Who Is The World Feminism Champion

What are your thoughts on feminism?

My honest opinion of feminism is that it has become an organisation dedicated to the persecution of men (bonus points it they’re white, cis, hetero) in order to pander to the inferiority complex of women who have achieved equality and found that it’s not at all as advertised and so are looking for someone to blame for their disappointment and inadequacies.Feminism has achieved equality, but have found that in a lot of areas women just can’t compete with men on a level playing field, or that women just aren’t interested in playing on some of the fields that have been opened to them. But rather than accept that women have different strengths and interests to men, they take it and hold it up as evidence of some grand conspiracy against women. They push past equality into female supremacy on a premise that if a woman can’t compete with a man, it must be because they’re not being treated equally.Using this distorted perception (or “feminist lens”) they see all examples of people failing to excel as evidence of oppressive discrimination. They then bring these other oppressed souls under their banner and champion their causes as part of their own. Promising salvation and solidarity to the vulnerable, much like any other cult.And because they recruit their membership from what they deem to be oppressed classes, they take any criticism of their movement as an attack on those peoples and further evidence of oppression and discrimination. This feeds into their persecution complex, which in turn offers validation to their inferiority complex.In short: Feminism is unhealthy for people, and damaging to society.

What was feminist reaction to the "one-child policy" in China?

Most feminists in the western world believe that individual women should always have the choice of whether or not to have children, and how many.

Cheers :-)

One critic of feminism said, "It isn't feminism that's the problem, its feminists." Do you think this could be true?

There was a recent study done in the U.K. asking women if they identify with the “"feminist movement.” The statistics that came back were shocking. Only 7% of women in the U.K. Align themselves with feminism. How could this be? Feminism is the champion for women, fighting sexism and inequality.When asked if they believe in gender equality(equality of the sexes,) 74% of women stated they did.Only 7 per cent of Britons consider themselves feministsBut I thought they were the same thing? How can a woman believe in gender equality but not be a modern day feminist?And here in lies the answer to your question.Feminism, just like anything else, has evolved over time. What started in my grandmother’s generation as a fight for equal rights has evolved into a movement my grandmother loathes.I truly believe the modern feminist movement has goood intentions. But they got lost along the way. What started as “"equality under the law”(right to vote, right to equal pay for equal work,) evolved into “"I can do anything you can do,” (false, it is a fact men and women are biologically different and operate and process differently, with different strengths and weaknesses,). After the “"I can do anything you can do” phase, the next logical phase began. “Women are actually better then men” phase is what has killed classic feminism, and it has made enemies of men across the world and has disgusted most women.For anyone claiming I am women hating, I believe in equality before the law. Women and men have the same rights before the law, to vote, drive, religion, health, equal pay for equal work, etc. Men and women are different, and having a diverse team of both men and women in any field is critical for success in the modern world. With that being said, it's a fact men and women think differently, have generally different builds, react differently, have different hormones effecting their brains, we are just different, but equal.

Did you know that the darling of the feminism movement, Gloria Steinem, was a CIA agent?

and that she worked hand in hand with the CIA using the feminist movement to de-stabilize society:

How does it feel to be duped by one of your own, feminists?

Who invented feminism in America?

I would hazard that feminism grew organically rather than having been invented. Sure, someone may have coined the term first but the thoughts and ideals that all are created equal have been around for some time. Of course, third-wave feminism is a crock unlike the actual struggles of early feminists.You want to be a feminist champion? Go fight FGM or how women are treated in some third world countries. Women are dying there. In the USA they're trying to claim manspreading is a thing and equivalent to not having the right to vote.

What are your thoughts on modern feminism, antifa, and the BLM movements?

A2A:Modern feminism:Modern feminism can be divided into two camps: those advocating for better treatment of women at home and abroad (especially abroad), and those on the regressive left who make up sayings such as, “Men need to burn.”Talk about sexist hypocrites, and the conversation with quickly turn to these losers.As an egalitarian who is a feminist as an extension, I tend to only use egalitarian nowadays so as to distance myself from these “feminists” who are only harming the goals of actual advocates.So, I cheer on the actual feminist advocates who champion the rights of those who are abused and neglected, and I steer clear of misandrist lunatics.ANTIFA:I don’t have much to say about ANTIFA. While I have little love in my heart for no-count neo-Nazis and white supremacists, I don’t see how ANTIFA is making anything better.Why not take the high road and just ignore these escaped asylum inmates who are few in number like any decent person would?No? You’re just gonna use their same tactics to deter them, rather than tuning them out and depriving them of the one thing they have, which is their obnoxiously loud mouths?Yeah, that’ll help.BLM:I’m mixed on this one.On one hand, I obviously support all human lives, and I abhor all of these unjustified police shootings of African-American citizens.However, I think that Black Lives Matter, while it’s intentions are pure, kinda misses some points here and there. For one, they tend to not focus on crimes committed by blacks against blacks, and for another, some seem to believe that there is an ingrained racism in our law enforcement (there isn’t).So, again, I support black lives (obviously), but I do not agree with some of the movement’s actions and stances.In conclusion, feminism has different meanings nowadays, ANTIFA is ineffective and only makes things worse, and Black Lives Matter is a group with good intentions that sometimes misses some key marks.