?

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.
We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. It's not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.
They are continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrant-less wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FE MA camps and Martial Law.
- Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.
- International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.
- They plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.
- The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.So elite, this seems to be the answer to all the unanswered questions about this administration, like why are we still in these wars, why are the same people that got us in this mess still in power, why don't we prosecute bank for money laundering when they are considered as people now. Hmmmm!! "We better wake up people and stop fighting each other and find out who the real enemy is!"

Do you think the biggest problem with Americans right now is that?

They seem completely unable to look ahead? Or to see the "Big Picture"? With everything that is going on, you could say the government is setting up to exert some SERIOUS control over us in the future. But people seem unable to look beyond what is going on today, right now, this minute.

For example, the Socialism argument. If you point out that the things this administration is doing are Socialistic, people will say, "But it isn't Socialism." When you reply, "Not YET but it is all being set into place", they seem completely unable to look down the road at what consequences could incur as a result of what is going on now. That boggles my mind. How can they not see it??

So Obama's spending all this money? We'll probably get it back maybe. So Obama and the government now own GM? They were going to go bankrupt. So Obama and the govt. want to cap people's salaries? They were greedy. So Obama and the govt. have nationalized and now control most of our banking system? The bankers were greedy, too. So Obama and the govt. want to dictate what kinds of cars we'll be able to buy? It's not that big of a deal.

The question none of these people ever seem able to entertain is "Where does it STOP?" Taken together, just these things alone spell out some very scary things for future life in the USA and none of these people seem to see that. They don't see what it could turn into. Almost certanly WILL turn into. I don't get that, man. How can you say "That'll never happen" with a straight face, especially when looking at what has already happened?

Do any politicians or people truly self-identify as either a neo-liberal or neo-conservative?


Why do people say the Rockefeller and Rothschild families control the world?

The Rothchilds & Rockerfellers hv joined forces to run all the private central banks of the whole world,that hv them, that then give major loans to all nation states that need credit to function. All debt notes (money) has no gold baking it so the banks can print as much money as they want & then charge any nation interest on top of interest to keep any nation a slave to perpetual loans & debt that people will never pay back. Thus the banking industries control of military & finances since both cannot exist without the other .All debt & interest that nations acrue during warfare is owed to these powerful families.The national US debt is 20 trillion meaning these families are worth trillions that we all owe in our daily labors to satisfy their interests.Also any nation that doesn’t hv a Rothschild, Rockefeller, private central bank the US military invades & occupies. Hence all the enemies & acts of terrorism against globalism.(Why Iran & North korea were sabotaged & undermined by the US military yet our leaders sell them weapons of mass destruction under the table that today we are all paying the price for in our tax dollars, & our families that fight their wars for them)(Also Ronald Reagan was caught selling nuclear weapons to Iran during the Iran contra scandal to sell guns & drugs to the Nicaraguan contras that committed a genocide & Halliburton was caught selling nuclear weapons to North Korea; George Bush has stock in this company & his vice president Dick Cheney was the Ceo in the 90s)Globalism means all central banks run & maintain national economies & all central banks are interconnected as 1 global unit. Thus globalism(Yes russia, china, & the US are all under this economic paradigm & their citizens are currently suffering under this parasitical system of debt slavery & perpetual warfare)Thus perpetual warfare, mass starvation yet large concentrations of wealth in the hands of a few.

Is Obama using AIG to deflect criticism of the 9,000 earmarks in the spending bill?

I agree with you. The new AIG CEO Edward Liddy takes the hot-seat during a congressional hearing so that his enablers can wag their fingers at him while letting themselves off the hook again.
These are award-winning performances of Washington hypocrites outraged by the AIG entitlement beast they nurtured through four massive bailout infusions. Have you noticed Obama and congress acting so outraged and surprised, but yesterday we learned that he signed the very bill that quite clearly made those bonuses legal — the $787 billion stimulus package he had traveled around the nation promoting.
The bill includes restrictions on executive compensation, but creates an exception for bonuses contractually obligated before February 11 of this year. The provision, and the exception, were inserted into the bill by the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Chris Dodd (D, Conn.), who has received more than $100,000 from AIG employees in the last 20 years, had written and inserted the relevant provision, with the relevant loophole.
How can he, the president, or anyone else who voted for the stimulus, suddenly act surprised? Don't tell us they didn't read the bill. The presence of this loophole, in black and white, certainly gives the lie to all of this phony outrage — by the senator who created the loophole, by the president who signed it into law, and by everyone else who voted for the stimulus package.

As that flogging ritual takes place, hark! Tiny Tim Geithner hears the distant sounds of yonder bus wheels thumping. Will they throw him under the bus. On with the show…

Why do people believe Obama is different from Bush?

Recap of Obama's first 100 days:

--Continued air raids in Pakistan
--Continued War in Iraq (early in his campaign he promised immediate withdrawl, but people of course forget all this)
--Bails out rich bankers on Wall Street
--Bails out rich insurance tycoons in New York City
--Passes a "stimulus bill" that awards his biggest donors huge government contracts
--Does not roll back Bush tax cuts
--Gives GM's CEO 20 Million dollars then replaces him with another multi-millionaire white guy
--Lends money, in conjunction with the Federal Reserve (Bernanke), to financial institutions, to keep them afloat, in order to get every day Johnny Lunchbuckets back into the stock market even though it is highly overvalued
--Continues to torture in his secret "rendition" CIA holding facilities
--Appoints to his economic Cabinet retired Wall Street millionaires who are responsible for repealing the Glass-Steagall Act
--Justifies his budget deficits by suggesting that re-inflating the bubble will fix America's economy

Besides a few liberal things he pushed through, how has he brought change to America?

Romney Ryan or Obama Biden?

Would it surprise you if i told you that all of these so-called "politicians" are actually mere puppets of the Zionist Illuminati elite. In the USA, both the Republican and Democratic parties are under the complete submission and control of these "World Bankers". No matter who is elected as the president, the agenda always remains the same ---> if only people could wake up and see this.

Please do yourself a favour and read the following article which explains the agenda in much more detail:

PS.: Please ignore all the other weird stuff on the website.