Why Am I Only Attracted To White Guys When I Am Hispanic

I am a white male I am very attracted to Hispanic women how do I meet Hispanic women . I am 25 college?

You meet them just like you meet anyone else. Be careful about getting into a serious relationship with a hispanic woman. Interracial relationships are hard, especially for the family, because the older the parents/relatives are, the more they seem to care who you're in a relationship with (based on race).

I'm white and engaged to a hispanic man and expecting our first baby. It's been rough sometimes with his family. Good luck!

I'm black but I'm attracted to whites and Hispanics? What do they like?

Regardless of what anyone claims, the vast majority of people have “in-group preference”.People generally will be attracted to people of their own ethnicity or race.That doesn’t mean that nobody is attracted to other ethnicities, different strokes for different folks after all, just that there will always be in-group bias. It’s an evolutionary adaptation, and it’s impossible to over-ride biology completely.

Why am I only attracted to Hispanic/Latino men?

For about 6 years now, I've only been wanting to date Hispanic & Latino guys. It's like they're all I'm attracted to. I'm getting to where I can't stand white American men. Black men, I don't mind. I just prefer one that is caramel colored with medium sized lips and and a medium sized nose, but prefer a guy that is from a spanish speaking country. I just find them so much more attractive and refuse to have white children. I feel horrible about my pickiness:(. I'm most definitely not racist and Hate people who are, but I can't seem to help that I strictly prefer guys who are brown. I'm half Mexican (Indian and some Spanish) and half Cherokee Indian and European. Basically I'm a balanced mixture of Indian and European blood. I am semi fluent in Spanish and live around Mexicans. I just feel really connected to that side of me. Is that probably the reason why as to how come I prefer them?

Do White girls like Hispanic guys?

Want a real answer?Instead of the other dude posting stats from a majority white dating website, thinking the people that sign up to that are a random section of the population and not people already looking to date white people.Some white women do like Hispanic men. It’s just a fact, 27% of Hispanics marry another race in the USA. And the majority group of these are Hispanic men marrying white women.1 in 5 intermarried people in the US is between a white woman and a Hispanic husband (so don’t listen to the silly racists who are not using proper data).

Why do many Hispanic girls seem to like white guys? I am not saying all do but from my experience, many seem to like white guys.

I’ve met some Hispanic women over the years who exclusively only date white guys. Yes, there is some cultural truth to the whole “mejorar la raza” ideology developed in Latin America, which in my opinion (and I’m technically mestizo so I do have some white ancestry along the line, primarily I imagine from Spain), is a bit self loathing and destructive. It puts guys of a lighter complexion on a pedestal. No dude should be put on a pedestal by a lady due to his pigmentation. I have nothing against Hispanic women dating white guys; it’s a free country (talking as an American). I don’t though agree with the premise that some Hispanic women hold where they feel a white chap is somehow more worthy of a dating candidate than a Hispanic gentleman. That notion is absurd.

Why am I so attracted to Spanish men?! (:?

you do know spaniards are just like italians Mediterraneans from europe dont you?

not tecnically THEY ARE europeans because SPain is in europe do you not understand simple evolution principles? people in hot climates have darker skins people in colder climates have ligter skin it doesnt change their race or would you consider a pale asian white just because of his skin?......

so youre saying to you italians spaniards and portuguese ppl are not european?

you think that to be white you should be pale and never been to the beach and never takenoff you shirt to get tan? more in a place like spain or italy?

of course someone in ireland is not going to be tanned if their climate is not hot

I'm only attracted to Hispanic girls.....?

Why is this a problem to some of you white women (I'm a white guy) that I find a certain group of women more attractive and choose to like them more in a romantic way? I'm not saying white girls are unattractive or don't have personalities, just that I always find myself more physically and mentally attracted to Latin women?

I've met countless white women who say they exclusively date black/hispanic/asian and other non-white men, and are more attracted to them because of their culture and features. I not only love this, but encourage more white women to do so.

Why is it, however, a double standard, when white guys do it, they criticize us for being freaks or having a fetish? Why can't we be attracted to the women because of her different looks, but also like her personality.

This happened to me with a Latina named Maria. Was I attracted to her physically(YES) but also mentally. I can still here here voice in my head, along with every word she said.

Would this above(Maria) be considered a fetish, and if so, why? When white girls can do it with know problems or question asked about fetishes...

Was my crush on Maria be considered a fetish or just a genuine attraction to a great female? If so, why?


Are Mexican and Asian girls attracted to white guys?

I'm 15 years old and a Sophomore in highschool. I'm definitly not a racist but there are no white girls that go to my school(Exaggerating) but seriously there are like none. I'm a white guy thats really only attracted to white girls, asian girls and mexican girls. There are mostly only mexican black and white girls at my school (Live in southern California so yah...) so its going to be hard to find any white girl that likes me. So do most mexican and asian(mostly filipino) get attracted to white guys.