Why Am I Developing White Blotches In My Eye

What does it mean when you see white spots before your eyes?

Sudden change in blood pressure in the blood vessles around the the optice nerve will sometimes produced tiny currents that the optic nerve percieves as tiny spots. Think, were you changing position just before you noticed the tiny spots? Laying down then sitting or standing up? Sitting and then standing? Bending over then straightening up? Or do you have a cold and your nose is stuffed up? That too, can make the little changes in Blood pressure, localized around the optic nerve.

It's really nothing to worry about. Just about everyone has these but, most don't even notice it or aren't aware of it.

Raji the Green Witch

My dog is developing white patches on his black nose, is this a sign of anything?

Some dogs get "snow nose" in the winter. Labs, spaniels, golden retrievers, huskies are just to name a few breeds that have black noses can get this. There is no proven way to prevent snow nose, although some breeders swear that giving pets vitamin E and kelp will help restore the color. Sometimes getting rid of plastic food bowls and replacing them with metal or ceramic bowls since some pets may be allergic to plastic.
Once the weather gets warm then the black pigment usually comes back.

Is it normal for a dog of two years to develop white spots on the tip of the nose?

It's most likely vitelligo, which is a spontaneous ceasing of pigment production in a patch of skin. The differentiating feature is that the normal architecture of the skin is not disturbed.Scarring is another possibility; the scar tissue may have less pigment in it, such as happens with freeze branding of cattle.

My goldfish is developing red spots (like blood) under his gills near the root of the pectoral fin?

My goldfish has been very healthy for the last half a year, he's about 2 and a half years old now. the day before yesterday, he developed red steaks on fins and tail, cloudy eye, white dots on fins, and some thick white dots that looks like it could be parasites clinging on to him. I gave him the medicine I've always used to cure him, which is melafix.

Yesterday he looked better and wasn't at the bottom of the tank, the red streaks on his tail&fin disappeared , white dots were gone, thick white 'parasites' were gone, but below his belly a circular blood spot appeared, about 2cm wide, and on his fin a redish thick dot seems to be hanging on, only one though.

today, he isn't at the bottom of the tank, the circular blood spot got smaller but above it a smaller one appeared. Also, there seems to be blood under his gills near the root of his pectoral fin (where it starts), It seems the bottom of his gill is tearing, helpp? I don't know where this would fall under goldfish diseases.

I have what I believe to be a corneal infiltrate (white spot on colored part of my eye). Is it dangerous if?

My daughter had the same symptoms as you and it turned out to be ocular herpes simplex.
BEFORE you wig out at the word 'herpes' read on:
Herpes simplex virus is a common virus affecting humans. It is perhaps best known as the cause of cold sores, the facial blisters that sometimes occur following a cold or fever. The name herpes comes from the Greek word meaning "to creep", as cold sores sometimes appear to creep or spread over the face. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses. Type I primarily involves the face and eyes, and type 2 primarily causes genital infections. Each year in the United States approximately 25 million people have flare-ups of facial herpes, five million develop genital herpes. There are about 500,000 people in the U.S with a history of herpetic eye disease.
Check out the website I listed below and see if any of your symptoms match!
Good luck!

What are the risks of having a white speck on my eye?

Firstly, an important correction. It is not possible to have a white spot ON the pupil of your eye. The pupil is simply the hole in the iris (the coloured part) through which you see. It is not a black piece of the eye. It normally appears black looking at it from the outside because the inside of the eyeball is in relative darkness.So if you are seeing something white when you look in the mirror, or if someone else tells you they can see a white spot, there are several possibilities.It could just be a reflection from the cornea (the clear bit in front of the iris) in which case it's nothing.It could be an issue with the cornea itself, and this could require treatment.It could be something on the iris, and this may or may not require treatment.It could be a cataract (not a serious problem) which is a clouding of the lens of the eye which sits just behind the iris and is visible through the pupil. If this is the case then you should notice a deterioration in your vision. It's not a problem though because this is an extremely common condition that happens to almost everyone sooner of later, like grey hair, and it's very easy to fix if it's noticeable enough to be a nuisance. Cataracts can occur at any age although it is much more common in older people.It could be a problem with the retina (the light sensitive layer at the back of the inside of the eye) and this could require treatment.It could possibly be a small bump on the conjunctiva (a transparent layer covering the white part of the eye) right next to the iris which is being misinterpreted as a spot on the pupil due to thinking the iris is the pupil. If this is the case it is most unlikely to need any treatment.Since there are so many possible explanations it is impossible to give a definite answer here. The only way to know what it is is to have your eyes professionally examined by an optometrist or ophthalmologist. They will determine if it is any of these things, or something else, and what, if anything, needs to be done.

Why is my rat getting brown spots around his eyes?

Not sure what a "spluggie thing" is.. If it's like a dark red/brown color that looks kinda like dried blood it could by porphyrin. Rats sometimes get that after they wake up, it occurs commonly in rats who are sick or stressed. You can use a wet q-tip to wipe it off but usually rats will clean it off themselves.

I developed grey semitrasparent spots in my vision, what are they?

How old are you, how long have you had these, and has it been getting worse ?I am not a doctor, but let me tell you my experience, which seems identical to yours.I am now 50 years old. Since I was around 10 years old I have had some grey spots floating around in my visual field, in both eyes. These spots do not bother me at all. During the last 40 years they have not grown significantly numerous. I am seeing one right now, but only because you reminded me that they exist. My vision, is like looking at the road through a slightly dirty car windshield, or slightly dirty eye glasses, except that the dirt is floating around. The key thing for me, is that the amount of dirt has not grown significantly over the years.Your retina is the sensor array that is built into your eye. It is like the CCD in a camera, and yes, it is very important.The fact that the grey spots you are describing “float” means that they are not on your retina, but rather that they are probably slightly solidified imperfections in the liquid between the lens of your eye, and your retina. They are probably too small for you doctor to see, and if your opthalmologist tells you to not worry about them I would not loose sleep over this issue..