Who Is The Most Incompetent Member Of The Obama Administration

Is Obonzo incompetent as the chief administrator.?

From the Benghazi report just released we found out Clinton said she knew nothing about security pull backs In Libya--that was handled by lower levels--yet there was a cable she signed which directly contradicted that--if her memory is that poor her boss should have done something no? Then we have homeland security saying they knew the older bomber was in Russia--and the FBI said they didn't know cause the last name was misspelled. This type of incompetence is rife in this administration. Is Obonzo truly that incompetent as an administrator. I understand he never had a real job before this one--but good grief--he's had 5 years of on the job training

Who were the most inept members of the Bush administration? Who were the sharpest members?

I believe Rumsfeld's ego got in the way of sound judgment. His handling of the war was incompetence at its worst in the annals of military history. His first mistake was to under estimate the number of troops necessary to secure the country, once Saddam's army capitulated. His second miscalculation was to assume that fighting had ended, once Saddam's army was out of the picture. Before the country was stabilized, he brought in Paul Bremer to manage Iraq, like it was some sort of large corporation, truly a bone headed decision.

Rumsfeld tried to design the Iraq war around GWB's desire to leave the smallest footprint possible. Instead of listening to the generals, Rumsfeld played politics. When will these fvcking politicians ever learn, they had FDR as the historical lesson on how to conduct a war, yet few rarely try to emulate FDR.

When Pearl Harbor was attacked, all diplomacy was shelved. The war was then turned over to General George Marshall who in turn, appointed MacArthur as supreme commander in the Pacific and Eisenhower in the European theater, and then told the politicians to butt out.

Was Obama incompetent?

No, he wasn’t and he’s still not. While he might not have done everything right while in office, he for sure moved the country to a better place.For one, he championed diversity not only in words, but also in action, making significant strides toward a more multicultural America that celebrates diversity. Top policy positions went to people of all colors, classes and creeds. He appointed more female and ethnically diverse judges than any president in history and was the first president to introduce Hindu customs into the White House, or to wish Persian Americans a happy new year in Farsi. Obama also strengthened LGTB rights, paving the way for marriage equality and anti-discrimination legislation. No president better reflected America’s diversity, or honored it so single-mindedly as he.He also pushed American families forward by strengthening women in the whole country. Through the (now defunct) White House Council on Women and Girls and increased enforceability of laws designed to combat pay discrimination, the Obama administration directed efforts to ensure that American women could achieve financial independence. Higher minimum wages meant mothers could spend more time with their children; paid family leave would allow parents to parent without curbing their careers and ultimately, their spending power. Linking gender equality to America’s economic prosperity helped Obama to co-opt bipartisan support for a number of women’s issues. Despite Obama’s leaving office, women’s issues have had tremendous staying power; his legacy gave rise to powerful movements like #MeToo and Time’s Up, which continue to strongly advocate for women.He changed the paradigm in American health care. Beyond insuring over 20 million Americans, the Affordable Care Act changed the American mindset on health insurance. While nearly 50% of Americans expressed support for repealing the ACA, 60% of those who do not favor it said it should be replaced before repeal. These numbers reflect Obama’s success in changing America’s expectation on government involvement in healthcare. And while the repeal of Obamacare was one of President Trump’s main campaign promises, it is clear that many Americans are unwilling to accept an America without affordable healthcare options.

Was the Reagan Administration the most corrupt ever?

Bush is following in Reagan's footsteps.
When do us citizens count ????
Thanks for all the info'.

What charges should be brought against this administration for encouraging the breaking of the law?

It's outrageous that President Obama is encouraging companies to break the law and, worse, pledging taxpayer's money to cover their costs of litigation. It would be ironic to point out that then-Senator Obama tried to strengthen the WARN Act that he's now encouraging companies to ignore, but this Administration is well past irony.

Congress should repudiate any public funding of litigation costs for private companies who break the law.

Why are the Trump administration and the GOP leaders in Congress the most incompetent in recent memory?

