Why Am I Such A Clean Freak

How to be a clean freak?

You can learn cleaning in "zones" with The Fly Lady.
FlyLady has divided the home up into 5 different zones. Don't worry if you think you have more than 5 zones in your own home (we all do LOL - Laugh out Loud), follow FlyLady's Zones. Her zones will hit on all the major living areas of your home. Each week, we work in a different zone. Each month, we repeat all the zones. In a few months, you will notice that the main parts of your home will look great. Then you will be ready to tackle some of the "other" areas of your home!

Move around site. She helps you work a little at a time (teaching you to be the clean freak you want to be, but in baby steps).

Why are women such clean freaks!!?

My mother is a huge clean freak, when i lived with her she will go nuts and she wanted the house to be perfect when guests were coming
My gf is a clean freak too, she criticizes me for leaving empty water bottles around our room

All my guy friends share similar stories

I am a clean freak/neat freak...i clean constantly...?

i have a life, and do other hobbies, while i am at home i just find stuff that needs to be picked up, like socks on the floor, something out of its place, just small stuff like that, vacuuming and other stuff.....yea ;)

Dont you hate clean freaks?

you have offended quite a few people.

I'm not one, but I don't see anything wrong with them. Why would you hate somebody that did nothing to hurt you? There is a difference between annoyance and hate. Hate is a very strong word. It may be annoying to you, but that's no reason to hate them.

My Mother is a clean FREAK HELP?

Well it's possible one of these things is the reality-
1. You mom is a clean freak and no one could meet her expectations, meaning unless she does it herself it is never going to be clean enough.
2. You do a fine job but since your mom deals with cleaning all day, it may be something she actually enjoys despite what she says. Cleaning is a source of peace and calm or even a therapy for some people. She may gripe at you about it not being done just so she doesn't look foolish when she repeats cleaning tasks you have already done.
3. The cleaning is fine but your mom is angry that you don't have a job so takes her frustration/ anger out on your cleaning ability rather than the real issue.
4. Your mom is right and the cleaning you do indeed do is so badly done that she really has to do it over. But, if that were the case, I think she would be giving you detailed instructions about how to do them better. For example when she rewashes the dishes does she tell you EXACTLY why? I am assuming you mean by hand as a dishwasher should do the job unless you have let food dry on them before loading and running it. If by hand, a lot of people don't use either enough detergent or hot water to cut grease or don't rinse them in very hot water and in that case, I'd rewash them too. As for floors, you say you are mopping, are you doing the corners too? Those 'paint marks stuck to the floor' might be heel marks. Are they gray or black? if so, those probably come up.

I'd suggest, since you say what bothers you most is you mom cleaning all day them coming home and cleaning again, is for you to tell her that! That is very sweet. I think most working mom's would love to have a teenage son trying to do house work and caring that they are tired when they come home. W/O anger, ask her what you are doing wrong to the dishes, floor, etc. , one at a time. If you truly are not doing it well because you don't know how, she will gladly tell you. If she won't you can rule out #4, then go from there.

Am i a clean freak or are my friends just slobs?

Okay, so you like things clean. But, the filth you describe is on the other side of the clean spectrum, it is disgusting. I agree.

There is super clean, clean, unorganized, messy and just plain filthy dirty.

I do not think you are going over board with liking things clean. Who wants to use a bathroom with other people's dirty underware on the floor or their hair in the sink or tub drain? Not me. It is gross to be subjected to other peoples dirty dishes and laziness.

I would gather up items left in the bathroom and put them in a box outside the bathroom door so your roommies have to rummage through it to find their own belongings.

You see, you have always been responsible for your personal space to be clean. Perhaps overly so, but that is not the point here. The point is that your room mates are slobs, they are.

You see, these "kids" are free from their parents and because they have probably never had to clean up after themselves or even if they were, now they don't HAVE to because there is no mommy and daddy there to tell them to do so. Also, their priorities are elsewhere, so they are capable of easily ignoring their bad habits. This new found freedom goes far and wide, beginning where they live. I bet other parts of their lives are out of control as well.

I suppose all you can do is clean up after them or put the trash bags in their room so they have to suffer from the stench. Or, put the trash in front of the door so they must take it out to get themselves outside.

The thing is that you cannot change people, you can only change your reaction to them.

You will make a future spouse happy to see that you are a clean person and like a clean environment. 99% of college students are pigs, they just are. I think it has a lot to do with being away from home and rules of being civilized. Not all, but most college kids are pathetically inept house cleaners. You see, their mom's probably cleaned up after them, so they do not quite understand that things are not self cleaning.