Who Else Is Sick Of Call Of Duty

What is worse Halo or Call of Duty?

My mom will not let me play Halo even though I have two of the games in the series and I want to buy the rest I keep telling her that they are the same rating and blood vilence. If they are the same say so thank you if you respond to my question.

What is a hitmarker? (call of duty)?

It means whend your Shooting A LOT but he doesnt die and the little symbol in the middle is just showing! Thats a hitmarker! Hope this helps (:

I'm tired of Call of Duty, what should I play?

OVERWATCH is a very competitive game and i want you to try it out.I am playing it and i’m really getting deep into it.It is different from COD since it has 22 heroes to choose from and every hero is different.The game is 6 vs 6 ,and it’s aim is to occupy A and B or a car, not killing.It is a team game. If you wanna win, you better choose a good balance of heroes.I think I wrote to much, because this game is for playing! And people must to try it themselves to decide.But the game is a little expensive, so you can try to play it another place first, like at a friend’s house or something. (Don’t forget to return a favor).

What will happen if I call in sick for jury service?

It depends on the Court. Some will just reschedule you, other courts will want a note from your doctor.My advice, unless you are sick - just suck it up and do your civic duty. The chances of even being called up are slim. Then you have to make it through voir dire. Just be the sort of person who would call in sick for jury duty when they're not actually sick and both sides won't want you on the jury. After that you should be clear for a few years.Also, if you're in the legal field or have a close relative that is in the legal field they most likely won't want you to serve on a jury.

Is it a coincidence that Activision is releasing a WWII Call of Duty game?

I’m assuming you already know that both Battlefield and Call of Duty started as only WWII games.Call of Duty specifically did CoD, CoD2, CoD3, Finest Hour, Big Red One, World At War and a bunch of expansions at in the WWII time period.They are going back for the same reason EA went back after 2142 - because fans wanted it and most of the current developers did NOT make those earlier WWII games.As a dev, making the same basic title gets boring. People leave. People leaving is bad for the franchise. So, in order to get people to stay they have to either let them pick the game or pay them a ton, or both. So we marched from WW2 (skipping Korea) to Vietnam (CoD version canceled) to desert storm/modern time to the war on terror to near future to further future.Most of the original dev teams are gone. Heck, most of the people from the first 4–5 games are gone. So WWII is new for (most of) this group. Its exciting and different.

Does anyone else think Call of Duty 3 is a terrible game?

I've played CoD, UO, and CoD 2 for a long time, finally bought a console and got CoD 3. This game sucks donkey balls.
The game stops for dialogue constantly and I can't skip past it. It seems like 5 minutes of action, 2 minutes of babbing. Yeah, I get it, you don't trust Frenchie - WHO CARES!? I wanna PLAY!
Something unavoidable will blow up and now I have a couple guys dragging me around and talking too much while I can't play again.
The missions suck entirely (except the one in the trainyard, it was OK)
The sixaxis crap is completely annoying and barely works
The enemies will just freeze and I still can't kill them until I walk up right on them
The tank mission was TERRIBLE. After the Russian and British tank campaigns in the other games, this was absolute crap.

I really wanted to like this game after paying full price for it and I am honestly amazed at how crappy a game this is. Worst game I've played in years.

In ramadan is playing games like call of duty or halo haram after breakfast?

no its not haram.. but as long as it is not getting in the way of your prayers