Why Am I Eating So Unhealthy

Why do most americans eat so unhealthy?

Fast food itself isn't typically unhealthy when eaten in moderation. There have been times I've been to McDonald's about three to five days a week. I never gained weight from it.

The reason why so many Americans gain weight is because they don't do something after eating, or they eat large quantities of food to the point where their stomach starts to expand. Drinking a lot of pop is another reason for obesity.

It is true that fast food itself isn't healthy, but only when it's abused. You can gain weight by overeating anything actually. The key to keep that from happening is to eat in moderation and to do something physically active afterward.

Eating so unhealthy lately.?

I have been eating soo unhealthy. I am 23 male.

On wednesday, I had burger king, two tacos and a jr. whooper.
On thursday, I had fatty sausage
Today, I had ramen and pizza.

I been eating cereal for breakfast as well for the past days, which is also pretty bad.
They were really pretty small portion, but I still I feel like I am eating very healthy. Any suggestions on what I should eat tomorrow so that I feel healthier. I am pretty lazy to cook sometimes.

Why am I still a normal size if I eat so unhealthy?


Why do so many teenagers eat unhealthy?

because fast food and junk food is more readily available and that is the way of the past few generations so it will be a hard habit to break for everyone

Why do some people keep eating unhealthy food even if they already know the harm?

The taste of junk food is amazing. Filled with all sorts of preservatives, fat, condiments high in sodium, and a lot more things. Again, the taste is amazing but what it does inside of you is not. I had a thing for fast food last year. I ate fast food every single day but what it did inside of me is unforgettable. I had started getting constipated because I would not drink enough water after. I would drink Coca Cola, Dr. Pepper, etc. All sorts of sugary drinks. I would eat a lot too. Triple or quadrupled patty burgers, large fries and large drinks. Then one day came where my abdomen hurt horribly. I ended up in the ER , got an X-Ray and doctors found a lot of waste stuck in me. Got told to exercise, eat high fiber foods and drink a lot of water for the waste to come out. A year later, I've lost body fat and built muscle, but my body is still recovering.Your body will tell you something is wrong but you won't listen to it. People will tell you. You will get warnings from doctors, but you probably won't remember anything until it's too late. I'm 21 and have decided to exercise, eat better and take care while I still can.

Why do I eat so unhealthy ? Can someone help me?

When you feel like snacking & get up toward the pantry, just say "No" out loud and turn around.
You need to discipline yourself.
Replace a bag of chips with popcorn sprinkled with parmesean cheese.
Replace ice cream with frozen yogurt.
And so on and so forth.
When you feel like snacking, ask yourself: Am I really hungry?
If the answer is no, don't eat. If you just want something in your mouth, chew gum. Buy a pack of gum for yourself and take a stick whenever you feel like eating. Sticks of gum are only about 5 calories per piece.
Replace original chip brands with baked chips, don't eat fried foods, keep going out to eat for special occasions only. Steer clear of things such as Fritos and Cape Cod chips - did you know they have been proven to be cancer-causing?
You can never go wrong with South Beach diet.
Basically, STAY AWAY from all the original brands of snack foods, like Lays, Hershey's, etc. chances are they are bad for you.
Always eat whole grain bread, no juices or sodas, only milk and water I guess. Fruit smoothies work wonders. Use Splenda instead of real sugar. Look for sugar free, fat free, reduced fat, etc. on labels at the store.
Good luck :-)

Why am I so unhealthy, though I eat roti more than 2 times a day on an average (vegetarian diet)?

To begin, I would like to quote John F Kennedy -'Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.'The spontaneous erroneous assumption that one conjures up, and goes on on to derisively defend, in spite of the startling evidence that one tends to neglect in favor of the deeply misguided train of thought that is relentlessly, and perhaps inaptly, pursued when faced with a prodigious conundrum, such as the one evidenced in our current endeavors, is of the relatively paltry reverberations that can be sustained after analyzing a distinctly magnanimous, contrary to some beliefs, mystery such as this one.The wisdom usually shared, would consist of the remarkably harrowing counsel to converse with the general practitioner, or perhaps the sawbones, as the uninformed would ejaculate. It is, I believe, unnecessary to expound that it would be unwise to choose to heed to this faulty counsel and instead, the alternate, and finer, proposal that is apparent to the acute observer, is to catechize a herd of innominate uncos, this profound enigma.To sum up, I would prefer to end with the immortal words of the Greek Philospher Plato -‘One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. ’

Why do people eat unhealthy food if they know it's unhealthy?

In addition to standard nursing education, I have received further training in functional nutrition, and based on my experience in working one-on-one with a number of patients with respect to unhealthy eating patterns, I will say that a lot of junk-food eaters consume their pseudo-foods of choice in order to self-soothe. Man-made foods are designed, sometimes with chemical additives and flavor enhancers, to satisfy in terms of flavor and texture, which stimulates ongoing consumption. Refined edibles further generate the release of feel-good neurotransmitters and some stimulate opioid receptors; they can impact the brain just like drugs of abuse do. What follows a feeding episode is similar to a medicated state that provides a sense of temporary relief from suffering. Like any high, it’s followed by a crash that stimulates further eating in order for the eater to re-experience the positive feelings. Foods can literally be addictive. Unfortunately, those are not the health-inducing ones.Sometimes people with chronic physical pain overeat junk foods, too, and it can be related to the pain condition and/or the emotional impacts of chronic pain (e.g., depression, feelings of hopelessness, consequences of isolation). I’ve known quite a lot of individuals with this issue, but one recent pain patient comes to mind. She overate calorie-dense, reward-center-stimulating foods almost exclusively for nearly two years (and maintained an approximate 30-pound weight gain on a tiny frame) until the source of the pain was diagnosed and resolved with surgery. Once she was pain-free, she immediately stopped self-medicating with food, lost the extra weight within a couple of months, and has kept it off since.All of us, but particularly those of us in the caring professions, need to be compassionate and understanding about the “vices” of others. They are frequently, if not usually, attempts to numb unbearable pain — emotional and/or physical — and are often sources of great shame for sufferers.