Why Am I Always Obsessed With Something

Why do I get so obsessed with things?

I think it is GREAT that you get obsessed with things so easily! Most average humans find mediocre balance in their life, even with their passions. There is a time and place they think about certain things and people.Being obsessed with something is a whole cosmic experience. It is healthy to run your brain through the waves of that obsession. Like a radioactive bath.The object of your obsession is not always good i.e a person, bad habit, drug, etc. But just the vibrational energy that you ooze and exist with at every moment throughout the day is one of the most powerful mental forces.Being obsessed with something is universally the SAME experience, the object becomes immaterial. I think it is necessary to KNOW, FEEL,AND LEARN what an obsession feels like so that you can do it all over again with something healthy.Don’t focus on the ‘why’ for now, just practice steering your ‘obsession laser’ right and left, upwards and downwards and sideways until you find the best object for growing your life.

Why is it that I'm always addicted to something?

I noticed that I am always obsessed or addicted to something. My step dad and I were talking about the first time we met each other. I was too young at the time to remember (I think I just turned 3), but he said one thing he noticed was that I was very obsessive. All my life, I've been obsessed with something, from having the perfect body to pop culture to sex to knowledge...I am a bit of a perfectionist, and I noticed that if I'm not obsessed with and idea or goal, I will very quickly forget about it. Obsession is like the only driving force and motivation I have. Why is it that my life is A.L.W.A.Y.S. controlled by a burdensome obsession? If I don't have one, I'll find one very quickly. WHY??


Is it bad to be always obsessed with something?

Yes, It is not good to be obsessed with something.What is obsession? Excessive will or overzealous.Whole thing is to remain in the middle. Mid way, Majjhim Nikay Of BuddhaThere are two extreme opposite poles to each thing. Take Obsession for Eg.Laziness being the first pole , Obsession being other pole.Neither Lazy nor Over activ. Come in the middle.What is Raga/. attachment witha thing, so excessive more problem with obsesion is , you become a dioer,, Karta,, Which inflates your ego , giving rise to pride.So No obsession. Search for mid way.Hope it satisfies you.

What is the best way to stop being obsessed with something?

I am in a very similar situation. I share a burning will to succeed and have what’s necessary to walk the path to get there, like you from what I have seen. I am stubborn and dedicated.I read your other questions too about how you can’t decide what you want to focus on, and like you, I keep failing to answer. I don’t know what you or I should pursue.Luckily that’s not what you asked. I don’t have a stable mechanism of relaxing myself. I keep finding different ways to do that as I lose interest in things unhealthily quickly.This is what I liked today:I recommend you read these thoughts of mine after you listen to it a little, while you still are listening:-It doesn’t necessarily make me think less.Nor does it answer any of my questions.I don’t know what it does,but I have something on my mind.-People around me don’t understand me.They don’t know that I am different.I don’t learn and do things the way they do.They want to make me like themselves.I want to show them.The way they don’t understand will come to surpass them.-Do I want this enough?I question myself a lot.Why don’t I work harder for it if I really want it?Time is running out.-Thing are going badly.And it is not okay.But I always handle it.I will show them who I am.-

Why do people become obsessed with things?

What is it that makes humans become so fixated on someone/something? and why do some people become more easily obsessive than others?

I am one of those people that become obsessed with things really easily. All my life I have gone through countless obsessions with various tv shows, movies, actors, singers, bands, songs, people, books etc...and the obsessions get so bad that I can barely think of ANYTHING else but whatever it is that i'm obsessed with. I will spend hours just searching up information on whatever it is, and if it's a song or a band I'll just play the songs over and over and over again and never get tired of them.

What makes us do that?! I always feel really weird afterwards like I'm some crazy person, but I just can't help myself in the moment!

What is it called when you're obsessed with something that scares you?

Its called: 'Get Help'

Why do i always need to have an obsession?

Why oh why do I sit in my dreary cubicle, punching numbers into a dull computer all day, drinking stale coffee and listening to the cheese-grating voice of my office worker and constantly daydream about the last vacation I had to Paris, where I ate great food, spent lots of money, had so much fun, and never wanted to leave. Siiiiiiiiiiiigh.... there must be something wrong with me.

Why oh why am i always looking for something to set my brain on fire, to light all those magic neurons, get them chemically excited, so that I can feel awake and alert and am concentrating and focused on this thing that... I dunno... maybe validates me, who I am, how I feel...why oh why am I always looking for that one thing... especially if I feel that if I don't have it, I will fade away and grow dull and eat paste all day and never ever EVER know the taste of a fresh bagel or how the sunlight reflects just so on the cafe windows at dusk.

*dramatic pose* sighhhhhhhhhh

What causes someone to obsess over things?

It is easy to obsess over something, when it becomes your only mode of focus. If someone has the ability to hyper-focus on something, and they are relatively good at what they do, then it is entirely normal for someone to "obsess" over something. Many people of high intelligence have a tendency to obsess over certain things. They want to become masters of it. They have a type of focus that is unseen in the average population. They are passionate, and they driven to dominate whatever it is they set their focus on. So obsession has to do with one's ability to focus and their innate inclination towards whatever it is they're focused on. If you are asking about what causes someone to obsess over another person, it would be pretty much the same concept.If you met someone that you liked, and they are the only person you speak to regularly with characteristics you find desirable, then all your focus would be placed on said-person resulting in a type of obsessive loop.This applies to everything. Level of interest + level of focus = obsession. It isn't necessarily a bad thing to be obsessed over something. Many great achievements are the result of someone being obsessed with their area of interest. However that's not to say all types of obsessions are healthy, but people generally know if whether or not their obsessions are beneficial. If you were to ask me, I'd say one of our greatest assets in life is our ability to obsess over something and do it relentlessly. I hope this answers your question.Good luck!