Why Am I So Jumpy And Why Do I Feel Like I

Why am I so jumpy and scared lately?

I'm not sure when it started but not that long ago. I've been super jumpy and nervous. Whenever I hear any noise that seems unusual, I freeze up and I get really scared. Maybe dread is the right word for what I feel, but dreading what I don't know. Also I notice that I get the feeling of being watched sometimes. One of the worst parts though is seeing something moving out of the corner of my eye, it happens a lot. I could swear that something was there and I jump and get scared. Why is all of this suddenly happening, it's scaring the **** out of me

Why is my cockatiel so jumpy?

Same as my conure after she had an accident in which she lost her eye :( and broke her beak :(! two years ago. Ever since she is timid.
I try to hold her close to me as long as I can. Sometimes during day take her to bed so she can sleep on my hair when I am reading. I also try not to pick on her when she is not in the mode. It takes a very long time before she trust you again and one little thing to scare her can ruin all the work. Be patient and positive. She can feel your love and she is sensitive to your attention so you have a high chance. Look at her directly so she knows you are giving her full attention from time to time. My birds are very responsive to it.
Good luck,

Why am I so jumpy and like clinchy?

So I've noticed lately that I'm always resistant to boys fingering me.. I was like that with my ex boyfriend but I more so noticed it with my current boyfriend and we are also having problems with our sex life (previous question). Would there be something wrong with me? The fact I'm resistant to being fingered? Also my boyfriends penis smells weird all the time, I can't exactly describe the smell but sometimes it can smell kinda fishy which I really don't think is normal? What could it be? Also I don't want to say it to him so what do I do?

What can I do to stop feeling anxious or jumpy?

Breathe… simple as that may sound many people can’t breathe and the affects of that come in the form of anxiety. Human beings take in 25,900 breaths a day, that’s a lot! Yet, we never take a few moments out of our day to focus on our breathing; leveling out blood sugar levels, providing synovial fluid to our intervertebral discs to imbibition and a host of other physiological and emotional benefits.So start with breathing, deep belly breathing or “diaphragmatic breathing”. Respiration starts in the first two thirds of breath by drawing your belly out, the final third is allowing the chest to expand (to learn more about the technical aspects of to go here).Now how is breathing going to help you? Our minds are so caught in the day to day battle of, well our minds! It’s quite easy to get flustered with the continuous feedback of everyday life; talking to people, watching tv, YouTube, reading, listening to music etc. I’m not saying those are areas to blame, but your mind is constantly looking for a few things:JustificationAffirmationPragmatismExpectationGratificationTake a look at those 5 points and see if it doesn’t make you anxious or jumpy. Start with your breath, close your eyes…..breathe…..breathe down into your belly…..shut off the outside world - literally. Place yourself in a space where there are no distractions from any thing or any one.We all need time with Dr. Quiet, its through her teaching and wisdom where we can collect all the thoughts which make us ungrounded. By breathing, taking time to be introspective and allowing an inner dialogue with our inner-self to come to light, you’ll find that the anxiety and jumpiness will begin to dissipate.As a Yoga instructor and Lifestyle Coach i’ve helped many people who were diagnosed with ADHD and other psychosomatic symptoms, NOT because i’m some guru or shaman (nothing against those wonderful people) but all I shared with them was how to breathe. I invite you to do the same friend.Keep growing stronger,

Why do my stomach been jumpy feeling these last few days?

Ok, I had sex two weeks ago but the guy use a condom but the condom did not break so I don't think he *** inside me at all! My stomach been jumpy feeling like a weird feeling but I have not been sick feeling at all or anything like that!

But I been upset these last few weeks!

Why do guys get so jumpy around a girl?

Well I have a dilemma. I feel very very self-conscious when I am around guys. But I've noticed that I get attention I dont know. Usually cat calls, or often men just stare. This makes me think "oh god, are they staring at me because I am hideous?" and it makes me retreat. Thats why I've become introverted, and it has his benefits. But i'm getting older, almost 18 years old. And I haven't really.... well developed in relationships? ive had only two serious relationships, long-term. But anyway, I noticed that well certain guys just stare at me. When they see me, i look at them too. And Lock my eyes on theirs of course. One guy in particular likes to walk around and fidget and for some reason he just cannot sit still. It's a little odd watching him. He likes to make trips to the washroom and walk and pace around me a lot. Another guy.. well i approached him a couple of times and he blushed. He hasn't spoken to me YET, but he does the pacing around the room, and walking and staring/looking away. We often even bump into each other at random times

Is this a coincidence? I dont know how to deal with being self-conscious. Why does this happen? And why can't a guy that i feel an attraction to heavily can't just come up and say hello? Btw these guys are 19-20 and this happens at a study hall

Why does my inhaler make me jumpy/ feel like I'm on steroids?

So, I had a small cold that lasted three days. I feel much better now, but I still had some shortness of breath so I took two puffs of my inhaler (I have asthma). Now I feel so jumpy and kinda like I'm on steroids or something (this happens every time I take it). It's kind of weird because I'm really sleepy but at the same time I'm still jumpy (and I took it like three hours ago.
So why does my inhaler make me feel super hype every time I take it? And any suggestions on how to relax a little. I'm almost getting to the point where I don't want to use it at night because I'm going to be up all night.

Why are some people more jumpy than others?

Some people have been exposed to more threathening and dangerous situations for a longer period of time than other people. Then there is no choice but go into survival mode and be alert and therefore more jumpy if you will. When that person is taken out of the threathening and dangerous situation, the survival mode doesn't just dissappear like that and they may stay more prone to being jumpy that those who hadn't had described experience. I think I just described post traumatic stress disorder and that is a major reason (among others) for being inclined to jumpiness.

Why am i so jumpy and don't like being touched? Please answer?

For being jumpy and not wanting to be touched, you may have sensory integration disorder. Do you also not like certain textures or fabrics?
People with Asperger's can also not enjoy people touching them sometimes.
If you are feeling suicidal or paranoid, then you really should be talking to someone about that, ok? See if your parents or grandparents will let you go to a therapist to maybe work through some of this! Mental health is a gift you give yourself, so don't be shy about getting some assistance in that area!