Well, to start with, Trump has absolutely NO idea of how to be a President. He thinks it’s like running a company and it isn’t. This leads him way off track with the rest of the political machinery that had been working pretty well, up to now.Second, the rest of the government has no idea how to follow someone who refuses to be a President. This throws off the rest of them. I think maybe they ARE starting to warm-up to the idea that maybe their boy Trump isn’t fit to be President. And it’s about time.But, you know, maybe this was the plan all along. Create enough chaos and you can start to consolidate power for yourself. And before anyone wakes up, you’ll be in complete control. Bannon and Trump in complete control. Does this give you any reassurance? It shouldn’t.

Will the Trump administration go down in history as being the most incompetent the US has ever had? Were there any worse?

Maturity is that we should not run to conclusions. Assesment of the tenure of a president needs maturity as well as intelligence. One should have a good analytical power also. Where tenure is involved and not a particular incident, perseverence and patience is also required to wait, watch, compare and then conclude.Your question therefore can not be answered meaningfully as we should wait till the middle of the last one year. However, I am sure that the apprehension being expressed in the question will not come true. The reason is that certain indicators clearly point out to the overall upswing in American fortune and prosperity, the real parameters which speak of the top man being effective or ineffective.I notice good economic performance, GDP going up 3%. Lot many criminal illegal immigrants being apprehended which would definitely reduce crimes. As promised by Mr Trump that he will go whole hog against ISIS and not declare strikes in advance, he has delivered excellently on one of the world’s great concerns. Unemployment rate is the lowest and meets his promise of bringing back jobs. It will further improve as visa policy has been improved in favor of Americans and with the impending tax cuts. I have also seen that other countries, especially those relatively falling in powerful category, are taking America more seriously and with some fear (mind you fear is necessary in the international relations) than in the previous administration.Those intelligent enough will realize that it is after decades that severe trade imbalance with China is going to come down substantially in coming years. This subject really needs good intelligence to understand two aspects of these transactions. First is that we keep on purchasing some cheap goods of our daily needs from a vendor continuously for years. Second is that the vendor uses this earning from us in purchasing our house silver and thus depriving us of our solid assets to one day become our boss. But, given Mr Trump’s intelligence and he at the helm now, we can rest assured that this big malady which other administrations simply could not understand, will now be tackled and we will be saved from a sure long term economic disaster.

Does the Trump administration have the most unqualified and/or incompetent cabinet members in modern history?

IMHO, and looking on from afar, the quality of the Trump administration’s cabinet members has varied wildly over the course of his Presidency. Some have been eminently qualified; some were qualified only by Trump’s momentary liking for them. About all they have in common is Trump’s inability to work with them to any constructive end, and/or vice versa.

Is Donald Trump the most incompetent president in the history of the United States?

Define incompetent.Has he started any new wars? No.Has he lost us any of the current wars? No.Has the stock market or dollar collapsed due to his policies? No.He made a number of campaign promises, and it looks like he’s doing hisbest to keep them.Got a very conservative judge on the Supreme court and convinced the Senate to eliminate the filibuster for that purpose. Chuck Schumer had demanded that a candidate “acceptable” to his party be selected and got blown away.Quite a few judges have been appointed in spite of the road blocks being pushed out by the Democrats. Much of their agenda had been pushed through using judges friendly to their politics and the ground work is being laid to reduce the number of advocate judges.Like it or hate it, the tax bill is getting passed without a single Democrat vote. During the next election cycle that’s going to be the slogan.The Democrats are threatening to “shut the government down” over DACA. This is unlikely to be a win for them. Unlike the Obama administration the Trump one will be happy to see most “non-essential” parts shut down. Unlike the last shut-down there likely will not be any make-up pay checks which will likely not please their base.The flow of illegal aliens has DROPPED and enforcement is UP. Revealing the lie that the Obama administration had been trying to sell that it could not be done. And this in spite of the obstruction attempts.DACA is dead and likely it will stay so. The concept of chain migration is dead and likely to stay so. Immigration is now being aimed at bringing in the best and the brightest rather than “diversity”.He’s recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ending the farce of an idea that the “Palestinians” want peace. Likely because he’s not in bed with them or the large oil interests.In spite of all the time and money trying to tie Trump to one scandal or another with the intent of impeaching him, they’ve managed to find nothing. So either nothing is there or he’s covered the tracks really, really, well or the Democrats are completely incompetent.So, getting stuff despite massive opposition from all sides and not causing any disasters. Damn, that sound pretty competent.