Who Is More Compatible W A Cancer Born July 3

Is June 21st a Gemini-Cancer cusp or just a Cancer?

You are a Gemini-Cancer cusp. Location and time of birth may affect chart results, so you may want to check your chart. You are typically born into Cancer starting at June 21st or June 22nd, depending on leap year variations and your individualized information.Given that Gemini birth date ranges from May 21 - June 20 and Cancer ranges from June 21 - July 22, you will typically fall in the Gemini-Cancer cusp if you are born somewhere between June 17 - June 23. I am also a Gemini-Cancer cusp (born on June 20).What does this mean for personality? You’ll acquire a mix of traits associated with both an Air (Gemini) and Water (Cancer) sign. These traits may include:StrengthsIntellectual, curious, learners“Magnetic” and charming conversationalists. Good communicatorsFun to be around, “life of the party,” flirtatious and well-likedHighly devoted/committed to the ones they love. Known to be trusted and romantic individualsEmotionally sensitive and well-spoken. EmpatheticPatient and often forgivingInspired easily to make productive decisions. Are ambitious and inspiring to othersWeaknessesVery private about their own feelings, find it difficult to open up to others (will avoid talking about own problems)Can be moody and often depressiveCan be often jealous or possessiveMay not respond well to others who are not sensitive to their own emotional needs.Highly self-destructive and end to self-isolate. Often shun people when upset and can easily fall into depressionCan be selfish and emotionally demandingWill spiral if they are not achieving their goals or are not oriented towards their ambitionsMore reading if you’re interested:Gemini-Cancer CuspGemini - Cancer Cusp: 6/17 - 6/23

Is our zodiac sign seen by birth date or name?

Zodiac sign, I suppose you are taking about Moon sign only and it can also be seen through your name alphabet.Or best is to put your birth details in software and then you can arrive to Moon placement and then can check your Moon sign.If your Moon is in Aries then you have Aries Moon Sign(mesha), same way Tauras(vrishab)and so on…Also, the first letter of name gives an indication of the Moon nakshatra pada and for your reference follow the table given below.I will prefer the software method here because it is quick and though I remember this table but I don't use it.I have seen many traditional pandits who can tell your moon sign as soon as you tell your name to them and this is the first and only thing ;) they actually learn in astrologyThere can be other signs also which are actually made by individual zodiacs and most importantly ascendant sign but I guess your question is related to Moon sign only here.Hope this helps:)