Who Owns The American Weapons Manufacturing And Are They Behind Constant American Military Conflict

Is it haram to work for a firm that sells weapons to the Israeli military?

Assalamu Alaikum.

Hi, I'm a systems engineer that currently works for a defense contracting firm. Although we have many clients such as private arms dealers, our main contractor is the Israeli Defense Force. Although I can't legally talk about my completed or current projects, I mostly do designs in defense, so much of the "products" I design and work on are not used in the Palestinian dispute. Anyways, I consulted three big Muftis in India who say it is not Haram because the Palestinian and Israeli dispute is a political/tribal dispute and not a religious one. Besides, ever since moving here and staying at masjid Al-Aqsa, I feel like I am much better muslim and closer to Allah (SWT).

So, would it be Haram under such circumstances?

What are the causes of conflict in the Middle East?

People may give many reasons for lack of peace in Middle-East but the true reason is the rich oil resources of the region.Not just oil but this piece of land is also blessed with natural gas and other natural resources; 32% of the world’s natural gas rests in the hands of Middle-East states.So, to be very serious the war going on in Middle-East is more a result of international conspiracies than it is of sectarian violence.Middle-East is rich of oil,petroleum,gas,opium,gold and aluminium resources.Seeing these facts one must consider that ‘’Why these countries are not developing?The reason is that international powers are using these countries as nothing but their war grounds to fulfil their vested interests.All of this is a conspiracy of anti-Muslim powers.Yes, some of the middle-east states i.e. Saudi Arabia are progressing much faster than others but the reason is that not a single one of the 1.6 billion Muslims of the world would stay low if something happens to Saudi Arabia.Also that Saudi Arabia and other such nations sell petrol and natural gas to world’s powers on low rates and easy terms.You might be surprised but this is true, the human-blood is being shed for nothing but the gain of power.The UN has failed miserably in prevailing peace in Middle-East. In fact UN The United Nations is not more than a Debating Society.The so-called ambassadors of peace instead of making efforts to prevent war and save human lives give preference to their own interests.The current situation in Syria is hidden from none.Armies enter these countries ignoring their regional sovereignty, in the name of prevailing peace,fight for their own interests and once they have been fulfilled they leave. No one cares for the hundreds of thousands that have that and the ones that are being killed daily either by terrorists or the ambassadors of peace.The only thing these cowards care about is gaining control natural resources of the region at any cost of all.

Question on the cold war?

hi everyone i have this assignment for history to answer this question. can someone help me or show me where i can go to find the answer to this question? it would be greatly appreciate :))
here is the question:

how did the cold war affect:
1) american senses of freedom
2) american relationships with other countries

thanx everyone! :))

What were the causes of the american civil war?

The immediate cause of the U.S. civil war was the attack on Fort Sumter by South Carolina. This action was all Abraham Lincoln needed in order to call for 75,000 men to help restore the Union.

The events leading up to the war all surround the institution of slavery. The northern states had abolished slavery, and were becoming more industrialized. The southern states, however, remained dependent on agriculture. Both sides were getting along fine until U.S. territories wanted to become states. The question of whether or not new states should be allowed to join the union as slave or non slave states became a heated debate. The northern states wanted all new states entering the union to be non slave, while the southern states thought they should be able to coose for themselves.

Many people believe that the U.S. Civil War was nothing more than a war over slavery, but this is not true. The war was fought over state's rights. If the federal government could tell a state that it couldn't allow slavery, what else could they take away. The Constitution of the United States puts anything not expressly mentioned in the Bill of Rights up to the state's to determine what is best for the state. It was not until 1863, two years into the war, until Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Most people believe that this freed all the slaves, but again they are wrong. It only freed the slaves in the states who were fighting against the Union. It did nothing to free the slaves in the border states like Maryland or Missouri.