Who Does Have The Right To Wipe Other Nations Off The Map Some But Not Others None

Gun owners say they need gun to protect themselves. Can we use the same argument to support countries that want nuclear weapon to protect themselves?

You could make that argument, and you would have a point. I would ask if the state was a free state, and it’s citizens were demanding the arms, or if it was a totalitarian state, and its leaders were demanding the arms to tighten their grip on power over their citizens, ultimately making slaves of them. Really, this comes down to where one thinks the power should lie, with the states, or with the individuals. If one ignores how those states treats their ‘citizens’ with respect to the freedom of speech, right to bear arms, right to life, they are ignoring a huge component. Do states derive their power by the consent of the governed? Or through some other mechanism? How does one decide what a state is? Can I declare myself a state, and then demand the same rights as all other states?I believe that states only have power because we, the citizens, lend it to them, as individuals. There is no power that a state can execute that has not been lent to them by the citizens. So a state does have the right to defend itself, as individuals have those right, but a state that oppresses its citizens is not legitimate, and has none of the rights, because there are no (or a very few individuals) actually lending power to the state, the rest are slaves. When an individual uses his freedoms (say his right to bear arms) to enslave others (think about a man using a gun to rape someone, that can be considered a form of temporary slavery). they lose their freedoms, because they have demonstrated that they cannot use them wisely. The same should apply to states. When they enslave their citizens they lose their rights.It is really an old argument, we have been having it for a very long time. If you think about it, the civil war was a battle between states rights (the South), and individual rights (the North). It is interesting to me that we are still having the same argument today. Do you believe that the power of the State, or the power of the majority (to rephrase it a bit), can infringe upon the power on an individual? I do not.

How quickly could the US wipe North Korea off the face of the earth if they wanted to?

Using nuclear weapons: 30 SecondsAt least 30 seconds for 5–10 SLBMs with nuclear warheads to wipe out North Korean cities. The problem is that this measure will affect South Korea, Japan, China, and Russia. The situation could end up in an international political, military and financial crisis.Even SLBMs cannot destroy North Korean military facilities before attacking Seoul with conventional, biological, chemical and even nuclear weapons as a last retaliatory measure from the Kim’s regime.For those reasons, a nuclear option against North Korea is out of the question despite president Trump speech at the UN.Using conventional weapons: Few hours - A dayThis option is more expensive and requires more time. The time it depends on the level of the US military deployment for this mission.The US military can wipe out North Korea using only conventional weapons. In fact, they already did that in the Korean war. North Korea was completely destroyed by US strategic bombing campaign. The destruction of North Korea between 1950–1953 is much worse than Japanese destruction in the whole WW2. This is one of the reasons why the regime is so anti-American.They can do it again with more accurate weapons in the 21st century in a full-scale bombing campaign. Unfortunately, this option cannot destroy North military facilities before attacking the South Korean capital.This is B1 bomber the US already deployed in the Korean Peninsula. It can carry nuclear or non-nuclear missiles with a high level of accuracy. In the event of a military confrontation, its mission would be to wipe out North Korean political headquarters in order to prevent Kim giving retaliatory orders to its military. With very few information about North Korean infrastructure, it is a high chance for this mission to fail.

Should the civilized western world wipe the middle east off the map?


Why does President Bush hate the earth?

It seems like when he's not trying to incite nuclear war with North Korea or Iran, he's either hard at work clear cutting our forests or polluting our oceans, rivers and air with fossil fuel. In fact, he's so anti-earth that now our country's CEOs are banding together to regulate themselves...

That's the same as kids coming back from lunch and asking the teacher to give them detentions because they pissed in their classmate's soda can.

Bush has been asleep at the switch for 6 years. All he knows how to do is start wars. Is he the most retarded f-ing president in history, or what?!

Do people from other countries really hate America? Why?

I am British and I hate America because you are hypocrites. You support oppressive regimes, invade other countries - you donate money to the IRA which is used to oppress, bully and murder innocent civillians and yet when someone murders YOUR civillians on 9/11 you don't like it and start blowing up half the world. Hypocrites! No wonder half the world hates you. There will be more 9/11s if you carry on the way you're going.

And you did NOT save Europe in WWII, many factors contributed to Germany's defeat - you didn't even join the war till 1941!

You are so arrogant, you think you are the best country in the world and everyone wants to live there. I would rather die than live in your country. You don't even have state sponsored health care for gods sake!

Your country was based on the murder and oppression of Native Americans and the misery of black slaves. You are ignorant and know nothing about the rest of the world and when you do get involved in other people's countries you mnake a mess of it and cause pain and suffering. You are totally ill-informed! I hate America and would be happy for it to be wiped off the map. It causes nothing but pain to people in other countries.

George Bush is a moron and shouldn't be allowed to take charge of a cage full of chimps let alone a country. I hate Tony Blair joining forces with him in Afghanistan and Iraq. We should have left you to rot on your own. Now we are geting bombed by Muslims because of supporting you, even though you have **** on our country and plenty of other countries for a long time.

Please Mr Blair pull our boys out of Iraq and leave the Americans to their fate. They started it let them finish it.