Who Were Some Famous Colonial Authors In America

Choose two authors from the early American and Colonial period. Identify what they wrote.?

I'm not sure exactly how specific this is supposed to be, but here are two from that time period.

John Winthrop (1588-1649): Winthrop was a Puritan who sailed from England to what is modern day New England. He served as governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony for many years. Winthrop kept a detailed journal of the happenings in New England. He also wrote the sermon, "A Model of Christian Charity," which basically said that the Puritans of New England needed to be an example of how to live a Godly life.

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758): Edwards was a preacher in New England. He is probably most famous for his sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." The sermon is a good example of the thinking of the Great Awakening, and gives vivid depictions of hell.

Hope that helps!

Who were 6 famous authors during the colonial period ?

Captain John Smith, he wrote firsthand of the lives of the Native Americans before the European expansion changed them forever. As the leader of the first successful colony in the New World he chronicled the pioneer spirit that led America for centuries afterward.
William Bradford, as a chronicle of the Plymouth colony he described and championed the theocracy that would define early New England.
John Winthrop, also of New England he examined and championed the divine right of the white in America something that arguably has never left us.
Anne Bradstreet, her quest to be the good Puritan wife shows us the status of women in her era, and also shows the expectations that the society layed upon women. A good lesson now!
Cotton Mather, the original dichotomy, a brilliant man who wrote hundreds of books and articles, spoke many languages and defined education for nearly 100 years. Yet he lived in terror of witches and fought vehemently for the Witch trials. His obsession went beyond paranoia.
Mary Rowlandson, she spent much time in "Indian Captivity" and her writing describes the colonia dread for the wilderness and wild.

What are some famous African authors?

Maya AngelouChimamanda Ngozi AdichieChinua AchebeCyprain Ekwensijust from the top of my head

What famous people were born in georgia during the colonial period?

Look at a list of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and you will find three Georgia natives who signed it. I know who they are and the best way you can find out is to look them up yourself.

What are some of the famous delawareans in the colonial times exept lord delaware?

Is it delawareans? Dang, I always hoped it was delaweenians.

In any case:

Colonel David Hall
Colonel Samuel Patterson
Colonel Henry Neill

This famous American is a great example of social mobility and individualism during the colonial period.?

This famous American is a great example of social mobility and individualism during the colonial period.

a) George Washington

b) Ronald Reagan

c) John Rolfe

d) Benjamin Franklin

I know its not b) and Social mobility is the movement of individuals or groups in social standing social position and individualism is Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes "the moral worth of the individual".

I am not sure what this would be john rolfe was a tobacco grower ben franklin one form the enlightment and george washington the first president general etc.

Please help and explain?

If anyone knows about the Colonial-Romantic Period?

If I'm understanding the question correctly, and at least one site gives the dates of the American Romantic period as stretching to 1870! (normally I consider the Romantic period as ending in the 1830s).

I'm going to go with the "ending in the 1830s"; here's a few ideas to get you started.

The American Revolution, of course. That's a given.

George Washington- cornerstone figure of U.S. history. The decisions he made and precedents he set are still affecting the Presidency and our nation today.

Jefferson (probably)-Without him we would not have the U.S. as we know it.

The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States
Common Sense

The Cotton Gin (responsible for the revitalization of slavery in the South, also a means of producing large quantities of cheap cotton for textile factories)

The Louisiana Purchase - Expanded the U.S.. Gave us the Mississippi and the Port of New Orleans, both important for trade, AND removed the French presence.

The other two are harder.
Possibly the War of 1812, which may have further solidified the country as well as showing that our victory in the Revolution wasn't just a fluke.

The steam engine (if this is allowable since it isn't exclusively American). The steam engine powered the most advanced technology of this era both in transportation (the train, the steamboat) and in industry/manufacturing. Although in its infancy even in the early 19th century, better transportation allowed Americans to connect with one another and to more easily ship goods to market, travel, and send and receive mail and news. This transportation would be of extreme importance later in the Civil War; it gave the North an advantage. In industry, steam engines drove the "new" power looms, saws, power for mine pumps, etc.